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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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is this calvin oscar playing some sick and boring joke? trying to make a funny? putting on a wonder bra stuffed with tissue and dressing all superdenim?!?!

this would b "cool" (meaning i'd be able to put up with it/live and let live just like with the dinks in superdenim) if you were a hetero male. at least beetle had the butch BALLS to reveal her tits... honestly just cause u have a couple masculine male-coherent fits and incorporate labels that are seemingly acceptable in the super denim forum is of no positive consequence. it may have had/been if you had pretended to be a man( but you'd still be living a lie on the internet). instead you are but a mere female who is purposely clothed like a male who in a safe standard of dress somewhat typical in superdenim. typical for a male that is (although you may think that you are keeping it real or butch, this in theory is "when keeping it real goes wrong.")

miss denim gender bender, i suppose you wear boxers and a leather belt around your chest to smother your breasts. what's the belt htc?. if edmond was skinnier and poor he'd probably date rape you and steal your shit. if you actually have a penis pls disregard this.

By this incredible stretch of logic you dress like woman

skinny jeans

tight t-shirts

your fucking tegan and sara haircut

and fatty bitch tits

do you even read/compute the shit that tumbles out of your bulbous head and onto your keyboard?

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Ok. Someone PM me or something when this 2 page argument about to happen is over.

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what makes this match up even better is that the oppenents are seemingly respected members, with allies on both sides. will this divide there base? its not that hella hyphy just called jmatsu out, he elevated his argument with personal attacks, will people side with the "hipster pretty boy" or the "shit talking swami"? how will jmat get his personal jabs in? what ammo does jmat have against hyphy?

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I just thought i`d respond in a manner that Jmatsu might be able to understand- demonstrate the contradiction his style and appearance poses to the comments he made concerning thereletivity.

edit: bring the ruckus

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when you called out his "bitch tits", you made it a personal beef. you gotta fight this one out now man, especially for our entertainment. I suggest readying your best defenses. tho there is a chance jmat will come soft.

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hella hyphy is hella hot in rl and has a cool accent BUT jmatsu is like one of the sufu ancients, emerging from his tomb only to own noobs... but matt.. hes no nooob.... shit this is gonna be intense *straps on blogging helmet, slams cage door shut* welcome to the blogosphere, bitch

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I dont know, yall. hyphy sounded like he wasn't up for the battle in that explanation post. Its not like your ne random up and comer who got lucky with some superficial reps. you got sufuexperiance. im sure you are well vetted to handle this hyphy, just believe in youself.

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