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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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sufu providence:

black jackets

black jeans

white shoes

we got recognized, that was odd

Especially since I think we wear the same jeans?

providence represent

anyway and so another year until the next Servo WAYWT begins

hai frenz

good meeting you guys. sorry i had to run.

we should do something in the near future.

i couldn't really see in the dark that well, but i like your jacket, servo!

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wh/a77/canada po-lice

sagged more after pic was taken

man . . . i don't wanna be to harsh here or anything, but your lack of shoulder is so emphasized by the stitching on that sweater that it's all I can really look at . . .

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I like the jacket and jeans and overall silhouette except the shoes; they look big and plasticky. Too new maybe? Other than that, pretty good.

i actually kinda feel u on this. like u, i have many shoes in rotation. so these are pretty crisp. i doubt its a matter of them looking more filthy or worn in...probably more of a size issue (which cannot, in my case b helped).

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