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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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  junglejane said:
OMG I was reading TFS and I found Westside's WAYWT in the Nu-Rave thread.

http://www.thefashionspot.com/forums/f49/nu-rave-51665-6.html post 114

westie, it appears you are the fashion forum equivalent of JLo wearing the green versace dress at the grammys.

holy shit...this is getting out of hand. my conservative preppie douchebag friends can't find this...

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  JERM said:

80s California pull over

levis 514s


Ok, Im confused. Why are you wearing something totally different in the regular waywt?And why is this the same post of your fit from yesterday? I need a drink.

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chard, out of control like all your posts. Question: size of your supreme shirt? Dum was just saying his is medium, and he's 5'11 and it looks huge. Aren't you like 5'8 with a medium, or you manage to find an impossible small?

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  kenthenoob said:
awesome fits and photos, jpgm.

i'm getting that vampiric vibe. just awesome.


  maxmax said:
jpgm - do you know of any online stores sell that calibre knit?

i dont think calibre sell anything online unfortunately. you can check them at http://www.calibreclothing.com.au

  apu said:
jpgm: are we gonna see u smile for once?

sure :D


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  GiZMO said:
chard, out of control like all your posts. Question: size of your supreme shirt? Dum was just saying his is medium, and he's 5'11 and it looks huge. Aren't you like 5'8 with a medium, or you manage to find an impossible small?
His is a medium - tees aren't made in a small, only select cut and sew pieces are.

Anyways - dum is a twig, and supreme tees say "preshrunk" but they have the ability to shrink nearly a whole size.

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