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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Holy shit, I swear to god surburban houses in California are identical. One time, I accidentally walked into a house other than the one I was staying in after a jog. The back door was unlocked. I sat on the couch and it took a cat that I didn't know resting on my lap to make me realize I wasn't supposed to be there.

Let me guess. Through that doorway is a living room of sorts, where the front door is.

If I'm wrong, at least the kitchens are identical.

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Guest bambam
Fuuma and the other guy look like they're just schlepping around for Chant......like they're his hair & makeup team or some shit

fuuma fits been on point in chant pics lately

chant makes the rest of his crew look like hobbits/tag along concept though

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thats not a knife

this is a knife

That's not a knife, that's a spoon.

I see you guys have played knifey spoony before. Well played to both of you

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he's dedicated, even has denim curtains. lookit them fadezzzzz.

but for real i love farmer he does street well.

or does farm well who knows.

lol at denim curtains.

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