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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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  Sayword said:
pretty tame. I feel if someone is gonna try to pull those off, might as well go balls to the walls with some outrageous pieces.

like a full on metal suit.

yeah wormy you gotta wear a crazy ass BW/Bierendonck outfit with those

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I honestly hate when laces are done up all parallel like that. It's just dumb looking and isn't very easy to tighten/lace/tie. But I also have the eye-hand coordination of a drunken kid with Down's, so what do I know?

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  geekbonchic said:
I honestly hate when laces are done up all parallel like that. It's just dumb looking and isn't very easy to tighten/lace/tie. But I also have the eye-hand coordination of a drunken kid with Down's, so what do I know?

Trust me, I don't like it either, but I came to realize that parallel looks a lot better on CP's in my opinion. I lace everything else the normal way.

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  farmer said:

Home now, chillen.:)


I always admire how balanced and effortless your fits are. Then I realised that I've never seen a worn pair of sneaks on you. Then I saw a thread where you were selling tons of them.

Your excessive sneaker fetish puts your fits into perspective. In a good way actually.

Oh, and good luck with your fields. It looks really bad.

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originally posted by ojjairus


originally posted by scott.M viewpost.gif nope.10char

  Sayword said:
10 char.


My vote is for nice as well. I've repped Jon's Coffee a few times I think. I always dig his fits.

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JCS's fits are consistent.

i love them cause its something i would wear, so i can relate.

At the end of the day, its button up, jeans, and CP's. there's nothing really offensive about that.

And i think i'm the only person that absolutely hates those Raf boots. Probably just cause they would never fit in with my style.

At the end of the day:

Happy Canada Day (one day late) to all my Canucks

Happy 4th (2 days early) to all my Yanks

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