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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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they b roomy in da thighs but severly tapers past da knee

kind of like how my tsubis van winkles fit

4 real? van winkles b mad mad slim! i do a 30 in vanwinks and all ksubis. what should i wear in rls. the reason i ask is cause sometime during sales rl is stupid cheap and the only way i'm gonna buy raw denim again is if shit is cheap.

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To class and later tear up a 40 person team beer pong tournament. Yea, that's how i roll on mondays. No coach party but hey, it's something.

slight different pic in reg


drkshdw jacket

SoG tee

drkshdw jeans

double identity sneaks

robi and jmatsu looking good. I wish the sleeves were a bit shorter and slimmer on that jacket though, j.

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That the ndg helmet bag? Doesn't look as bad as the online pics i've seen. I always liked the color blue ndg and s2a used. Just couldn't find it on sale for cheaper.

Also, that vibskov trench looks pretty solid.

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REAL peasant status. I'm terribly tired and will probably be equally or tired for the next 4 weeks. It's comfort-mode time.

just label "peasant status" only. no need for the "REAL," cause this lacks the necessary realness. yeah no doubt u dressin underpriviledged as fuck, but the real peasant status be homeless vagabonds and junkies and shit. unless u get on yr knees to suck dick for a mere 40oz that is.

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