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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Take it easy drinking all that beer Clopek.

One day your metabolism is going to come to a complete stop and all that beer drinking will catch up with you. :)

if by "one day" you mean "4 years ago", i agree

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vintage adolfo cardigan, boob tube, miu miu skirt, dvn buckle slingbacks

Jane, much of your appeal comes from your subversion of the expected considering your age. That you dress with a refinement and confidence beyond your years makes you a wonderful anomaly, like walking into a greasy spoon diner and getting a four star meal.

That being said, this fit is retrograde. The tube top reminds me you're sixteen. You're wearing your age like candles on a cake.

Maybe you don't mind that, but it never seemed like your intention was to dress your age.

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it's never been my intention to dress 'older' but it is my intention to dress in a way that disassociates myself from my generation and peers

the tube top was meant to be a foil to the adolfo jacket-nancy reagan always wear adolfo-so i thought it'd be cool to make it a little slutty. know what i mean?

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i totally got what the tube top was about and thought it was sort of genius.

matter fact, if you could just do this all the time, it would be great. like, wealthy cracked-out gin n' tonic breakfast grandma meets 15 year old prosti-teen in a

dusty southern drive-in parking lot.

thanks boo.

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it's never been my intention to dress 'older' but it is my intention to dress in a way that disassociates myself from my generation and peers

the tube top was meant to be a foil to the adolfo jacket-nancy reagan always wear adolfo-so i thought it'd be cool to make it a little slutty. know what i mean?

Don't take this the wrong way, but you don't yet have what it takes to carry a sexually powerful look.

Possessing the confidence and presence to inhabit a "slutty" look without degrading yourself is the work of a strong woman.

Yours looks like exactly what it is, a girl in a tube top. No juxtaposition.

I have no doubt you'll be there in the future. You're working so far ahead of what most of us were doing at that age. I also don't mean to talk down to you. It's just that some restrictions can't just be dressed away.

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i said a little slutty 'not sexually powerful'....i know my limits! but i do know what you mean; i don't look slutty, im just showing a little more skin than expected and at the end of the day i always look a little 'sweet'. interesting stuff though...and thanks, i guess.

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Don't take this the wrong way, but you don't yet have what it takes to carry a sexually powerful look.

Possessing the confidence and presence to inhabit a "slutty" look without degrading yourself is the work of a strong woman.

Yours looks like exactly what it is, a girl in a tube top. No juxtaposition.

I have no doubt you'll be there in the future. You're working so far ahead of what most of us were doing at that age. I also don't mean to talk down to you. It's just that some restrictions can't just be dressed away.

i think you're trying to read way too much into what is just a simple juxtaposition of young and trashy with old and classy that i think is totally working. especially considering whereabouts the globe she is located, tube tops aren't even entirely the bastion of slutdom-- toterly weather propers.

her look DOES look exactly like what it is... a girl in a tube top with what would otherwise be a stuffy-as-fuck jacket over it. and you know what? that is fun as all hell.

if i saw this on some girl i'd immediately ask her if she wanted to run away and join the carnival or drive in one direction until the gas tank was near empty and be the kind of best friend that i can go on adventures with and nervously try to kiss behind a ferris wheel after stealing cotton candy or trust not to laugh at me when we find a pond to skinny dip in.

the look isn't supposed to be sexual proclivity tamed, i personally think it is more about taking the grandma smell out of the adolfo with a spritz of fresh

young flower smell.

you're getting MAD CATHY HORYN right now son, have you been reading a lot of IHT lately?

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dear jane,

i know 22 is probably old and gross to you, but, you wanna run away and join the carnival or drive north until the gas tank's empty? we can tell each other secrets and maybe eat a fried oreo or two along the way.

we'll have to nix the kissing and skinny dipping, because i don't think i'd take well to texan prisons. mostly because the inmates would take well to supple, boyish ass.



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IHT -- international herald tribune

... you're probably still confused, right?

it makes sense, trust me.

just browsing this and i was confused too. i didnt think it was gonna turn 'high-brow,' never heard of cathy horyn. i just assumed that you mis-spelled catty and horny. ignore this post and carry on.

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