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Are there any good quality umbrellas in Sydney?

I want to spend $150 or so on a nice timeless style umbrella that will last me forever. Im sick of running from awning to awning or using a cheap flimsy deal.

I like classic looking black ones (or black with a light pinstripe) with a nice timber handle. I cant say Ive ever looked for them before. Anyone know? David Jones?

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Are there any good quality umbrellas in Sydney?

I made a thread about umbrellas a little while back - didn't really get a great response - turned comedic very quickly. I think there were a few good rec's so maybe search for it.

I know DJ's on Market street has a bunch of umbrellas but I don't know what they are like - I haven't even bothered to actually look in a real store... i buy 98% of everything online including groceries.

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hey guys, i'm new here. i sort of lurked around for the past 2-3 months or so.

i saw someone posting about the fully stoked website, has anyone ordered online from em ? i know the answers is prob 5-10 pages back but i couldn't find it when i skimmed thru :confused:

and oh, yes i do live in sydney and i study in unsw as well :rolleyes:

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Hey maen, yep i ordered from fully stoked, its american apparel relabelled. good service though, and they have some nice policies for the environment.



Warehouse Clearance of samples and last years stock of paperdenim & cloth, cheap monday, ksubi, blue cult, splendid, ella moss, earnest sewn, sacred blue, corpus, chip & pepper. Mens & Women's jeans, tees, sweaters, jackets, dresses, tops, skirts & more. Prices starting from $10.

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They take Visa. XD Gotta check this out this weekend.

edit: I found a store in the City that is selling silver and gold Chucks. Gahhh!! But one of the employees at the store bought the silver pair. The gold pair is still up for grabs at $220, which I would buy in a heartbeat but they only have size 9.5 :(

I'm a size 12/13.

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hey superhero thanks for the info.. i was about to order some basics but then i realized my credit card expired on 31st of November.. it sucks.

anyway regarding the sale, couple of my friends went there on thursday and they said the price was pretty good, too bad i'm kind of broke right now. i wanted to get a pair of CMs tho :/

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about the sale

there's still quite a bit of CM left. 50 bucks for the jeans. i saw one pair of black ksubis in 29. some earnest sewn and corpus. i believe the corpus jeans were going for about 30 dollars. (don't quote me on that!)

ended up getting nothing because i just didn't like the colours/cuts etc, that and i was hoping for more shirts or whatever. there's mostly jeans, hardly anything else. some CM jackets.

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Just got back from a weekend in Orange.

I scored those Uniqlo S-000 of Vee Dub last week.

Very plesent to deal with, and very accomodating.

The S-000 are simmilar to Thin Finns. Lower rise and yoke. One inch difference. Slightly larger knee and hem opening. They stretch like crazy, but I was after something a little looser then my Thin Finns. Much darker slubbier denim.

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Hey they sound good Corey - I plan to get a pair to turn into shorts with little selvedge cuffs but now im thinking they are to good for that!! They seem to be the cheapest selvedge option though... wonder what i will be able to do with the cut off leg tubes?!

Is anyone else dissapointed with the new Ksubi collection?? After seeing shots from the show i was actually excited by them for the first time in 3 years but handling the garments left me more then displeased. I really like one pair of jeans but $500+ for ksubi? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

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Just got back from a weekend in Orange.

I scored those Uniqlo S-000 of Vee Dub last week.

Very plesent to deal with, and very accomodating.

The S-000 are simmilar to Thin Finns. Lower rise and yoke. One inch difference. Slightly larger knee and hem opening. They stretch like crazy, but I was after something a little looser then my Thin Finns. Much darker slubbier denim.

haha sorry i didnt know they stretch that much. I hope u like it, tbh very good selvage denim from jap and right amount of slubbiness to make it comfortable. I need s002 to fit my big legs.

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No problem vee_dub. I thought they would stretch anyway. Perhaps crazy isn't the best word. Like A.P.Cs, if they are tight they will stretch to a fitted state. I wanted something like this for more dressy occasions, and just lazing around.

I'm a 34 in TF and I got the 34 in S-000. I was easilly able to do the buttons up on the S-000 from the first time. I'd say they've streched an inch around the waist since then. I'll need a belt. My TF in 34 were tight from the get go, but streched out very quickly aswell. still tighter though. I don't wear a belt.

If you want a Thin Finn like fit, I would probably size down by one.

I ment to say "lower rise, and higher yoke" before.

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Those look great corey... I would be tempted but im already planning on the new seXi04 and some skull 5507's. By the way would anyone let me know if a 19cm; as in the seXi04 similiar to diors will look stupid on a size 32 waist. My legs arnt huge but are not skinny. Do you need to be super skinny to wear it? Im a pretty average aussie build, just shy of 6'2.probably should ask in the dior thread but meh.

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depends on how much you size down...personally, diors are meant to be worn slouchy, low on the hips because of the anti-fit in the ass area. I think mike lowrey is a similar build to you, and his early waywt with his dior 21cms was one of the main reasons I ended up buying diors because I like the way it fitted on him. also see tragicbliss in the dior thread.

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