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  corey said:
Thanks for the ebay link nlim3842. It's so hard to get decent dress shoes in Australia at a decent price.

Has anyone ordered anything of Zappos before? Experiences? Which proxy did you use?

I bought a pair of shoes from them a couple years ago. Not bad, no surprises with sizing or anything. Plenty of photos and detail so you can tell exactly what you are getting.

You should use darkanimal for US proxies. Highly recommended, I've done 1 order with him so far and just about to do another one. Shoot him a PM after he gets back from vacation 1/6.

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  apu said:
lol, its just too much effort, u gotta snap the fotos, transfer to ur comp, upload to photobucket or something

plus, some of us dont even have money to afford a camera after blowing all the cash on other material goods like denim and shoes

too true, I think I'm one of the last people to own a digital camera. I posted once before and I might do it regularly if I wasn't always wearing the same thing everyday. Otherwise I'll get called out like jmatsu did to Pogi!

  apu said:
from the posts i've seen, i think there are around 10 sydney futurians here?

you organising a sydney sufu meetup :D ?

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dont mind organizing a SYD meet up event, probably around when uni exams end or something (not that i go to uni but seems like a few of us are)

we can choose a nice place thats convinient and affordable to dine/drink and talk abt what futurians talk abt... denim and all that

or we can even go pubbing and pick up a few korean chicks since they are rather abundant in the city nowadays

anyway, post what u'd prefer and where, by the time we get a clear idea of the meet up, its probably a month or two down the track anyway!

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  Comma H said:
I used to have 2000 bookmarked. Seems like they are slow with updates though.

Yeah they have been recently. Kinda stopped checking when my work computer got upgraded and I didnt import my bookmarks but it came up in a google search today.

Is the Calivin Klein sale 'Calvin Klein Jeans'? Have to go into the city after work so I might check it out. Hope that it's not all from their jeans label.

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  LaiShin said:
Myers and David Jones are having their mid-season sale...25% off

update on the CK sale pls. I may go tomorrow.

I'm leaving work now and will check it out tonight.

Will report back tonight/tomorrow.

if any brother sufuers are there yall know what I look like from waywt but i will be wearing my pbjs, and a purple sweater with and orange/red check flannel shirt underneath. Although my cheatah print nikes may stand out a little more.

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RE: CK sale.

I just came from there and on my way home now. There is plenty of gear but it looks to be the rejects of the designer sale they had up in Chatty a short while ago.

The only decent looking denim jeans I found were a pair of Wranglers.

On my way down I saw so many people exit empty handed. I guess that says something.

I left empty handed too.

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  apu said:
so when is Syd gonna have a descent sale?

there is the ksubi one rite?

I've never had faith in Sydney's sales.

The only other times I find great pick ups are when the public is never informed. I just happen to walk into a random store at the right time.

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oh... there was ONCE that i bought a pair of shoes from Bally at their end of year sale, not too bad for 50% off

OH..... happy BDAY POGI!

didnt realize its ur big day until i saw in another thread

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haven't been to ourspt in ages - want to go soon, mostly to check out sizing on common projects and hopefully end up getting some online.

There is a stussy store on Oxford? Whereabouts and since when? I'm not really a fan of the brand but I'm interested in checking it out. Maybe some good limited edition stuff.

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It's in Brisbane Street at the previous Supply's location. Also where Supply held their stock clearance sale.

I haven't been in there, just had a glance from outside before they were open...saw aplenty of tees in rows of thrift-store-kind-of-clothes-hanger. Seems decent.

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Happy B'day pogi!

Where would I start looking for a nice one-button blazer in sydney? A guy I know recommended some of the places in Paddington but I forget their names right now. I want something high quality, in a similar style to the Dior or Filippa K ones.

Id actually buy one if those brands if I could find them in Sydney.

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