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Emotional reason for washing...?


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I feel like I have been here too long to ask a question about washing time, but this one is more complicated. Over the weekend i was involved in a pretty big and devastating bus accident (if you're in canada or the DC area you have probably heard of it). I was wearing my eternals as always, and am now deciding on whether or not to wash them. On the one hand, they carry some pretty crazy memories now (which i get every time i put my finger through the hole my cell phone forced in my pocket in the crash), but on the other hand i think it would be kind of cool to not wash them just to keep the memory alive. hence, i need advice on whether or not to wash, help me out.

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One of the big reasons I got into dry denim was because of how personal it is. On my old nudies I can trace back holes and tears from nights out and trips Ive gone on and even accidents as well. I roughed up my knuckles once, and theres still blood stained inside my pocket, and everytime I look at it I get all warm and fuzzy.

Just patch the hole and keep on wearing them. Its added character to your jeans and, if it is emotionally distressing to you, just remember they are only a material possession. An expensive, beautifully made material possession.

PS. Washing them will only get rid of the dirt, smell, and some of the indigo. Its not going to take away the memories.

PSS. Sorry to hear you were involved in the crash, I hope you and whoever you were riding with are safe and sound!

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just take a look at some of the amazing fades which comes thru no washes at all... dont wash, a bus crash is another amazing story for a pair of jeans... dont wash imo...

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I washed my RRDS when my grandmother died.I was caught in a rainstorm and decided to go with it. I think once perspective is that if you wash them, the wear on them afterwards is you going on from that experience.if that makes sense..kind of a new slate,not to whipe the old one clean, but traumatic experiences bring on new forms of thought....

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just take a look at some of the amazing fades which comes thru no washes at all... dont wash, a bus crash is another amazing story for a pair of jeans... dont wash imo...

Aye, I planned to wash my Levis at 6 months... now I'm nearly there they don't seem to smell as bad as they did two months ago, so it's onto a 12 month target.

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thats sort of how i time when to wash my jeans

i usually go the first 6-9 months with no wash

but within that 6-9 month period something notable or potent will happen in my life

and thats when i decide to wash

or sometimes when its about starting over with some things

i had a very shitty year last year

and at new years i just wanted to do my best

to turn shit around for everyone

so i started with turning shit around for one of the very important things to me


and so i washed those new years day

also, not a dry jean but one of my favorited washed jeans

its an armani jeans j05, the softest thing ive ever owned

and its never broken down on me

and then my friend adn i got in a crazy golf cart accident

and ended up crashing into lake livingston goin like 40, which in a golf cart feels like 80

and after that i decided it would be a good time to wash those

i say emotional reasons for washing are the way to go.

fuck time.

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If you're at all spiritual, or even superstitious, you can have them blessed by any holyman that you choose. Explain to them how much the jeans mean to you and then explain to them the horrific accident, they'll probably do some kind of "purifying" ritual.

Maybe that'll make you feel better.

Maybe not.

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Over on the other SF I posted the night I nearly got mugged and had my head kicked in a little. Blood (some his, some mine) on the 5 pocket, a small hole on the right leg, and mud all over the knees (which turned the denim light blue after flaking off) is what I had to show for it. That was a good 4 months back; didn't wash it then, haven't since.

The only thing visible today of that altercation is the hole as everything else has faded.

Let nature take its course.

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its really your choice ya know

but i say let the process ride out dont wash em any sooner then you would have other wise let the jeans tell there story and shit i mean if you dont like teh story atthe end theres always another pair

I did 10 months in my first pair of nudies no wash and when i was finished i was like shit i dont wanna wear these anymore cause they were baggy and i was ready to move on and i got another pair

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