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^ sounds like you have a sweet life

loners are my favorite people

oh same same....

i hunch over my ipod alone all day too

and people are scared i spear them with my balenciagas


fashun is a lonelllyyyyy liiiifeeee

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no, don't u know we're gold diggers

i actually got those balenciagas for such a good deal (450!!!) because one was missing a harness and got sent to a neimans outlet in the trashiest mall in texas-it was a major score

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kunk sounds good.

i'll send the money via wire transfer right now.

you can send the shoes to my P.O. box on monday

dum come on ova and holla I can get you a job workin 50-60 hours a week doing nothing and taking 2 hour lunches for PHO and then Carls Jr. milkshakes

fake edit - 900 posts lol

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