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where/how did hampsters, gerbils, guinea pigs live before humans domesticated them?

i just have this image in my head of little heards of hampsters roaming the plains or some shit like that...

or were they perhaps more of a woodland type animal?

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where/how did hampsters, gerbils, guinea pigs live before humans domesticated them?

From the internets - where hamsters come from and what they did before they got here...

  • Wild golden hamsters: come from parts of Europe and Asia.

  • Syrians. These hamsters live in the Middle East desert and rocky areas. They have hot days and cold nights. There isn’t much food and water and the animal is nocturnal so they can escape the daytime heat. Their burrows are in deep sand and they live alone. The female will hoard food so that when she has pups, there will be food in the burrow.

  • Campbells. These hamsters live in Mongolia on deserts and sand dunes. There are hot days and cold nights there with very cold winters. They are totally covered with fur. They look for food at night and come home by dawn. They use other animal's burrows and redecorate by adding more tunnels for air and escape. They make an extra nest when the female is pregnant so that the new litter gets its own. Nests are made with grass or wool.

  • Winter Whites [siberian]. These hamsters live in Siberia. They live on flat land with short grass. There are not many people and these hamsters are not afraid of humans. In snow, they can change their fur color to white so that they blend in better. The female will live with two males in a burrow and the males will help with the babies.

  • Roborovskis. These hamsters live on flat, sandy soil. They are nocturnal. Their burrows are not deep and enemies have an easier time preying on them. They can run faster than most hamsters because they have longer legs.

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when you're looking at some clothes, shoes, or SOMETHING

and someone with you is like "i don't think you could pull that off"

and even WORSE is when they say "that's more of soandso's style"

i can wear whatever the fuck i want, and i will wear it better than you (is that even possible?)


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thank you, cdc


Funny, I used to know a lot of those guys in high school. Deth Vegetable is a really nice guy in person, despite all the bruhaha about that kid who died from making a pipe bomb based on his instructions.

EDIT: just got to the part where they interview the dude from the l0pht, I was wearing my l0pht grill-a-thon t-shirt yesterday. How apropos.

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thats exactly what i was talking about. soo good.

random thought: its shower time, now how many times has cat stevens been ripped off for his song father and son. i know flaming lips fight test. but some random rilo kiley song that i hadnt heard before (no prob in that) sounds just like it as well. poor guy.

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Anyone ever wonder why fried chicken gets so hot when you microwave it? Like, way hotter than if you were heating up leftover chinese or whatevs.

Maybe because of the oil used to fry it that it retains.

MF Doom's mask looks like the one Russel Crowe wore in Gladiator...

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