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the asian way:

10$ see 3-4 movies

smuggle in a meal and your child underneath your trench coat

leave the theater dazed after 8 hours

you forgot the ridiculously large purse bag fill with food in tied up grocery bags

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when I went back to hk, I watched a movie in the theatre and there was no one in there but me and my cousin. she says it's cos the movies are pirated so fast that it's actually out on disc to buy (if you're too lazy to wait and d/l) while the movie is in theatre.

I was up last night trying to get my stuff on sephoras friends and family but the server kept crashing :/

it was rainning so bad outside that the stairs became mini waterfalls and the ground a shallow one inch pool. saw this lady go out with an umbrella that looked like it belonged to a toddler.

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oh god. so i went to the apple store to get my 3 year old white macbook fixed for the millionth time and they told me they could 1.) make the repair or 2.) give me a new one. FUCK YEEAAAAH. i told him to give me the best they got. paid $600 for the best 13 inch macbook pro + apple care. so good. so happy right now.

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oh god. so i went to the apple store to get my 3 year old white macbook fixed for the millionth time and they told me they could 1.) make the repair or 2.) give me a new one. FUCK YEEAAAAH. i told him to give me the best they got. paid $600 for the best 13 inch macbook pro + apple care. so good. so happy right now.

whaaaat. did you have apple care on your old one? i have the same generation macbook and i seriously need a new one. how can i get in on this deal??

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i did have apple care, but it'd expired months ago. the thing with apple care is that say your warranty ends today, you bring it in today for repair, they will extend it for another 3 months. so basically within that 3 month period, i had to keep bringing it in. they were reading over my repair history and realized how fucked it was so they decided to spare me and grant me a replacement. and so i just got the newest one. go big or go homeeee

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I am thinking about changing phones and getting the iphone or HTC hero... but after seeing pix of how delicate they are i kinda want to just get one of these sturdy muthafuckas



it's gonna look TDF when I pull one out of a clutch at a party

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