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I for one am sad that best buy will not be honoring the price of 9.99 for a samsung 52in flatscreen. I ordered 2 right after the price came up last night, hoping to slip it by before the crush of people. Sadly, they have a policy for online orders which allows them to "revoke or change" the price of any item.

Knew it was too good to be true but tried my luck anyways hahaha

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I had expressed interest in buying some Aesop shampoo the other day thinking it'd be like $30 a bottle, turns out I was wrong as my girlfriend went out today while i was doing Temple of Jawnz stuff and she brought me home the whole set - the large pump bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body shampoo, hair treatment, and body balm, this is $500 worth of soap basically, the hair treatment was $150 and shampoo and conditioner that much as well. I am gonna go take a $30 shower in a second, lol.

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Yeah all that stuff is expensive here, there's a tax plus more tax on it. If it's not Korean, then it has some sort of protectionist tax on it here, usually the price comes out a little less than double.

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Was watching this movie the other night called "Hank & Mike", has anyone seen it? Classic movie, easter bunnys, funny as hell..anyway there is a scene where one of the dudes is doing coke off a birds boob... the sentence "hey it's djrajio" popped into my head.

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platoon is the biggest piece of fucking shit movie EVER



Apocalypse Now is good. tiresome sometimes, but still good.

mass, check out Combat Shock. Great Vietnam grindhouse film, filmed in my old hood, right in the slums of Shaolin.

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Apocalypse Now is good. tiresome sometimes, but still good.

mass, check out Combat Shock. Great Vietnam grindhouse film, filmed in my old hood, right in the slums of Shaolin.

the only 3 war films i like are apocalypse now (non redux), the thin red line and paths of glory

haha combat shock, that shit is directed by buddy giowhatever

just watched life is hot in cracktown a couple weeks bcak

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