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green ranger was the shit.

that gold armor he had was bad ass.

the rest of the rangers looked like toys when he was around.

aite so what the hell was up with him anyways? like he showed up a couple of times and he got his own bigass zord and shit. everyone else was fucking novice compared to him

I only remember them

red: white guy

blue: black guy, white guy with black hair

yellow: black girl or asian girl

green: guy also = white??

black: azn guy??mixed??

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aite so what the hell was up with him anyways? like he showed up a couple of times and he got his own bigass zord and shit. everyone else was fucking novice compared to him

I only remember them

red: white guy

blue: black guy, white guy with black hair

yellow: black girl or asian girl

green: guy also = white??

black: azn guy??mixed??

nah, nah.

it was

red: white guy

blue: white guy

green/white: white guy

black: black guy

yellow : asian girl

pink: white girl

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So people are dressing up like superheroes in an effort to fight crime and the news is all about it....

Fuck me

I give it a week before someone gets capped, then they will all retreat home and back to their computers to get back to World of Warcraft

Lets see Shadowhare drift into the projects after dark and see if he is fast enough to dodge bullets. Probably the only thing keeping him alive is the fact that he is not perceived as a real threat

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So people are dressing up like superheroes in an effort to fight crime and the news is all about it....

Fuck me

I give it a week before someone gets capped, then they will all retreat home and back to their computers to get back to World of Warcraft

Lets see Shadowhare drift into the projects after dark and see if he is fast enough to dodge bullets. Probably the only thing keeping him alive is the fact that he is not perceived as a real threat

had to google that to believe it.


mega lols. they have the body of a world of warcraft player too.

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today I went to buy singtao for my mom. normally she buys it but she's a bit preoccupied so I went to the grocery store near geneva/mission and some dude said "lay ho lang lui" which kinda caught me off guard cos he wasn't asian. a few steps ahead there was a group of guys..filipino I think..and one of them goes "lay ho ho"

I was tempted to ask did you just say how do you do hoe??

but my policy is always to keep walkin' and pretend I don't speak English.

funny thing was they were speaking Cantonese. at least they didn't say "ni hao" but I don't think they could tell the difference between china girls and hk girls..just happens whoever they asked to teach them taught them Cantonese.

now that I think about it, if I started speaking fluently in Cantonese how would they respond?

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haha yo this was the joint, i still bump it (0)

budden's first album wasn't bad either. he blamed the flop on people being confused cuz he changed his name from joe buddens to joe budden.



i fuck with buddens cause we're both depressed and from jersey so it works.

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today was a puppy party at my house! my brother's friend brought over his dog, i wish more puppies came over :( barbecued oysters, burgers and hot dogs. watched game 1 of finals boring as fuck. gonna go clubbing foreal foreal for the first time tonight ;D

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