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Hey, at least you're old enough to be independent and give some support.

Shit happened to the family when I was in grade school. Dad had to split around the same time, too. Times was rough and tough like leather.

What she was really helping me with, aside from giving me a roof to live under was college shit.

How am I going to afford my juice cycle now, damn...

Manny Pacquiao must win. He fights with my will and the will of many others in his fists.

The people's fists.

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Fuck man, my mom got laid off.

We fucked.

Yo my mom is having the opposite problem... she can't find work. Her last job ended a little more than 2 years ago, and she went on sabbatical, but then the market dried up and non-profits are losing more money these days than any other NGO's in the not-for-profit market. She's highly qualified, but nothing's biting... she does some private consultation, but its not much of a supplement. She worked every day from 14 until 50... she's having a bit of a hard time with the reality of not working for so long :(

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the coachella line up is ridiculous. i think i might go this year.

wow, mccartney and moz on the same day?!?! the cure + 03870944 bands

im definitely going.....i gotta find a way to have my work fund this trip too....fuucckkk. Im going

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i'm 80% through an entire bag of my avatar. I'm thinking of stopping now, and eating the rest tomorrow morning but might just finish em' off tonight and get it over with

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just realised i found a whole set of fork-knife-spoon randomly in the street while walking home at 5am this morning. also one of my friend gave me her used-as-a-carpet-in-the-club cardigan, dunno why. the sleeves are a bit too short but it looks ok on me haha.

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when you look in there tomorrow, and

you find 20% (more like 13% and 7% fucking crumbs)

you're gonna wish you killed him when you

had the chace,

That's the wonderful thing about my avatar chips. The crumbs might be the best part. So concentrated with beautiful flavor :cool:

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Baked lays sour cream n onion.

I think in an old bill simmons article/mail bag from like 4 years ago he also agreed they were the best chips of all time. The baked lays sour cream and cheddar are good too but leave an annoying orange residue on your fingers.

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wait, so if i update my itunes and it now has Genius, when i plug my ipod in, does it pick it up?

cause its playin artists of the same variety one after the other and either its coincidence, or like, it picked up the Genius.

also, my right arm has been going numb recently, as are my ring and pinky finger on right hand. its freaking me out.

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i was already angry for other reasons and i'm so fucking tired of hearing all this unwarranted shit talking. seems like a reasonable thing to be annoyed by to me. i don't get angry often, but this pisses me off. i stand by my go fuck yourself. why don't you complain about your loss of imaginary internet points to the rest of sufu, oh wait...

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