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party kids / scenesters? hipsters? rich kids?


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Haha. Most of the time when I'm in LA I am thinking the same exact thing as well as, "What self respecting club owner allows 16-18 year olds to get hammered in thier club?"

Shit is out of hand. Whatever happened to going out for pizza, drinking a root beer, and then going to a movie. Kids are smoking camels like they got the cure for cancer in them. And lets not even talk about the amount of china white these kids are taking to the skull...

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2. A lot of the kids in this scene are rich, but not all of them. Some of them have semi-famous parents so that's where a lot of the money comes from. But the rich kids are stillfriends with broke kids who moved to NYC from middle America. It's like a big group of friends basically. I've never encountered any snobbiness with the kids with money. You couldn't really even tell who's rich and who's not because everyone is basically friends with everyone.

for all my bitching, i will say that for the most part, this is all true.

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Haha. Most of the time when I'm in LA I am thinking the same exact thing as well as, "What self respecting club owner allows 16-18 year olds to get hammered in thier club?"

Shit is out of hand. Whatever happened to going out for pizza, drinking a root beer, and then going to a movie. Kids are smoking camels like they got the cure for cancer in them. And lets not even talk about the amount of china white these kids are taking to the skull...

Haven't kids always smoked? :confused:

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Guest itsmeJT
I used to think the people who post here were the type to go to those parties.

i don't doubt that there are people who do go to those parties here

there are just a few dissenters hating for no meaningful reason

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i don't doubt that there are people who do go to those parties here

there are just a few dissenters hating for no meaningful reason

you're actually wrong.

there's probably quite a few of us who go to "those parties".

i can name a few, but i do have -some- tact.

there's a few of us that are even involved to a great extent with "those parties".

and, as far as i could tell, no one was 'hating for no meaningful reason'.

if anyone sounded like they were being negative it was because they had

a sense of humor and have learned not to take any 'scene' seriously, because

at the end of the day, it doesnt matter as much as your health and your family

and the friends who hang out with you even when you're not wearing make-up,

working a look, and buying them drinks.

case closed, jerk.

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this girl does A LOT of cocaine! Scarface look out!


facial hair is the next shaving.


this guy is more superfuture than any 10 of us superfutures combind. He got best dressed in all WAYWT threads on the internet for 2006. Just look at how much cooler he is than you. And he even has facial hair.


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i didnt read most of this thread cause i just found it (havent been here in a while) so maybe this has been said, but here's the deal with stuff like MisShapes and all that stuff, cause i know like 80% of these people you guys are talking about, most of them are college kids with extra money (not a lot, mind you, even if their parents are well-off) that party every weekend. these aren't "club" kids cause there's that whole thing too here at NYU, and that's totally different, all of those people are the ones that want to be 29-year-old professionals that go to Duvet or Bungalo and spend $500 a night. you might think these kids are ridiculous or whatever but they're not spoiled brats that do nothing--they go to school and then they dance their asses off on thursday friday and saturday night.

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this is all a lot different than what southern cali is like. I'd much rather the so cal scene to be like this scene in this thread than what it is now.

One difference i noticed is you will never find product in men's hair in NY. But all over So Cal, product is it. thank you mtv.

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Guest itsmeJT
you're actually wrong.

there's probably quite a few of us who go to "those parties".

i can name a few, but i do have -some- tact.

there's a few of us that are even involved to a great extent with "those parties".

and, as far as i could tell, no one was 'hating for no meaningful reason'.

if anyone sounded like they were being negative it was because they had

a sense of humor and have learned not to take any 'scene' seriously, because

at the end of the day, it doesnt matter as much as your health and your family

and the friends who hang out with you even when you're not wearing make-up,

working a look, and buying them drinks.

case closed, jerk.

as far as i can see the people partying aren't doing anything wrong so it's nobody elses' business

it seems you can't have a good time anymore without some random wank venting their worthless opinion about you

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as far as i can see the people partying aren't doing anything wrong so it's nobody elses' business

it seems you can't have a good time anymore without some random wank venting their worthless opinion about you

Isn't that what you are doing? Stating an opinion? :confused:

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this is all a lot different than what southern cali is like. I'd much rather the so cal scene to be like this scene in this thread than what it is now.

One difference i noticed is you will never find product in men's hair in NY. But all over So Cal, product is it. thank you mtv.

Are you trying to be ironic or are you high? Your post isn't close to coherent.

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Who the fuck are we kidding! A fashion board full of fags sportin' Bape, Evisu, April 77, Dior, APC, etc... bitching how these kids are spoiled, annoying, and unfashionable? What does that make you?

For the most part everyone here could fit into these parties if so desired. Fuck, that geriatric xServo200x (edit: I think his name is Popcult) would sell his soul only to look half as hip as any of those kids and learn how to pose without looking so goddamn goofy and awkward.

Yeah yeah... I understand how those kids are annoying, and, yes, I'd like to break their faces if I wasn't so frail and gay myself. We must acknowledge, however, that we suffer the same sins as them. And according to a few of the previous posters, some of us are amongst them! So shut the fuck up with all the closet homo hatin, we're dissin ourselves.

I, for one, believe the waywt thread would be great if it was comprised of those trust fund bitches. It'd be like Chris posting a hundred times more frequently!

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So from this thread, we've assessed:

a) Hipsters exist.

B) There are hipsters on SuFu.

c) Hipsters get annoyed by other hipsters, hence the hate.

d) Some guy takes photos of hipsters and posts them on a webpage in a pretentious assed format.

e) Bouncers the world over will let hot 16 year old girls in, but insist on IDing guys in their 20s. Deal with it.

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Fuck, that geriatric Servo200 would sell his soul only to look half as hip as any of those kids and learn how to pose without looking so goddamn goofy and awkward.

Interestingly enough I believe servo2000 has never posted in the WAYWT thread and is 17....which is quite telling when it comes to lms's amazing power of observation and analysis. I’m of the opinion that some of the outfits posted on the cobrasnake/misshapes/whatever are fun (I sometimes visit a thread on tFS where people post those pics, too lazy to look at the main pages myself) and I certainly don't begrudge kids for partying. Now that being said, on a purely style-related level, most of the people there dress amazingly bad and have the haircuts to prove it, should they be caught unclothed. I do believe this is the reason why some posters on a fashion board, such as this one, are critical of this particular scene. There might be some “party envy†creeping here and there in some posters comments but that does not invalidate the argument that this scene’s uniform is certainly not to be lauded. Not that I didn’t dress like an idiot during my heavy involvement in the rave/underground party scene or anything myself….

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i think the difference here being people on this board spend 100's if not thousands to get a look. these people go to thrift shops and to a level get the same fucking effect, so they gotta hate on something....i don't care either way...i'll never be as hip as the party goers and i'll never be as vain as the fashion runway people..

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Interestingly enough I believe servo2000 has never posted in the WAYWT thread and is 17....which is quite telling when it comes to lms's amazing power of observation and analysis.

Man, I don't what the fuck that was about. I'm frankly not so vain as to bother posting in the WAYWT, which isn't to imply that to do so you must be vain, simply that I would have to be incredibly so to think that my frankly minimal outfits warrant posting. Should I ever acquire some pieces that I think are interesting enough to share, perhaps I will do so, but in the meantime I'll continue being... geriatric, as I believe lms put it.

I'm not sure what warranted that attack, all I did was comment on Devandra and the Time's article on a different topic.

i think the difference here being people on this board spend 100's if not thousands to get a look. these people go to thrift shops and to a level get the same fucking effect, so they gotta hate on something....i don't care either way...i'll never be as hip as the party goers and i'll never be as vain as the fashion runway people..

As much as I will laud those who can pull off a look for nothing, the only people on these sites who I tend to have a laugh at are the ones who buy couture / designer clothing and manage to still look like shitheads. It's a flaunting of squandered wealth that I find bizarre, for instance:



I couldn't be fucked to really care about the overall scene, but these two Jeremy Scott customers irritate more because I hate Jeremy Scott than anything else. You could be fucking anyone and if you're willing to shell out 100s of dollars for Scott's work then the odds are reasonable that you and me have a fundamentally different world view and we will not get along. You can't like everyone, I'm afraid.

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I think more so than any 'look' or fashion sense these people have, it is more about the total disregard for yourself, your family, and your future. A lot of teens today think partying will some how get them ahead in life and drinking Paps and redbull/vodkas is a good thing for your 'resume'.

Sure, I've done my fair share of drinking when I was younger and I still do but i have come to the realization I have to hold down a job, pay my bills, and then if I have extra income in the end of the day I can splurge a little. Some, not all, but some of these kids go out on Mommy and Daddy's dime, when thier 16-19 years old and buy all the new designer shit under the sun then get hammered every night and think it's somehow 'cool.

Forget about it man, if in some way this is cool to some, then there is no chance for you in life. These kids' misconception on the way the world works is totally skewed because they are spoonfed every little thing. Now again, I am not talking about every single one pictured in this forum or all of them that go to those parties, but you would have to blind to not see how much money is in the Los Angeles area.

Rant done.

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hahaha damn you people take this shit seriously.

if you dont like the fact that some people dont like trendster hip kids style or whatever you want to call it whatever. but i dont see how its UNCOOL to make fun of these hipster kids yet its okay to make fun of hypbeasters in all over this message board. how is it any different? or to make fun of a raver? Shit at least the ravers listen to some damn good music. but dont take everything seriously guys.

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Man, I don't what the fuck that was about. I'm frankly not so vain as to bother posting in the WAYWT, which isn't to imply that to do so you must be vain, simply that I would have to be incredibly so to think that my frankly minimal outfits warrant posting. Should I ever acquire some pieces that I think are interesting enough to share, perhaps I will do so, but in the meantime I'll continue being... geriatric, as I believe lms put it.

I'm not sure what warranted that attack, all I did was comment on Devandra and the Time's article on a different topic.

As much as I will laud those who can pull off a look for nothing, the only people on these sites who I tend to have a laugh at are the ones who buy couture / designer clothing and manage to still look like shitheads. It's a flaunting of squandered wealth that I find bizarre, for instance:



I couldn't be fucked to really care about the overall scene, but these two Jeremy Scott customers irritate more because I hate Jeremy Scott than anything else. You could be fucking anyone and if you're willing to shell out 100s of dollars for Scott's work then the odds are reasonable that you and me have a fundamentally different world view and we will not get along. You can't like everyone, I'm afraid.

Haha, I think I've seen that dude in a pikachu costume one night. and it wasn't halloween either.

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Man, I don't what the fuck that was about. I'm frankly not so vain as to bother posting in the WAYWT, which isn't to imply that to do so you must be vain, simply that I would have to be incredibly so to think that my frankly minimal outfits warrant posting. Should I ever acquire some pieces that I think are interesting enough to share, perhaps I will do so, but in the meantime I'll continue being... geriatric, as I believe lms put it.

I apologize, I confused you with popcult or whatever his name is.

I love this shitstorm, feed the hate!

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