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Show me great results from frequent washing!!!


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Does everybody in Superdenim wash their raw jeans once in a blue moon? There must be some great results from people who wash whenever they like. I know Ryu showed us what can be acheived be washing every month, but yet I have not seen many Super denim members follow suit.

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I just washed my Nudies RRDG after wearing them in for two weeks by soaking them in detergent water in my bathtub, then rinsed, and now hang drying. To be honest, I knew they weren't ready for washing but I did it out of curiosity and hygiene. I'll let you know how it goes, I'm using this pair to experiment since I'm picking up a pair of Pure Blue Japans soon. The idea behind washing very infrequently is that it allows more time for jeans to fade and thus allows for greater contrast when you wash it later. Washing causes your jeans to lose indigo. Hence, if you have very faded jeans and you wash them, the white areas will look whiter, and the darker areas will look darker (creating contrast).

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That will be real intresting Indii, love to see the results. People assume that if they wash their nudies too early that their jeans have missed the road to Denim heaven. I am pretty sure that there must be thousands of people out there with nudies that wouldnt have a clue about not washing til 6-12 months. But I have not encoutered any of them on this forum.

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actually i thought it says on the tags to avoid washing them as long as possible? maybe i'm wrong though. but for other brands of raw denim, definitely.

It mentions it somewhere on the tags or in the little booklet that comes in the pocket. I got my jims from the Nudie store in Sydney and the shop assistant there told me about 20 times "dont wash for 6 months!! dont wash for 6 months!!"... dude i get it.

I'm not so big on the contrast I just want to keep my colour... and im lazy and this is a great excuse not to do the washing.

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That will be real intresting Indii, love to see the results. People assume that if they wash their nudies too early that their jeans have missed the road to Denim heaven. I am pretty sure that there must be thousands of people out there with nudies that wouldnt have a clue about not washing til 6-12 months. But I have not encoutered any of them on this forum.

I quite agree that most people have no clue about not washing. Last year I went thrifting and found some nice & unworn Levis for a friend of mine for like 20 bucks, one wash, quite dark color and that guy washes 'em after one week... XD

I told him he oughta wait, but the idea of not washing for one month alone already made him puke. Actually I haven't seen how they turned out, gotta check sometime.

If he still has them... because another point is that people don't even get that whole wearing in thing... When I tell my friends that one of my Jeans was like real dark one year ago, they're all like 'Unbelievable! Do they really fade?!'

I think that some dump their dark denim when it finally shows signs of wear because they are not 'new' anymore... Namely H&M customers and such don't give a fuck, they can buy an new pair for 30-50 euro every season, they just don't care...

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homme homme- washing fades all over, wearing fades on creases etc, if you dont like contrasts of wear then wash frequently, that way the overall fades from washing will reduce the amount of contrasts between worn and non worn areas.

I wouldnt buy a couch with butt indents ( or a sofa with arse marks! ) id buy a raw sofa and make my own dents in it through hard wear, when people come round they will see said sofa and appreciate that its a reflection of the life that has been lived in and around the sofa.

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I just washed my Nudies RRDG after wearing them in for two weeks by soaking them in detergent water in my bathtub, then rinsed, and now hang drying. To be honest, I knew they weren't ready for washing but I did it out of curiosity and hygiene. I'll let you know how it goes, I'm using this pair to experiment since I'm picking up a pair of Pure Blue Japans soon. The idea behind washing very infrequently is that it allows more time for jeans to fade and thus allows for greater contrast when you wash it later. Washing causes your jeans to lose indigo. Hence, if you have very faded jeans and you wash them, the white areas will look whiter, and the darker areas will look darker (creating contrast).

Not too sure what you did with your wash, but if you just soaked them with detergent and then rinsed, you probably didn't lose much indigo. Its the actual abrasion in the wash that causes a loss of indigo, not the water itself. The soak would only get rid of indigo thats already loose.

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Not too sure what you did with your wash, but if you just soaked them with detergent and then rinsed, you probably didn't lose much indigo. Its the actual abrasion in the wash that causes a loss of indigo, not the water itself. The soak would only get rid of indigo thats already loose.

One question:

I recently tried this whole soaking thing with one of my cheapo jeans that really stank but I couldn't get rid of the smell.

So I basically soaked them again and used a bar of dove soap to clean them by rubbing and stuff and all the odore was gone... Is this a good compromise between just soaking and machine-wash regarding indigo loss?

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to be honest if your jeans are dyed well, even a machine wash shouldn't be too harsh on them. i haven't done anything elaborate with my APCs, machine washed them all the way, and i remember the colour held up fairly well. so imagine what the dyework on a pair of pure-blues can take.

petng - this question actually came up a long time ago, and i think the consensus was that the length of time between washes was not the point; rather, the amount of wear was. someone like cmf who knocks his jeans about hard can wash fairly frequently (because skating = sweat = smell) and get great results. likewise ryu...this is not to say that physical activity is the only way to get nice fading, but it certainly speeds up the process and hence allows you to wash more often.

and nudies, if anything, seem to have a penchant for getting you great fades very quickly. perhaps this attests to the quality of their jeans, that you wear it down really quickly...who knows.

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homme homme- washing fades all over, wearing fades on creases etc, if you dont like contrasts of wear then wash frequently, that way the overall fades from washing will reduce the amount of contrasts between worn and non worn areas.

Yeah I undestand that. Perhaps my previous statement was a little innacurate - my main intention of not washing my denim is to keep as much of it as dark as possible. I'm not anti-contrast, and I'm not trying to avoid it - it's just not my main goal with not washing.

Although... I've only recently jumped into this dry denim game - as soon as those contrasts start coming through i will probably get excited :D

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I was hoping that there would be a few superfuture members that are going through the wash after every 30 wears routine. The Japanese such as Ryu and others such as denim gallery seem to prefer that system. I will be going try that method with 2 of my jeans from now on. ! pair of Edwin Nashvilles and a pair of RRGS. Will post results.

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^ What are those? O.o

Old Japanese Evisu, circa 1998. They've got a cinchback, mechanics pockets on the front, and were the first daicock jeans.

Here's the back


And the detailing:

Pink selvedge


Wallet fade


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o wow....the daicock really does fade away with wear o_O

On the hand painted ones, yeah. But then the hand painted gulls go too. I think it was probably 75% gone after about a year. To be honest, I was quite glad. :D

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Thanks guys. all the jeans looks quite good. Not as flat and boring as what a lot of people make out frequent washing to be. There seems to be still wear marks and some whiskering.

From the results that I have seen, i will not stress out too much about washing me jeans. i probably wear themfor about 3 months first then wash them whenever i feel like it (after 2-4 weeks wear)

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One question:

I recently tried this whole soaking thing with one of my cheapo jeans that really stank but I couldn't get rid of the smell.

So I basically soaked them again and used a bar of dove soap to clean them by rubbing and stuff and all the odore was gone... Is this a good compromise between just soaking and machine-wash regarding indigo loss?

After my jeans smell like shit, I just hang them in a closet, and spray a towel with cheap cologne ( not soaking wet, just damp ), and then couple more shots on the ceiling of the closet, and leave them in for a day or two. You could also try febreezing the whole closet and then putting your jeans inside.

And yeah, it works.

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