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Snowboarders: What are you riding?


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  poly800rock said:
old school shorty's deck from ebay last year for $40....best purchase in a while. shorty's had the BEST fucking team back then...

Only someone on superfuture would be cool enough to still be riding one of those. Sir, I salute you.

I ride a 2001 Forum wide series 163 with 2001 burton missions and then my boots are the 2003 Burton Sabbath in brown leather with the monogram pattern.

I wish I had an Andromeda...

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  Swych said:
i think the boot to binding is pretty key. it makes a big differnece to the response of the board.

I absolutely agree. Expensive boards are completely overrated.

I have never tried those fast lace boots, but if they fit well and stay tight, I don't see what's wrong with them.

As for step ins, they gave me more problems that anything else when I tried them. Besides the obvious lack of precise control, I also had several incidents where I got snow into the part you're supposed to step in and it froze. Doing normal bindings takes all of 5 seconds, and you can do the second foot when you're already riding. I just don't see the additional convenience

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  jdemotion said:
I switch it up between my Signal 155 wide, Gnu DK 153, and Gnu Rider's Choice magnetraction 154.5.

For boots and bindings I use Burton Ion boots and Cartel bindings.

Wild Style: how do you like the step child? I haven't gotten a chance to try them out yet, only one shop around here carries them.

Signal, nice! My buddy rides a 53, he seems to like it. I've also got my eyes set on a 53 lib tech travis rice magnetraction. Got to ride it last year at the on snow at Stratton, soo dope. The latchkey is a decent little jib board especially for the price. The Simon Chamberlain kills it though!

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  Goose25 said:
I tend to hire gear (Rossignol or Burton if I can) when I'm away boarding (no space on the TGV) but have been buying accessories like Cebe helmet and Uvex goggles.

Here's a q: What are step-in board bindings like? They seem like a good idea but not many boarders have them. Any help is apprciated.

step-in are fine if you are just cruising around (which i guess is what the majority of ppl do), but if you are serious about riding, go with regular binding. the extra control you have is well worth the extra 5 seconds you'll have to spend strapping. the fact that no pro is riding step-in is a good indication that however how much they have improved over the past years, they are still inferior to regular binding.

as for me:

Capita board

Option board for powder days (believe me, these don't happen so often on the east coast, i really miss living in Whistler)

Drake binding

32 boots

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  wild style said:
Signal, nice! My buddy rides a 53, he seems to like it. I've also got my eyes set on a 53 lib tech travis rice magnetraction. Got to ride it last year at the on snow at Stratton, soo dope. The latchkey is a decent little jib board especially for the price. The Simon Chamberlain kills it though!

Yeah I'm actually the Signal rep for New England so I guess I'm a little biast, but they ride really smooth and solid. Although, in my opinion, nothing compares to magnetraction. You have to try it. I don't know if anybodies heard (yet) but Travis Rice is coming out with a new board called the Banana Hammock for next year. It's shaped like a banana and apparently, it's all he rides now.

If you're going to the on snow at Stratton this year hit up the Mervin tents, I'll be turning screws.

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  paradigm_shift said:
Damn, I missed the Burton demo tour today at Bear Mtn., anyone get to ride anything from the new lineup? Specifically wanted to know if the new "Aura" board was present / of any note.

hey i was there on sunday and monday but i didnt demo any boards. How often do you ride bear, i'm usually there everyweekend and if i can't make it i usually hit up mt high. We should ride sometime.

Any Rome riders here or am i the only one?

my setup is:

Rome Lumbergh 153

Burton P1's

Burton Moto boots (super old)

The lumbergh is a Rome Artifact Shape with the Agent Core. It was a Limited Edition for last year. They made like 150 of the 153 model and 150 156's but i think it might be the graft this year? something like that. Its a dope board and i pretty much always ride park.

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  paradigm_shift said:
Wow what did they have to say about the Ions? I dont think I've ever read any negative review on the speed-lacing system. I love my Ions too, just pull to your desired tightness/fit, tuck'em in, and off you go, never have to readjust. I ultimately chose them over the Boa-system enabled boots because the 1st generations had problems with the lace-eyelets ripping off, and the laces themselves breaking. It seems that they've adressed those problems though, my friend just recently purchased the DC Judge boots and the eyelets are steel-reinforced, and the laces are made of steel fibers.

sorry. late reply i've been on holiday.

the complaint was that the tightness around the shin was nice and snug, excepte that the lacing system for the lower parts of the boot could've been tighter. which is why the new ions have upper and lower speed lacing i htought. so it definitely works for my ions, except the Boa system might be lacking.

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Ryan, how do you like the Retro twin? I was actually thinking about getting the same board for my park board in the blue/white design

I got my board and bindings from Skidazzle in LA for only $225 which isn't too bad IMO

2006 Burton Uninc 156

Burton Freestyles (they're shit but at least I got toe caps for them)

Thirty-two Prion

I'm looking to buy new bindings... does anyone have any experience in the Forum Platform series in particular?

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  dk7m said:
Ryan, how do you like the Retro twin? I was actually thinking about getting the same board for my park board in the blue/white design

I have to say I like it alot, I'm not the most proficient boarder, but its got a nice pop, not too soft, and its really easy to spin, its one of the more wider boards ive ridden, and its pretty stable at speed, base is pretty fast out the box, i think itd be good for a park board, but the uninc is a pretty sweet board also no?

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Never seen that Arbor before. Very cool, although I'm still partial to my wood.

Anyway, I figured you guys would appreciate this. I took my 4 year old out for the first time the other day and she fucking kicked ass. She's riding a Burton 101 (yes, that's the measurement xD), with Burton boots and bindings. Girlfriend doesn't fuck around with her gear.




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Paradigm_Shift- Oh wait thats BoA. I thought BoA was strictly the spinny disc. I love my ions. Actually British Airways lost my board on my flight from london to tokyo. I ended up riding some rentals for the holiday, and i've begun to experiment with softer boots instead. maybe thats not so bad to not have monster stiff contact...

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05-06 Ride DH

05-06 Rome 390 Bindings

04-05 Salamon Synapse

Mountains: Sierra at Tahoe, Northstar, Homewood, Heavenly, Kirkwood, and occasionally Bear when I'm down in LA.

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  dk7m said:
Yeah, I love the Uninc but it's a little big for me so I'm thinking of selling it for a smaller board.

what do you mean by big? wide?

i ride a 05 Burton Custom right now. Its too stiff for my just jibbing n shit so anyone got something flexible? I was thinking Uninc for a bit

Got a question on toe caps. Does anyone find that they slide up the boot too easily? they never stay on the toe...

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  Swych said:
what do you mean by big? wide?

i ride a 05 Burton Custom right now. Its too stiff for my just jibbing n shit so anyone got something flexible? I was thinking Uninc for a bit

Got a question on toe caps. Does anyone find that they slide up the boot too easily? they never stay on the toe...

what kind ar eyou using? mine never slide up..maybe you need to adjust it?

i use burton missions btw..

my retro twin does nicely for jibbing,

my bro just got a dominant, i wanna try it out, i hear its pretty soft

I leave for whistler tonight..cant wait!

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^ Whistler? Shit, I'm jealous. Tahoe has been awful this year. No snow. I happened to get one good day in and it's mid 50's right now with no snow in sight.


As for the toe-cap, I have Burton Idiom bindings and the toe-cap has never moved. You might need to "lengthen" the strap with the adjustment holes. I don't know. The the only thing I can think of.

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  Swych said:
what do you mean by big? wide?

i ride a 05 Burton Custom right now. Its too stiff for my just jibbing n shit so anyone got something flexible? I was thinking Uninc for a bit

Got a question on toe caps. Does anyone find that they slide up the boot too easily? they never stay on the toe...

If your wanting a new board just for jibbing buttering kinda stuff, an Uninc would be a great choice. Are you thinking of next years Uninc? I was able to try next years in a 154 and it was amazing, only thing though is you need Burton bindings cause of the two hole slider system, if you know about that, it was on the late release Jeremy Jones this year. As for the toe caps there wasn't a problem when I tried out the bindings, I was able to try the P1, P1 Speed zone and the Est. I have Ride Beta's right now and the Burton cap strap system is alot better than Rides convertible system in my opinion, Burtons are really comfy you don't notice them, unless you crank em down.

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I should be checking my replies more. thanks guys

Ryan- mother fucker i hope you're enjoying whistler

photo- what is the slider system? I have Burton bindings. How do you get all this testing gear lol. damn aren't u scared of something breaking or bindings falling off etc mid ride?

funkytechnician- damn i loved that uninc mirror.

for the rest of you- I ride burton p1-mds (05 seasons i think, when they had p1md and p1-hds). My front strap snapped beginning this season so i bought some toe caps. They always fucking slide but ur right, i can hardly feel them half the day its so good.

speaking of feeling the bindings, i dont know where it comes from, but i find that at the beginning of the day, if i strap my top binding in too tightly, my foot starts hurting. I can't describe the pain, but it feels really strained and tired. the awesome thing of the toecap is that i can tighten as much as i want and still not feel it.

How much should i do the top up? Is there a rule of thumb? My theory is that when the day starts, your foot is smaller but as more blood goes thru during the day, it expands so it gets constricted... true false?

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  Swych said:

photo- what is the slider system? I have Burton bindings. How do you get all this testing gear lol. damn aren't u scared of something breaking or bindings falling off etc mid ride?

I work for a shop that is the biggest dealer of Burton in Canada, so we were on their list to try the stuff out when the time came. The slider system is based of the two hole pattern of this years Uninc, except you have to pop out to stoppers that are at the end of the insert to slide in the bottom locking pieces. From there the two pieces can slide up and down in unision to easily change your stance settings with fully takingoff your binding, you just have to loosen the bolts abit. With Burton there is no need to worry about stuff breaking at the time that I was able to try it out it had already been tested for two years and had gone through production trial and error so the product was equivalent to next years stuff that will be on the shelves. The other crazy thing is that Burton is already doing some of their production for the 2009 season already, which means they are already developing 2011 stuff I think, cause they work two years in adavance from their current production.

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