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Designer Toys!


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Guest Airjamie
Wait, aren't you the guy with the $350+ pocket knife?

That i use everyday and will outlive me 10x? Why yes I am. Are you one of the guys with the $100 legos that you couldive painted yourself?

EDIT: If anyone wants to continue the fight, do so in this thread http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=18795 . I may not agree with your sweet asian street inspired lego dudes but im not going to fuck up this thread anymore.

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I'm not even hating on your Microtech.. it's just that you're the LAST person who should be complaining about the cost of anything. Just stop being a baby, this is definitely the wrong place to complain about superfluousness. If I made a fucking thread for everything I didn't like on this forum I'd break my keyboard.

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...If I made a fucking thread for everything I didn't like on this forum I'd break my keyboard.

Funny thing is that a lot of stuff that I used to find annoying or stupid on this board, I now appreciate and enjoy. Behold the power of the future!

Sorry for the broken promise, I left just as the conversation was developing some depth, so now I'm back.

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Damn I want a Sam Flores Fatima...

Undefeated Be@rbrick?

My collection: (-2 Fat Caps and two SARU guys)



I can't wait until Kid Robot "fashion" gets their own store.

are those empty liquor bottles?

i've always been confused about people keeping empty liquor bottles and they cherish them as if they were trophies..

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Went to a reading of letters from soldiers at the NYC Ethical Culture Club, Vonnegut was there to read his own letter from Dresden, talked to somebody, eventually got to talk to him, I'll snap a pic sometime in the near future.

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Anyone know where to get some Dunnys besides Ebay and the official store. They sell out so damn fast that its not funny.

There are lots of places that sell dunny. Depends were you are. I get most on trips to Vancouver and Toronto but I also use Magic Pony and Bombing science, 2 good webpages. Bombing science is realy good have some old stuff like Delta capluse toys from like 2002 or 3

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The piece of paper tacked up behind the Eames Office Kubricks is my most prized possession though, an exquisite corpse drawn by myself with help from none other than Kurt Vonnegut.

Edit: Oh, and the box in the same picture is signed by Dalek, if you were wondering what that scribble was.

Holy crap, you're amazing. Kurt Vonnegut AND Dalek? SHITTTTTT.




This is also pretty sick.

Yes, I'm a huge nerd.


Anddddddddddddd you're pretty ill.

All of this toy collecting honestly makes me unbelievably happy. Toy collecting is seriously an underrated hobby.

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I went out to finish my summer shopping yesterday and made a pretty cool discovery. I went to Metropark (yes, the store that carries all the garage like Ed Hardy and True Religion, but also cool stuff like RVCA and OBEY) and looked around. As I grabbed my obey tee and headed up to the checkout. As I walked up to the checkout counter, I noticed that that there was a Frank Kozik Smokin' Water Mellon. I raised an eyebrow and then looked down and discovered the pacman ghost like stackable figures, and a few others. I rounded the corner and found a few Dunnies from the Azteca series. I grabbed a box and got the one from the second series called Beast from the Azteca series. I now know that the carry Kid Robot toys, I'll be heading down there once a month.

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