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what's the deal with supreme


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everything i've seen from both supreme and BAPE look like shit. I dont understand how people are paying so much money for shitty looking designs. i can understand 200+ dollars for a kickass pair of jeans or something like that, but a lot of BAPE and supreme stuff just looks like trash to me...is there something i'm missing?

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i have a theory about the character of a particular generation of people that grew up during an amazingly optimistic time in children's television that gave hope and inspired many. tv shows like voltron instilled core values like the importance of coming together as a team and consequently having the deadly force of a massive robot. the sum is really greater than its parts. i see people at work that missed voltron and other shows just because they are a couple of years younger or older, and i notice a massive shift in attitude and beliefs. i can only attribute this to being exposed to different children's television programs growing up.

so in response to this thread, i can only guess that the poster did not see diff'rent strokes. if the poster had seen it they would have soaked up the strong moral values pushed out into mainstream pop culture life. you only just have to listen to the lyrics for the opening credits, which is one of the best pop songs in its own right. the critical point instilled in millions of kids across the planet is "now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, may not be right for some". think about it for a minute.

to all the haters, just think of little arnold saying to you "Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?!", and kick back and listen to the theme song. it is shown below in full.


Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum,

What might be right for you, may not be right for some.

A man is born, he's a man of means.

Then along come two, they got nothing but their jeans.

But they got, Diff'rent Strokes. It takes,

Diff'rent Strokes. It takes,

Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.

Everybody's got a special kind of story

Everybody finds a way to shine,

It don't matter that you got,

not alot,

So what,

They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.

And together we'll be fine....

Because it takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.

Yes it does.

It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world

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Quote: How the fuck can you say that, thats totally close-minded and based completely on opinio

It is based upon extensive research and analysis of pop culture archives.

You are free to put forward your own theory of how the power rangers, tele-tubbies (or whatever), made for more on the ball 80s kids. Don't even get my started on the music as there is just no comparison.

As for me, I am sticking with Diff'rent Strokes, Jem and the Holograms, Voltron, Perfect Strangers, etc as my moral guiding force. They sculpted a generation.

If anyone else wants to say "thats fucked", please only do so with an equivalent and well thought out rebuttal.

If you need any more evidence of the resolve of this voltron generation, just listen to the emotional outpouring in the theme song for Growing Pains. It reaffirms the importance of love and the commitment to monogamous relationships. To this very day it still brings a tear to my eye.

Quote: Show me that smile again. (Show me that smile)

Don't waste another minute on your cryin.

We’re nowhere near the end (nowhere near)

The best is ready to begin.

Oooohhh. As long as we got each other

We got the world spinnin right in our hands.

Baby you and me, we gotta be

The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin.

As long as we keep on givin

We can take anything that comes our way

Baby, rain or shine, all the time

We got each other Sharin the laughter and love.

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^ exactly.

and don't even get me started on hip hop. kids thinking they're hearing shit first hand when they don't even know what they're vibing to has been recycled 2-3 times already with the same sample/hook.

turntablists are my fave bunch tho. learning how to scratch/beat juggle FIRST before playing a party or attempting a mixtape... oh sorry, it's mixed cd now. one that you made on your computer instead of a hifi deck or dare???? an analog 4-track. then they think they've got some knowledge cause they know DST invented the scratch... herb, you only know that cause you watched your precious turntable tv vids where your idol, q-bert, gave props to the old school. lemme guess, you first caught q-bert at a rave too!

not all 80s babies are like this though and for the few this isn't directed at you... but damn, for the rest, ya'll fit the mold quite nicely.

All of the wick wack that wanna be abstract

But they lack the new knack that's comin from way way back

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... i don't know what to say. u're attributing the shifts of attitudes and thought processes COMPLETELY and EXPLICITLY to TV show(s). you must be joking right?

first of all, if you're talking about cartoons that preaches the "team" idea, then there are consistenly cartoons throughout different times that show that. i was born in 83, and i remember seeing GI Joes among others that really stresses what a team is about and how they cooperate and coordinate to defend the world from the evil terrorists, If you're talking about recently, there are japanese anime like Naruto and One-Piece (especially One-Piece), that also mimics the ideas of voltron about companionship and respect.

when u talk about teletubbies' influence on kids (and that's not even watched by 80's kids), aren't there cartoons just as stupid as that back in YOUR day? um... he-man anyone? how stupid was that cartoon? doesn't that go completely against your "team" idea? it's just this one dude that flies around the universe fighting the skull guy...

and come on, there are so many more influences than just tv shows to a child's mental growth. so the tv shows have become more violent, and psycological studies have shown that kids tend to be more aggressive after watching violent shows, but that doesn't really attribute entirely to "a massive shift in attitude and beliefs". a child's education, cultural background, parents, books he/she reads and so many other things ALL contribute to the way a child acts in the social world.

i personally don't really see "a massive shift in attitude and beliefs". are u saying that the person who posted the topic has a massive difference in attitudes and beliefs than u do? is this just an attempt to deny his claims and show ur love for supreme, or is this just a joke?

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non -related, but can anyone tell me who's signature is on the back of the latest supreme dickhead and cowboy tees??

--- Original message by Slammin on Apr 15, 2005 02:06 PM

courtesy por vida: "The artist who did the art for the black and white tees is an NY artist from the 80's who used to do a lot of art on the streets back then. His name is Richard Hambleton. He is known by some people but has kind of gotten lost in the schuffle over the years."
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Quote: As for me, I am sticking with Diff'rent Strokes, Jem and the Holograms, Voltron, Perfect Strangers, etc as my moral guiding force. They sculpted a generation.

Wow......those are classic shows, so awsome. How is Cuzin Larry & Balki Bartokomous anyways? Off topic but what about Silver Spoons, Growing Pains, Webster, ALF, Miami Vice, Mr. Belvedere, The A Team? or what even happend to the great cartoons of the 80's? Kids dont' got cartoons like they used too....remember G.I Joe, Bravestarr, C.O.P.S, Hulk Hogan's Rock N' Wrestling, Mr.T, Bionic 6, Smurfs Adventures? can't forget Transformers, and Thunder Cats; goddamn even Kid N' Play & MC Hammer had cartoons....boy, it just ain't the same.....

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