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superfuture: is it worth it?


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Perhaps it is just me, but it seems that Superfuture is seriously on the verge of becoming a completel waste of time. At this point, I only read WAYWT and Supertrash, because just about every new thread in every other forum may as well be in the trash, except they're not as funny. Superdenim is rarely informative any more and every other thread is either an APC question or Dior Homme sizing, supershopper is nothing but "where can I cop" threads, and everything else except supermarket and the above were pretty much "time wasters" to begin with.

Maybe I'm missing a time that never really was, but am I amiss in saying that something seems wrong and shows no real sign of improving?


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I still enjoy reading some of the posts here, but I have to agree with you, I don't feel like I'm getting as much info as a few months ago. The crash also contributes to that feeling I think, I just don't have the reflex to come here that much and well, I have to go outside at times too.

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it is time for a new generation of superfriends

we have learned too much

and our time has come

it is the moment

where we jump on our airships and ride into the


we must leave the next generation of superfuturians without knowledge of such higharts as we all have come to understand

there is none left for us to absorb

it is time for the new generation to go out

and learn for themselves

what broken twill means

and the difference between warp and weft

we can no longer ammuse our selves with gangwarfare

well possibly, but everything gets old eventually

look at serg, ring ring, and geowu

they have left this world and have moved on

to a better place

and i feel that it is time that we join them.

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i have to agree with superdenim not being that informative anymore, but i guess the problem is that so much knowledge was dropped before that it's hard to cover new stuff. and many peoples don't live in New York or Tokyo and don't have access to many of the nice brands peoples here love so definitely somewhat of a "learning curve" when most people join that makes the future most exciting ( i know it was the case for me, i pretty much discovered raw denim cause of this site). i have to admit that i'm also feeling that it has been a bit boring recently, but i guess superfuture, like everything else in life, has ups and downs so i'm not that worried. and yeah, there's too many of those "where can i cop" thread, perhaps the mods should open a specific sub-forum for that, perhaps even organized in cities (for ex: where can i get ___ in new york etc). but overall, i still have faith...

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servo, if you ignore all the idiots that have recently joined the board that have no clue and the semi-vet's that claim to know everything, you'll find yourself in a great community. I've been here so long that i've learned to give and take so many members for what they're worth. But then again, being so young, you just might have a bit of angst to get rid of by getting some ass, so be my guest. you are a good member in my eyes though. keep at it

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i dont even enjoy reading waywt anymore. the outfits are horrendous, for the most part, and the homophobia is increasingly rampant. and, well, there's milspex.

Horrendous to whom? Yourself? I know opinions are like assholes and all, but I think here in lies the problem. Too many people think they are above others which by all means may be true in terms of post count, time spent, etc. but does this necessarily mean you are unable to help someone? I have read countless posts on here, a lot of which contain the same question, I would agree it happens to get old, but this probably just means the site is growing. Once the newcomers of today get thier questions answered they will either fall back into the browsing mode or become full fledged superfuturians.

A forum is for discussion, yes? So I don't see this site as going down hill, only progressing into something bigger. If that means some "useless" posts here and there then so be it. One persons question may be another persons answer and so on and so forth.

There is a wealth of information on this site and a lot of very helpful and knowledgable members, I would hate to think of this place as going down hill because that only means the people who have come to make it what it is today are slowly starting to not give a damn anymore.

I see the frustration Servo and I think there is a good underlying point but this type of situation plagues all online forums. "Use the search," "this has been asked a thousand times," "check the stickies," etc., it's all a part of gaining new members and getting that wealth of information to everyone. Because like you and I when we first registered, we all deserve to be a part of "The Future."

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I'm glad to see even this thread couldn't resist going straight to the shitter. I was even about to mention about how I would 'perhaps be more interested in posting things I'm interested if every other post wasn't simply stark rejection with no explanation and no discussion, only condescension [sic] and flamewar-er-ing.'

I'm glad to see that even this thread could not resist the trend. I have trouble seeing why I shouldn't take said things that interest me elsewhere, so I think that I will.

I'll be sticking to the trash.

Sorry about angsting out there, poly. Bad mood, maybe.

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It's a good question, but I have a more-or-less impossible list of demands, so I'm just going to do as Poly suggested:

Try and get what good I can and enjoy the other good members.

I think now that this thread was just sort of a flippant response to coming back after the crash and finding like nine threads that were completely pointless in every section of the forum. Hopefully as the regulars find their way back it will improve again.

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mmmm, yeah, I think I know where your coming from servo, ive stopped finding the site interesting and I keep thinking the threads dont give me any info anymore apart from sizing questions. It dawned on me over at style forum when in a thread showing bears chain stiching hem option I knew the jeans where samurais just from the selvedge, so this site has taught me a lot but I think the info I need to learn about is on the wane. I still check here quite alot though, to keep up with the products, onis, denim demon, maiden noir, to see fit pics and what not. Im sure there is still alot to learn, just not on the first page. Id like to see more polls done, this site could be amazing if everyone listed and rated the jeans they owned on umpteen different factors, the results could speak for themselves, and hopefully fewer pointless threads would be started. Many opinions give the best idea of something, wikipediesque.

I think superculture is a great idea, I quite like that.

Servo- I think you should post things your interested in, sharing is the best part of this site for me. Everynow and then im grumpy and dont post because I think "fuck him, he should read the 30pages like I did", but this isnt very nice and probably only created more threads in the long run about silly questions. Sharing knowledge is the whole point, for me anyhow, id hate for someone not to post just to keep their new jeans or shoes a secret.

I know thanks to this site im walking round in jeans better suited to what I want than anything I could have found in Topshop.

Chris- Anysort of homophobia is bad, but its an opinion ( albeit silly ), and I remember you posted saying Heterosexuals make you sick and that you hate them. But I couldnt find the post when I looked for it a second time ( perhaps you editied ). This too is an opinion and just as valid as the next guys. The point is I dont think you can complain about someones views then express your own ( similar in tone ) opinions and expect to have the last word. Everyone has a right to an opinion and to express it on a forum, if you dont like peoples opinions then dont respond with your own, Then the whole "isn't" - ""is too!" process wont snowball. I remember reading that if people get to the point of arguing its proof in itself that neither party will ever change their opinion/view.

I think wywtd still has some great outfits, insider, bill etc all look great.

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Chris- Anysort of homophobia is bad, but its an opinion ( albeit silly ), and I remember you posted saying Heterosexuals make you sick and that you hate them. But I couldnt find the post when I looked for it a second time ( perhaps you editied ). This too is an opinion and just as valid as the next guys. The point is I dont think you can complain about someones views then express your own ( similar in tone ) opinions and expect to have the last word. Everyone has a right to an opinion and to express it on a forum, if you dont like peoples opinions then dont respond with your own, Then the whole "isn't" - ""is too!" process wont snowball. I remember reading that if people get to the point of arguing its proof in itself that neither party will ever change their opinion/view.

the fact that there are people that took my comment seriously makes me hate this forum even more! god.


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