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how's your edge? sf edition----if you aren't now, you never were

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  artificialsky said:
these days (most) edge kids are more closed-minded, bigoted, jockish, and cliquish than the cheerleaders and football players they claim to hate. wtg kids.

Not saying it's untrue but people were saying that 10-15 years ago too. I think that to an extent that scene just attracts this kind of person.

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I would like to add this small excerpt;

"Street by street

Block by block

You hypocritcal fucks

You and Tony Victory

Are nothing but corporate rock

You stand and call us fags

Leave the show with money bags

Get the kid with the sideburns"

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  jeepster said:
word to all of that, and i completely respect it, but by being so opposed to these issues, would this entail that you would even refuse the study of them?

No, not at all. I was raised Catholic, attended my first three years of school at a private Catholic school in Detroit, and have read the bible many times, both as an Catholic who didn't know better and as an atheist. However, I'm more interested in the sociological, psychological and philosophical aspects of religion. The existence of god is of no importance to me...it's an unknowable thing. My opposition to religion and spirituality is on the basis that it is damaging to both individials and society as a whole; certainly more damaging than atomic bombs or handguns ever have been or ever will be. As far as reading material written by people interested in drug culture, I don't have any feelings either way. I think Hunter S. Thompson is a fucking hack, though. As far as I'm concerned, nearly all literature that has come about since the creation of "drug culture" isn't worth opening the cover. I mostly keep it old school (500 BC to 1800s), but Haruki Murakami and Kurt Vonnegut are great. And everyone loves Harry Potter.

  jeepster said:
its sort of "fundamentalist" straight edge.

I don't think that's "fundamentalist straight edge," just close-minded idiot kids who don't like to challenge themselves.

Thankfully, the Michigan straight edge scene is pretty open-minded, with the exception of XTYRANTX and their associates, who everyone else thinks is a total joke.

  baskew said:
Get the kid with the sideburns.

The story behind that song is so awesome. I was never into Reversal of Man too much musically, but they had some good lyrics and the packaging of the Revolution Summer 10" is dope. There was a fantastic band from Michigan in the mid-90s named Jihad who fucked with Earth Crisis every time they came to the state. Lots of funny stories surrounding that feud.

Anyway, picked up some dope records today, straight edge or otherwise:

Down to Nothing / Thin Ice 7" on clear

Elliott - As Arson 7"

Elliot - In Transit 7"

His Hero is Gone - The Dead of Night in Eight Movements 7" (second copy)

The Hope Conspiracy - Escapist 7"

Party of Helicopters / S Process 7"

This is Hell - Self-Titled 7" (Michigan represent)

Unbroken - Live in Dagenham 7" (Life. Love. Regret. chest piece coming soon)

Black Flag - '83 Demos LP (bootleg, obviously)

Damnation A.D. - No More Dreams of Happy Endings LP

Forward - Fucked Up! LP (crucial Japanese hardcore)

Struggle - Self-Titled LP (second copy)

Paint it Black - Demo CD

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  baskew said:
I would like to add this small excerpt;

"Street by street

Block by block

You hypocritcal fucks

You and Tony Victory

Are nothing but corporate rock

You stand and call us fags

Leave the show with money bags

Get the kid with the sideburns"

matt coplon is one of the best dudes ever.

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  snickersnicker said:
Straight edge, to me, isn't about positive thinking at all. I'm an extremely fucking negative, hateful person. It has more to do with being aware of what's going on around me and being in control of all of my faculties and my own life. And I don't mean "being aware of what's going on around me" as simply being mentally alert to my immediate surroundings, but as choosing not to numb the experience of living in a world in which there is a lot of pain and suffering. I view alcohol and drugs, much like religion/spirituality (or any other superstitious/illogical/irrational beliefs), as an escape; a cheap way to numb the increasing insanity that envelops the lives of anyone who chooses to accept the burden of experiencing the full brunt of life.

fucking + rep, exactly

i'm not at all into the movement or the music or the x's. i basically just look at it as a faster way of saying "i don't drink or smoke or do drugs or fuck promisculously (at all yo!)" and to be honest i never have, does that make me more legit or less? I don't care

I don't date girls who do any of those, talk about limiting

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  • 4 weeks later...

i've been edge for about 5 years, cant see myself ever not being edge. i'm way past the

"XXXKILLYOURLOCALDRUGDEALERXXX" phase, thankfully that only lasted a couple months when i first found out what straight edge was. i don't look down on anyone for drinking/smoking or whatever. it's your choice, i don't care what you do. being straight edge is a personal thing to me.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:
very good point. i was sXe before i even knew what drugs were. i just knew i was against them. i blame nancy reagan and gorilla biscuits equally.

Thats exactly what happened to me. I was listening to a radio show about sXe (I was around 13 or 14) and most of the people who stay sXe for the life are the ones that have abused drugs and alcohol and want to come clean and they do it through sXe. Theres a part where they talk about 16 and 15yr kids being sXe when they haven't even drank and smoked and he said that the kids should try to experiment a little bit before they become sXe and make that commitment for life. After that I drank and never went back to sXe again.

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  comaeternal said:
Thats exactly what happened to me. I was listening to a radio show about sXe (I was around 13 or 14) and most of the people who stay sXe for the life are the ones that have abused drugs and alcohol and want to come clean and they do it through sXe. Theres a part where they talk about 16 and 15yr kids being sXe when they haven't even drank and smoked and he said that the kids should try to experiment a little bit before they become sXe and make that commitment for life. After that I drank and never went back to sXe again.

true...i knew about sxe for many of years before i decided to get sober at 23...i knew all the bands before...hell, i think i even had a shelter record or two while i was on methadone...i tried so hard to connect to the sxe kids while getting sober, but it just didnt work....this was after going thru AA/NA which im not a fan of anymore...

now im on suboxone (which is similar to methadone)...and got a nasty benzodiazapine habit...really dont know what to do next.

all you 22, 23 year old sxe kids.....stay at it...much respect.

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i remember freshmen year in high school i had like a 5th of vodka on the bus on the way to school....i was allready loaded and stoned so i gave it this girl who wanted to try some for the first time...she drank like most of it, passed out at school and the cops and paramedics were called...she never ratted me out... i gave her respect all thru the next 3 years.

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  diamonds said:
I don't think I know enough about this to even have a decent conversation... But umm...

I don't think that just because the average person's 'vices' are smoking, drinking and fucking... doesn't mean that they are the only out there.

diamonds vice - gets peed on by hobos in gastown.

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  Pandemonium said:
if straight edge means not doing all of the above and swallowing, then i'm pretty much it.

nah youre not....imo it means more than just being sober. youre not sxe unless you want to be, your sobriety doesnt determine it.

ive been totally sober at many a time in my life, and have never been edge.

i definitely respect people that are edge, but i have never been and never will be edge, regardless of whether or not im sober.

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  cheapmuthafukr said:
i have bad memories of the more hardcore sxe kids beating people up or maceing homeless guys for smoking cigs or drinking.

this is something that is so hard for me to imagine.

if there was some type of crew acting like that around here, they would get killed before the weekend ended,there would be way too many pissed drug dealers/bar bouncers/football supporters willing to step on their faces till they stopped breathing.

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  palabok said:
I've been edge for 9 years. The last time I had some alcohol was during my first holy communion in which I was required to drink red wine. If that doesn't count then I've been edge for my whole life.

i find straight edge as pointless as those kids that wanna save up for marriage,it's like a giant brainwash, how can you say something is not for you if you haven't even tried yet? u can do drugs and drink alcohol and still be in control over your actions.

i have respect for people that have been into drugs and alcohol and have chose to go SXE because of bad experiences, but for those that have tried nothing, i can only feel sorry for you because you are probably missing more in life that you will ever know.

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  Egpt said:
i find self edge as pointless as those kids that wanna save up for marriage,it's like a giant brainwash, how can you say something is not for you if you haven't even tried yet? u can do drugs and drink alcohol and still be in control over your actions.

i have respect for people that have been into drugs and alcohol and have chose to go SXE because of bad experiences, but for those that have tried nothing, i can only feel sorry for you because you are probably missing more in life that you will ever know.

I was just answering the question posed in this thread, not like I'm saying being straight edge (haha, "self edge") is the best. Hell, 90% of my friends are stoners and happy, but I just don't feel like getting into it. That's all. If you feel sorry for me for not trying stuff that can possibly cause me to act funny, then feel free. I just don't care for it.

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  palabok said:
I was just answering the question posed in this thread, not like I'm saying being straight edge (haha, "self edge") is the best. Hell, 90% of my friends are stoners and happy, but I just don't feel like getting into it. That's all. If you feel sorry for me for not trying stuff that can possibly cause me to act funny, then feel free. I just don't care for it.

ahahahah, i got my mind brainwashed by denimz, gonna edit that shit

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