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itsmeJT vs. Carl


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I wanted to add my $.02 but it seems the argument's died down and there's probably nothing to gain in resuscitating it.

Nevertheless, I will say that as the original antagonist to Cult's style, I have sat and read with some pleasure the rantings of the few outspoken critics of Cult's postings. Skinny jeans should be worn by skinny folk and those with more generous proportions should try to adapt a style more flattering to their unique physique. Pretty simple, actually.

I liked the wimp + pussy = wussy remark, btw. Fitting.

Jane: one minute you're decreeing that skinny people are beautiful, the next you're reminding us of how eating is in once again? Sounds to me like you don't have the mental tenacity to know which body-type you find more appealing which probably stems from your inadequacy in achieving a desirable physique for yourself which, furthermore, is a testament to your simple(weak)-mindedness.

Now please excuse me while I take a lil' cruise in the Benzo, burning one (or two) through the ice-covered streets of the Second City, relishing in the fact that I'm at least two steps ahead of the game.

what a clever reversal! touché!

jmatsu, since itsmejt and carl never really finished their quarrel, i suggest you re-cast your bet. 500 bucks says cultpop cant close his jacket.

i don't know robideaux... i kind of need the money for gifts.

what are my odds? is this before x-mas dinner, or after?

you guys could start a gang you know. everyones doing it. i heard its the new plaid.

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I may be simple minded, but I know sarcasm when I see it. What's next, are you gonna bash red for encouraging the formation of gangs? or are you going to disagree that it's the new plaid, when you firmly believe that it is actually the new paisley?

no, I think your next post will condemn everyone that is on team begsvawnariananan because we should've spelled it "begavningsreserven".

you should stay out of supertrash if you're gonna take everything seriously. check out supermarket to see if anyone's selling a sense of humor.

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  • 11 months later...

I was thinking that in the past year Cult's style has really taken an interesting turn. Its like he just didn't take his asthetic far enough. From his old sorta retro punk look, he went uber retro and now has some Deadwood steez. I doubt anybody would fuck with his style now.

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