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itsmeJT vs. Carl


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right on time, here comes the circle jerk squad.

oh and shouldn't you be blabbing something wonderfully inane like 'OI TUCK YOUR TONGUES IN SUNSHINE! :P!!'

because apparantly your widespread faggotry is quaint

OK gents, you know the drill. DDML and cmf are your commentators, I'm the sponsor.

And now a word from the sponsor:


*fires pistol in air*

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you know what they say, pricks of a feather, flock together.

what im trying to say is that you are both mindless shitheads

you attitude matches your wardrobe. shit upon shit.

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you are getting supremely owned in the waywt thread for being a dumbass. does anyone like you on here?

please let me know how i am getting "owned," because i didn't know there was a contest.

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i dont recall mentioning a contest? just merely saying everyones shitting on you all at once for being a ignorant fucktard.

well boo fucking hoo. like i give a fuck about your nonsense.

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seems like you care enough to keep replying? i think all those dicks up the ass have caused shit to leak into your brain, rendering you a shithead.

your insults are pathetic, but why isn't that surprising?

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your insults are pathetic, but why isn't that surprising?

i liked it better before you edited it. quit playing the safe card by saying dumb shit like this. its 3:30, im stuck at work, i feel like being an e-thug until 5. so hurry up and say something back so we can continue this until i go home. now give me something.

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Ah, with all this flaming going on I am feeling nostalgic. Seeing the previews for the uber-gay new Rocky movie made me reminisce of my days in the SF ring, battling t-shirt brands in an effort to bring peace and comfort to the oppressed supergays.

Those were the days...........


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this multi quote thing is the best thing since those dior x eternals dropped...

you attitude matches your wardrobe. shit upon shit.

thanks. i always try to coordinate.

Huh. Your mom always manages to call me a winner when im hittin it from behind.

And who am i "battling"? itsmetj? Who is that? Does he even matter?

no. he doesnt.

please let me know how i am getting "owned," because i didn't know there was a contest.

there is a contest. its called life. and you are losing. no one seems to like you. you have a shitty attitude and probably very low self esteem (also a former bedwetter im guessing) you try to overcompensate for this by bringing others down constantly. "dont step on someone elses shoes to make yours look cleaner". speaking of, have we seen you post in waywt ever?

put up or shut up bitch.

i liked it better before you edited it. quit playing the safe card by saying dumb shit like this. its 3:30, im stuck at work, i feel like being an e-thug until 5. so hurry up and say something back so we can continue this until i go home. now give me something.

he cant. if he had any wit or an original thought we would have some evidence by now. alas, he is almost 400 posts in and nothing. dont hold your breath deathmullet.

the fight has spilled out into the crowd!!!

and the fighters haven't yet entered the arena!!!

i can't believe what i'm seeing here, folks.

buckle your jodhpurs, it's gonna be a wild ride...

classic. im hoping this thread escalates into an all out 6 way flamewar to the death.

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my comment of the $500 on itsme seriously held no past grudges. i just based my opinion on the past comments he made and thought he would be a better contender.

sorry if you took it personal.

if i have ever posted on waywt, is totally irrelevant (i could give you a million reason/excuse about why i don't). if i have an opinion and people don't agree with it, thats fine. if you or they want to argue about it that's fine too.

unlike you and maybe a couple others on the board i am not here to make friends or enemies. if they get made, so be it.

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this multi quote thing is the best thing since those dior x eternals dropped...

thanks. i always try to coordinate.

no. he doesnt.

there is a contest. its called life. and you are losing. no one sems to like you. you have a shitty attitude and probably very low self esteem (also a former bedwetter im guessing) you try to overcompensate for this by bringing others down constantly. "dont step on someone elses shoes to make yours look cleaner" speaking of, have we seen you post in waywt ever?

put up or shut up bitch.

classic. im hoping this thread escalates into an all out 6 way flamewar to the death.

tag team cult?


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i assume you mean "spell o-w-n-e-d."

i don't see how... all i see is a guy stuck at work killing time by posting ridiculous insults and very tired pics of wrestling matches.

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