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The John Mayer is a Fucktard Thread


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  goldengloves said:
I guess more of my question to this entire thread is, what is "respect?"

Is the respect that you feel towards other stars because you simply know more about thier background there for you can give a proper judgement on thier lifestyle? For all you and I know, John Mayer could've grown up poor and worked very hard for everything he's got in life while on the way making friends with well know streetwear artists.

Nah he didnt. Did you read his blog?

As soon as he got rich he started looking at expensive watches, picked one he liked, read a couple of pages on the internet about it and went and paid cash, then felt like the shit coz he was `only` 24 at the time. Now he thinks he knows shit and he can tell people what the `hot` watch of 2007 is going to be.

How is that love?

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  artificialsky said:
kid. your encyclopedia of knowledge gleaned from hypebeast.com doesn't impress people here, and it certainly doesn't impress people in the Town.

Bwhahah. I moved past Hypebeast brands (Yes, I know that Supreme can be considered one, but I'm referring to The Hundreds, C&C, basically 80% of the brands sold at GOODs, etc etc.) months ago. Why do you think I'm posting here?

And I didn't gain my knowledge from hypebeast.com. (Have you ever read the HB forums? Kids on there don't even know who futura is or what selvage denim is.) I gained it on my own terms.

Also I still stand by what I said. You can't honestly say that more than 100 high schoolers in Seattle know what selvage denim actually is.

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  MilSpex said:
Nah he didnt. Did you read his blog?

As soon as he got rich he started looking at expensive watches, picked one he liked, read a couple of pages on the internet about it and went and paid cash, then felt like the shit coz he was `only` 24 at the time. Now he thinks he knows shit and he can tell people what the `hot` watch of 2007 is going to be.

How is that love?

As apposed to looking at expensive watches when you're poor? My point more or less is this; Unless you know the man personally, or anyone for that matter, it is impossible to pass judgement on said person. There may be some pre-concieved notion on what he's about, what his blog is about, etc. and that is fine, but the fact is you are only guessing at this point.

Here's a quote from his blog...

"Let me preface this blog with the following; I love watches. Always have. My first wristwatch, given to me as a very young boy,was an Armitron digital with C-3P0 and R2D2 from the hit movie franchise "Star Wars" on the face. (It's almost such an icon that it doesn't need quotation marks - almost.) From there I'd buy a new watch every four months or so. Nothing fancy, just something new to stare at when I was bored in class or killing time in the bathroom stall (in the shitter, no one can see you napping.)

The first thing I did when I got my first substantial paycheck was buy a Rolex Explorer II. It was one of the most exciting purchases I've ever made. I scoped it out on the internet, learned all about it, and when I went to the jewelers to buy it, I was able to experience the one thing I had truly hoped would come as a bi-product of my instant success; the "please get this scrappy kid out of my sto-oh my lord he's actually going to buy it" moment."

Seems really pompous to me..... :confused:

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man there are some delusional people. bashing john mayer cause he likes cool things and has the money to buy it, but praising edison chen for doing the same - that makes a lot of sense. at least john mayer can string together coherent sentences.

even better, praising pete doherty because he 'lives the lifestyle'. yes, crack is quite a lifestyle.

when did everybody become huge giant blabbering vaginas with such personal attachment to celebrities and what they do? is john mayer supposed to start every blog entry with an apology to retarded fanboys everywhere?

maybe its just that time of the month...

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I finally read the blog entries you quoted. The captions you provided add an air of braggadocio that I didn't pick up on while reading the entries--especially in the case of the Rolex. He wrote: "I stared at my Explorer II in the back of a 15-passenger van, proud that I had gotten to a place at 24 years old that I don't think anybody would have expected I'd reach at 44." I don't think he's like, "Yeah, I got my Rollie at 24--beat that." And I hardly think he bought it after "read[ing] about it on the internet for 5 mins"; his whole entry described his affinity for watches.

Personally, I don't think Mayer is a fucktard, but even if he wrote his blog with a pompous voice, I'd read it with a grain of salt. He has a proclivity to be sarcastic and misleading when he expresses his personality (e.g. John Mayer Has a TV Show and that youtube clip wiil_i_am posted).

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  oOmegaOo said:

Personally, I don't think Mayer is a fucktard, but even if he wrote his blog with a pompous voice, I'd read it with a grain of salt. He has a proclivity to be sarcastic and misleading when he expresses his personality (e.g. John Mayer Has a TV Show and that youtube clip wiil_i_am posted).



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  oOmegaOo said:
I finally read the blog entries you quoted. The captions you provided add an air of braggadocio that I didn't pick up on while reading the entries--especially in the case of the Rolex. He wrote: "I stared at my Explorer II in the back of a 15-passenger van, proud that I had gotten to a place at 24 years old that I don't think anybody would have expected I'd reach at 44." I don't think he's like, "Yeah, I got my Rollie at 24--beat that." And I hardly think he bought it after "read[ing] about it on the internet for 5 mins"; his whole entry described his affinity for watches.

Personally, I don't think Mayer is a fucktard, but even if he wrote his blog with a pompous voice, I'd read it with a grain of salt. He has a proclivity to be sarcastic and misleading when he expresses his personality (e.g. John Mayer Has a TV Show and that youtube clip wiil_i_am posted).

Omega, don't know if you were responding to my last post, but what you just wrote is exactly my point. I wrote the "pompous" remark as an act of sarcasm, thus the use of :confused: .

I think his blog is used for what most use it for, showing what you love and insight to your day to day.

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I like him. He seems like the kind of person I would hang about with, just because he used to (don't know if he does anymore) wear a bear costume and go outside his show and mess with everyone getting high. Just come up to them and be like, "Dude, why are you guys going to see John Mayer? That dude's a pussy!" and just generally be a total smartass.

I really don't give a shit about what he buys, how he dresses, who he hangs out with or anything else; I personally like to think that I've eviscerated fashions connection to celebrity in my mind already, and celebrity worship / hatred along with it. More or less.

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ok so at one point in our lives we all complained about someone co-opting a culture that didn't know anything about it, someone selling out, blahblahblah, mostly to feel better about ourselves, and cooler than whatever person you're hating on. but who really cares? arguing authenticity and rights to a culture that is mostly defined by its clothing is very pointless. i'd rather listen to someone complain about a band selling out to a major label.

and aeros please stop putting your foot in your mouth, it's unsanitary.

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  xcoldricex said:

and aeros please stop putting your foot in your mouth, it's unsanitary.

Don't discourage the boy!

  Aeros said:
I'll try my best not to.

Aw, look what you've done coldrice!

  Aeros said:
Edison Chen thinks he's black. Just listen to the way he talks...

Allright! He's back! This stuff is funny!

Oh and did anyone post up the duet John Mayer did with Mack 10? That made me love him forever. Guy has a great sense of humour.

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I am suprised this thread is now 6 pages long, when a simple "yes John Mayer is a fucktard" would have sufficed.

At the end of the day, I don't care about what clothes he wears, or even if his music is good or shit or whatever. I just know I don't like him.

(however, if someone came up to you one day and said, hey do you want to travel the world, have heaps of cash to buy cool shit, and get copius amounts of snatch... all you have to do is play some poxy pop music once in a while... what would your answer be?)

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