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racial slurs

Guest jmatsu

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Was I too cruel when I stepped on someone's leg ( with my track cleats) and made em bleed and cry because they called me ____ ? WARRR

for the sake of the "nigger" / "cracker" arguments, i guess it depends on what you were called.

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fucking reverse racism is pissing me the fuck off

im a little italian/pole living in suburban texas and the local suburban very well off 2 story house owning black people are exercizing their right to reverse racism way too fucking much,.

im playing max rheirnhardt in the new Ken Ludwig farce Shakespeare in Hollywood

and we brought in a bunch of extras from football to fill int he gaps on the party scene at the opening of act 2, one of whom is black

and its not him that the problem, hes a nice kid who doesnt give a shit about race or anything

its his godam parents taht think everyone around them is just inching to enslave them or hang them or something when really we dont give a shit about the color of their skin they are just natural assholes, a blind person could tell that they were assholes from a mile away.

so the parents show up about 45 minutes late to the show

and even though they dont even ahve a ticket or anything

they demand to be let in the theatre

and our Canasian director just tells them calmly that we are out of tickets

we cant let you in without one we are sorry

and the godam parents start screaming all this HATE CRIME bullshit about how shes a flaming racist and all this stupid shit and its fucking retarded

and the director is leading them out of the lobby and places her hand on

the mother back

and she starts going like ohhh my god!

you hit me ohhh god i am hurt so badly you are such a racist and all this stupid shit

and im just sick of this whole

its ok for me to be racist to you

because of something that

happened to my ascenstors

years and years ago

but dont you dare lightly

touch myback on the way out

because you might by trying to lynch me

you canadian/asian slave DRIVER!

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Corbin Law -

I feel you........a similar 'family' tried to sue my mother because she was too busy to show them a house on a certain day of the week (she is a realtor) and they claimed it was only because they were black. Mind you she never met them in person, but somehow apparently deduced from the phone conversation she had with them that they were indeed black and proceeded to discriminate against them......ha ahh. It was fucked. My mom is the nicest, most laid-back person alive. I couldn't believe they tried to pull that shit. I have a thousand other stories in the same vein.

Emmanuelle Vaugier for the fucking win!


Can't we all just imagine having sex with a woman like this and get along?

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Guest doubletap

here's a thought...

if it wasn't for white people, Africa and a big portion of the of the world would still be in slavery either by arab slave traders or african ones.

it was the whiteman's institutions that banned slavery, however everyone conviniently forgets that.

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my wife and I get into altercations with Hassidics alot for some reason. One time at Ikea, the self checkout machine was on the fritz, it had trouble reading the barcode, and the scale built into the table kept thinking we put more items in the bag and this Hassidic woman accused of being racist toward her people and taking our time on the machine.

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no, you're mixing up two threads of my argument.

the 'white people shut the fuck up' part is about how ridiculous it is to me that people get up in arms over the word cracker. it has no violent history behind it, it is incredibly weak as an insult beyond it being racial, and it just doesn't have any of the built-in sting that words like 'nigger' and 'jap' do.

the other side of my argument is that the word nigger is loaded, completely volatile.

and, this should (theoretically) preclude anyone from using it, regardless of whether or not their ancestors were directly responsible for enslaving a black man/woman.

does this justify what happened to you? no. wasn't supposed to.

in your case, i'd say that you should handle yourself in whatever way is honest to you. everyone should admit that sometimes, things happen that make you have racist attitudes. and that's okay- all this modern american bullshit colorblindness is really just a poor way of disguising how fucked up things still are for ALL minorities in this country, black, asian, hispanic, etc.

Edit: I don't condone the use of the word cracker as anything but something to put some fruit jelly on, but I do stand by the fact that it doesnt have the same implications as historically volatile words like nigger, jap, spic, etc.

yo oneman i like where your heads at on this one.

in assuming that your black, id like to knwo how you feel about friends of different races throwing racial slurs around between eachother. ive had some interesting confrontations form using the word nigga around black friends and aquaintances. alot of my friends (black friends that is) gimme the pass cause im mixed ethnicity and especially because theyve been around to see me get into it with white people whove said some foul shit and ive been the first to call them on it.

maybe its my affinity for black culture that makes me think im the downest (off)-white boy around, but i can get outta hand and ive been checked on it many times.

example: i was rolling with two friends in a car once, one black, one south amreican (rican maybe, cant remember) and they freely exchanged niggas like it wasnt a thing. then when i let one slip, my homie (black guy) started trippin cause he thought i was out of line. now i wasnt gonna argue but i assumed that we knew eachother well enough to not get bent outta shape about it. but alas, the negative connotations of that word make it so a spanish person can spew it ad nauseum but an asian/white kid should know where the line is drawn. whateves. i wasnt sweating it and i felt pretty stupid.

yet, i find that when im around other asains, ill always be the brunt of whiteboy jokes and thats cool. i grew up putting up with alot of discrimination from my white peers and i kind of find it refreshing to be getting it on the other end. like at least now theres balance. instead of people making squint eyes and speak engrish at me, yellow dudes are cracking on my freckles and proper enunciation.

maybe its that upbringing that makes me so immediately comofrtable dropping other slurs and thinking noones gonna call me on it. but i guess what im getting at is do you think if your mature abotu it, that a certian level of playfulness can be tolerated. im never one to be PC abotu shit so if i have a good joke or somethign to say that might be racially charged, that shit is gonna get said.

got any insight on that type of shit?

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well, you know what chris rock said, "there are niggers and there are black people"

and thats the same goes to every ethinicity

and people looking at LA like we are some kind of battle zone where one race is shooting at another race....its the same every where, france are facing similar issue also, you have the serbian conflict, we always hearing about genocide coming from africa, the chinese riot agianst the japanese, i honestly dont think doing so bad, United States is a very young country as oppose to china, japan, france, britain, russia...and i dont think we are doing so bad in educating our own people. i think for everything it takes time, i dont expect by the time i wake up tomorrow everything will be alright all of sudden.

perhaps we should just take more harsh stance and have stronger integrity over our own ethinicity, i would not allow other peole make racil slurs towards me , t's not acceptable.

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I was standing at a party this weekend with my buddy steve and my girlfriend and I had a bottle of bailey's (the new mint chocolate stuff, its fucking good) in my hand. Out of the three of us, I'm the only one whos 'white'. A black guy comes up to me and says, "yo dude can i get a swig of your baileys". I responded by saying, "sorry dude I'm a germaphobe". He responds by, "the fuck you are... you're a negrophobe" and he stomps away.

I just wanted to share cause i thought it was hilarious. People are ridiculous.

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i'm actually spaniard by way of puerto rico and dominican, but there's a healthy blend of north african and arab in me that makes me... well i don't know what the fuck it makes me but black and hispanic people know i'm spanish, and arab taxi drivers try to talk to me in their languages and i get really confused. white people ALWAYS think i'm black, and that's confusing too. but anyway.

as far as the whole rappin shit with your boys sort of deal, i have to say that deferring to whichever dude in your crew is the most uptight is the best thing you can do. basically, whichever dude is the most sensitive, don't go past his boundaries- otherwise, you'll get into it with him, and more likely than not, the rest of the guys are going to side with him on it no matter what. that's my experience, at least- i can chill with my black friends and i'll know there's the one guy who is really strict about who can and can't say 'nigga' no matter how they mean it, i'm talkin the kind of guy that gives nobody a pass, and i'll just keep my mouth shut because i know that if i piss him off, it will just cause way too many problems for me to deal with.

in any case, though, stand by what you say no matter what. you know your intentions, and you know where your heart is, and a couple of jokes aren't going to kill anyone's soul. better yet, as shown by mr. michael richards, it isn't that hard to tell the difference between humor and hatred.

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I was standing at a party this weekend with my buddy steve and my girlfriend and I had a bottle of bailey's (the new mint chocolate stuff, its fucking good) in my hand. Out of the three of us, I'm the only one whos 'white'. A black guy comes up to me and says, "yo dude can i get a swig of your baileys". I responded by saying, "sorry dude I'm a germaphobe". He responds by, "the fuck you are... you're a negrophobe" and he stomps away.

I just wanted to share cause i thought it was hilarious. People are ridiculous.

No there's just a lot of black americans that use their race as an excuse.

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Chinks and Japs are running wild in the east.

Niggers are dropping like flies on the dark continent.

Kikes are causing their usual selfish, world-altering, load of shit-disturbing, land-stealing, exaggerated mayhem relevant to their small numbers.

Pasty-white, bloated fuckin' Brits are getting ready to reward the emasculated fuck who bent over and begged for it up the ass from the yank monkey.

The stinkin' fuckin' Pakis are orgasmic over their unelected leader who's got a load of F-16's on the way from the brainless fuckin' yanks.

Speaking of yanks, they're the stupidest fuckups who have ever carried the mantle of world empire. Those bloated, down-home, illiterate, bible-beating, invincibly ignorant, inbred honky fucks and their self-righteous, petulant displays to spite the majority of yanks who loathe them as equally as the rest of the world, are providing some great entertainment as they help to sabotage their own country and its standing in the world.

The rapidly expanding and industrializing, miserable, casually lying, curry eating fuckin' Indians are upset with the stinkin' fuckin' Pakis.

Wops are still bemoaning the death of the leader of an organization that breeds twisted, self-righteous, self-proclaimed celibate bags of shit who find themselves compelled to rape young children.

The greasy fuckin' dagos, spics, and all other variants of desperate-to-fuck-their-own gone-to-suet, cunts-the-size-of-the-Grand-Canyon mothers, worthless latino fucks from South America are busy fucking themselves up the ass and generally self-sabotaging their desperate for melodrama, fucked lives.

The happy to be martyred, brainless fuckin' ragheads are luxuriating in their back-stabbing, lying, lazy-ass cuntish culture, of mewling, blame-anyone-but-themselves victim-hood.

The single biggest export from the fucked-up country of the Philippines is still people...i.e. the Flips themselves.

Any number of broad-faced Slavic cunts are recovering from an absolutely pointless war in which the brainless tits set their progress back fifty years and ensured that for generations to come their daughters will aspire to be whores servicing the more affluent of the world.

Meanwhile, those plate-faced, long-trunked, short-legged Korean cunts are still tying into platters of barbecued Lassie.

there. now everyone's insulted. happy now?

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The only thing dumber than people using racial slurs is people feeling ass-hurt because they can't use racial slurs when they feel threatened/intimidated/scared/superior etc.

This whole thread is nagl.gif

so who are those who "can't" use them? since you write that there are people who"can't" then your comment must imly that there are those who can...

so hypothetically a black person who is called a "nigger" by let's say by a white, can't say "cracker" back.

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How about this, no one is allowed to use racial slurs. Doesn't that sound great? Maybe in a perfect world or a perfect society, but right now we have to work with what we have and that is a society of ignorance. The only thing you can do make sure you don't use them and try to influence those around you by not using them. Everyone, sometime or another, is going to be affected by racial slurs. I hope that you take it as a grain of salt because where ever you go, there is going to be someone who doesn't like you for whatever reason. They will say malicious things, but it is how you deal with it is what defines your character.

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example: i was rolling with two friends in a car once, one black, one south amreican (rican maybe, cant remember) and they freely exchanged niggas like it wasnt a thing. then when i let one slip, my homie (black guy) started trippin cause he thought i was out of line. now i wasnt gonna argue but i assumed that we knew each other well enough to not get bent outta shape about it. but alas, the negative connotations of that word make it so a spanish person can spew it ad nauseum but an asian/white kid should know where the line is drawn. whateves. i wasnt sweating it and i felt pretty stupid.

i dunno, perhaps new york and more specifically my part of the bx/ my circle of friends is a very very rare exception, but if you are "white"/"asian" (namely sicilian, vietnamese, bengali or chinese) and grew up in the hood, youre a "nigga". for me the words nigger/the more familial nigga, and cracker are embodiments of a centuries-old power dynamic between the dominant culture and the passive (oppressed) cultures. if you identify more with the culture of the oppressed because of where and how you were raised, then that makes you no different than the puerto rican/dominican/ african-american brother from the block that uses the phrase "nigga" ad nauseum.

besides, we all know italianos got some strong african genes, whether they admit it or not lol

edit. i suppose my point is i'd be more offended if a "black" kid from the rich suburbs was calling me a nigga, rather than some jive light-skinned and straight haired (white?) kid down the street who i've been cool with forever... you see my point? it's about values, rearing, economic stratification, and culture affinities....

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the thing i find rather amusing about this whole equal opportunity ordeal is being a white, middle class male. i found the harsh reality of this upon applying for college. i mean, im the oldest of 3 syblings, both of my parents work pretty good jobs, but not nearly enough to put 3 kids through college. as far as aid is concerned, the middle class male has no need for any sort of monetary support from an outside source. there is absolutly no opportunity for gaining money if youre a middle class white guy but theres money for just about everything else under the sun. its fair to say everyone sees the short end of the stick sometime.

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