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I think the price for either is a bit high. They are dissimilar frames, however.

If you were racing, Vigorelli would be a good buy, esp for the price. Daily rider/commute duty, I would say the EAI.

I've always liked that frame, but for little more, you're looking at custom. Not that I'd say custom is really the way to go for a new rider.

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if you're using the look to decide between a bareknuckle and vigorelli, you're in the wrong frame of mind.

repeater's right. i like my vigo for riding in the city, but i'd never lock it up regularly as a commuter bike. that shit will be GONE. bling factor aside, i'd still go for the bareknuckle because your commuter bike will get beat up and the steel will take it a lot better... just framesaver it for rainy days.

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ive heard pistas are one of the more popular options amongst bike thieves due their high resale value and such, so it wouldnt be a horrible idea to strip the paint then yeah? someone once recommended me "tal-strip" pointers? and im guessing this "framesaver" is some sort of protective clear coat?

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ive heard pistas are one of the more popular options amongst bike thieves due their high resale value and such, so it wouldnt be a horrible idea to strip the paint then yeah? someone once recommended me "tal-strip" pointers? and im guessing this "framesaver" is some sort of protective clear coat?

framesaver goes inside the frame to stop it from rusting inside out. when you're riding you get a bunch of shit (framesaver is meant specifically for when you're riding in the rain and wetness gets into your bb, seat cluster, etc.) inside the frame too that you can't completely clean out even if you disassemble the drivetrain and headset.

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you can just use WD40 and spray down the inside of your frame... spray down the seat tube, into the stays in any vent holes that didn't get filled, bb shell, up the downtube and top tube, etc.. everywhere you can get it. this is especially important if your bb doesn't have a cutout. hang your bike upside down and let it air out/"dry" overnight and reassemble.

pistas are an easy flip up here because they are so well known an ubiquitous, plus with so many dudes probably won't get called out for having a stolen bike. i see a lot of dudes painting them, stripping them or stickering them to make theirs unique.

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araya rims are expensive and good quality rims, that's all i know. are you racing on them? if not, do you really care about weight and strength?

im not racing on them but since im over 200 and riding on some pretty poor roads, obviously strength is pretty important, and why not factor in weight when comparing to others.

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seriously go on bike forums and read those threads about painting, spray painting, powder coating, sandblasting, riding it raw, etc

in all seriousness, if you're over 200# and want a solid rim get open pros. everyone wants a bomb proof wheel and in the wheelsets i've had, my suzue promax to open pros have seen two minimal trues in 5 years. i also used a thicker gauge spoke on them, but they are beasts.\

edit ... the open pros definitely aren't the best looking rim out there, especially if you want something back, but they'll rip it up.

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northbrook or kenosha? kenosha's much better if you want to race f'reals. northbrook has too much drama surrounding the races. kenosha's a trek, but you can take the metra out of ogilvie station.

I think I'm going to be racing in Northbrook... Well, wherever the trackcats are racing.

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Anyone know if any 80s/early 90s Cannondale frames had horizontal dropouts? Dude on CL is saying his does, but I've only ever seen verticals and track ends. Downtube shifting so I'm guessing it's moreso 80's.


What kind of Cannondale is he selling?

in all seriousness, if you're over 200# and want a solid rim get open pros. everyone wants a bomb proof wheel and in the wheelsets i've had, my suzue promax to open pros have seen two minimal trues in 5 years. i also used a thicker gauge spoke on them, but they are beasts.\

edit ... the open pros definitely aren't the best looking rim out there, especially if you want something back, but they'll rip it up.

Im waiting till my friend can true up my Suzues/Open Pros, till I throw em on my Cannondale. Plus I still need to put on my EAI cog and get a matchin lock ring... :\

I was 200+ now Im a bit under 190 (hopefully) and Ive had my Deep Vs on my bikes. And theyre taking a beating.

And as stated, Suzues/Open Pros are bomb proof.

Cant wait till my bikes are finished...

Who has a black Fizik Arione or any other similar low profile saddle FS, for relatively cheap?

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He hasn't replied to me in a bit, and I can't really tell from the pictures. It's bugging the shit out of me because I've passed on other good frames since I've been wanting a Cannondale.

There are a few Arione's doing 50-60 in listings around here...

EDIT: haha is this you, m1sterko? Rubbed off clear coat?

yes thats me!! :( :(

lol, it was accidental but i'll know better next time.

yeah if anyone in socal wants my bike for pick up

i'll go for 210 for my sufu family.

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22/Male/Cali. You?

Damn I feel old saying 22 :L...


Not 100% complete, but Im stoked. SHOULDA been done on my birthday (Tuesday) but nooooo...



Suzue Discos to Mavic Open Pros.



Fizik Arione. Was supposed to trade a friend for a black one, then sell the Motobecane, but I got dicked. Therefore, beater bike.



Thomson Seatpost (where is it?!)

Free Bontrager Super light seat (THANKS SUMMIT!) [like they would read this.]

Still need to:

- Wrap Nitto B123s with Cinelli Tape, and throw onto Cannondale. (White tape?)

- New Risers on beater Motobecane. (White grips or Red Ourys? I have both :\)

- Swap Wheelset from Motobecane and Garneau.

- Get "Gold"KMC chain tmrw morning for Garneau.

- Decide when Im gonna throw on both MKS doubles... Theyre too pretty, theyre new :\.

- Not sure if Im diggin the stem on the Garneau. It looks ok, but kinda eh...


BB on the Garneau is slightly too long. About 2 threads are showing from the cups, on the left side. Oh well, I dont care. Its fully packed in as much as it could be, and I dont feel like running back and forth between two bike shops.

But, Im DONE! Finalfuckinly.

Better pics when I take them out for a test spin, to check the fittings.

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