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I won't say who from, but I got a burned copy of mash within two days of it's shipping date (I won a copy in the race, so i'm not too concerned)..So it might actually show up on torrent.

i take my words back. just please hook those of us who are not on any specialized private tracker services (aka what.cd, waffles.fm).

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I don't know how i feel about downloading mash.

If it was available, would I DL it? I don't know, it's about 70$ here, which makes it up in the rediculous range, so yes, I probably would. I'd feel bad about it though.

One one hand I want to support them so more stuff like this can be possible, but on the other hand, that's way too much money for what it is.

I'll probably just buy it when i'm back in the states or something.

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You shouldve just went to the Japan premiere. It was in Ikebukuro a few weeks ago, and tickets were 4Gs. I was actually gonna PM you about it, but I got super busy with work and it slipped my mind.

(> <).


BTW, there is a bike film festival coming up in Dec around the 15~17 in Daikanyama:



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so is the fact that you're stealing money from a group of people that worked their asses off and aren't gonna make any profits. None of them are making money off of this. Downloading it will just put them more in debt. And it's not like you don't have the money..

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Mike Martin (the guy who put together MASH) put his blood, sweat, and his life savings into making this movie that you guys just want to steal. It's only 40$ and it comes with a 100+ page book and over an hour of special features. I find it funny how you homo's are complaining when you don't find it wrong to spend over 300$ on jeans. Just buy the damn thing.

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Mike Martin (the guy who put together MASH) put his blood, sweat, and his life savings into making this movie that you guys just want to steal. It's only 40$ and it comes with a 100+ page book and over an hour of special features. I find it funny how you homo's are complaining when you don't find it wrong to spend over 300$ on jeans. Just buy the damn thing.

i mean, those dudes worked fucking hard on getting that shit out, but i think its funny that mike martin thinks he's a martyr over it. sweet, dude, you worked your ass off and put out something amazing, but don't get pouty about not getting more than money back from your project – like winning an oscar and getting 24-7 b'jays.

sufu will always bitch about price. i get dudes haggling over $2 in shipping costs in selling shit on supermarket. give me a break. any skate DVD is like $30 anyway. the fact this is packaged in a book is just a little bonus. isn't the $40 shipped anyway? not sure since i grabbed mine at DQM.

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i mean, those dudes worked fucking hard on getting that shit out, but i think its funny that mike martin thinks he's a martyr over it. sweet, dude, you worked your ass off and put out something amazing, but don't get pouty about not getting more than money back from your project – like winning an oscar and getting 24-7 b'jays.

sufu will always bitch about price. i get dudes haggling over $2 in shipping costs in selling shit on supermarket. give me a break. any skate DVD is like $30 anyway. the fact this is packaged in a book is just a little bonus. isn't the $40 shipped anyway? not sure since i grabbed mine at DQM.

I always bitch about prices like these movies. I always get pissed that they are charging 40$ for something and forget that they have such a small audience that they won't make any profit. I think of all the huge movies with the state of the art filming and how they sell for like 12$ at Bestbuy.

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sufu will always bitch about price. i get dudes haggling over $2 in shipping costs in selling shit on supermarket. give me a break. any skate DVD is like $30 anyway. the fact this is packaged in a book is just a little bonus. isn't the $40 shipped anyway? not sure since i grabbed mine at DQM.

shipping is just an extra $5... no biggy.

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shipping is just an extra $5... no biggy.

You look at it from the simple mind frame. My idea is whether or not I should save that 5$ for a new sweater that I can use for a while or for a dvd that I may watch once or twice. The book would look good on a coffee table though

Mlp thinks about denim or something nice too

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You look at it from the simple mind frame. My idea is whether or not I should save that 5$ for a new sweater that I can use for a while or for a dvd that I may watch once or twice. The book would look good on a coffee table though

Mlp thinks about denim or something nice too

Well, I think about useful bike parts, but that's just me.

For $5, I guess I can get crank bolts.

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i like your avatar. it's nice you dislike bush, but that doesn't mean you're excused from not learning how capitalism works. not that i'm defending the situation, but let me break it down for you: most of a movie's profits these days (we're talking major release now) come from corporate advertising tie-ins, deals with theatre groups, etc. etc., mass produced DVDs and packaging can also be sold for cheaper due to the fact that companies get price breaks from ordering larger volumes of a product from factories. now talking about a film like MASH, a book used to be far less expensive to produce than a DVD and its necessary packaging, however, sadly, this is changing, for some odd reason full-color printing is still extremely expensive. also, remember that fact that a big-budget movie, if it performs well at all, should exceed its production costs in the theatres. since the MASH doc didn't even have a theatre release, they're making profits based only on the release of the DVD/bookvset.

I always bitch about prices like these movies. I always get pissed that they are charging 40$ for something and forget that they have such a small audience that they won't make any profit. I think of all the huge movies with the state of the art filming and how they sell for like 12$ at Bestbuy.
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my bike in mid mutation.


actually just being bored..

gonna paint my frame again just because...

color suggestions?

feel free to comment on my clutter.

sry for interrupting the $ rant :P

i do plan on picking up the dvdbook sometime soon though, after i finish paying off a certain impulsive ebay buy :[

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