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I'm getting pissed off now.

The prices of fixed gears are going up and up.

Even bloody conversions are getting too pricey.

I'm stuck in a ditch.

The BMX idea is bummed seeing as i'd be sweating buckets trying to get anywhere on its small gear ratio. Arghhh!!!

Does anyone know of anywhere i could pick up a fixed for less then 100 quid?

Is it even possible?

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I'm getting pissed off now.

The prices of fixed gears are going up and up.

Even bloody conversions are getting too pricey.

I'm stuck in a ditch.

The BMX idea is bummed seeing as i'd be sweating buckets trying to get anywhere on its small gear ratio. Arghhh!!!

Does anyone know of anywhere i could pick up a fixed for less then 100 quid?

Is it even possible?

mmmmh u could find a very old bike with and then find a really old single thread road wheels ....but could be dangerous cause there is no lockring.

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cheers ml i was thinking the same id read good reviews of the iro builds and least i know then where it is coming from,and being built where the ebay ones are a shot in the dark,with no huge saving to be had,hopefully il get enough cash together to make a usa trip in early autum.

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I'm getting pissed off now.

The prices of fixed gears are going up and up.

Even bloody conversions are getting too pricey.

I'm stuck in a ditch.

The BMX idea is bummed seeing as i'd be sweating buckets trying to get anywhere on its small gear ratio. Arghhh!!!

Does anyone know of anywhere i could pick up a fixed for less then 100 quid?

Is it even possible?


A day out at the seaside into the bargain...

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quick question...

how much does it cost to convert a 14-speed roadie to a fixed gear?

if you have a shimano hub, you can buy the surly fixxer, cog and locring and that'll put you at about $75.

if you don't have a shimano compatible hub, you need AT LEAST a new rear wheel, cog, and locring.

what kind of roadie is it? you might be better off keeping it geared and buying something like the windsor hour or mercier for $300.

Does anyone know of anywhere i could pick up a fixed for less then 100 quid?

Is it even possible?

no. unless someone is out of their mind or its a stolen bike from a crackhead.

if you're looking for a starter bike, grab one of those merciers or windsors.

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check out punch.

i have no idea where its at, but the fellas on bikeforums rave about it.

some tokyo bike porn:http://www.bikeforums.net/showthread.php?t=260233

ask ceya or deathhare on bikeforums.net, they are very knowledgeable and know whats up in tokyo.

thanks pruf - i actually did a quick search on SSFG and found some good stuff. i got the impression that it's everywhere over there. good be fun (and expensive)... my gambling problem isn't going to help either.

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A short life lived...



Brief rundown... No pun intended...

I was riding on Tuesday night, after I got a burrito. Riding near the side of the lane, close to the curb. It was on the main street. Had my lil blinky light hanging from my u-lock in my backpocket. Bunch of cars drive by. I slow down, to enjoy a nice slow stroll home. BAM!

Hit straight on from behind, by a old Dodge Dakota, driven by an old senile man...

I fly over my handle bars, out of my cages, and onto the street. I get up and yell at him blah blah blah.

He pretty much told me I deserved to get hit, since I didnt have a light, which I did.

Called my dad, he came. Called the cops, they came later. During the wait, the old guy kept complaining about him needing to go home for dinner, since he had dinner in the car. Kept making threats to me.

Filed a police report, hopefully this guy either gets his license taken away, or at least retested for it.

His skid mark, started AFTER mine. He hit his brakes after he hit me, and slightly went towards the left, into the lane where he SHOULDVE been. If he hadnt slightly went towards the left, he wouldve ran right over me.


Luckily came out with only road rash on my wrists, left elbow, right hip, and right calf. My left shoulder hurts, right elbow hurts, right wrist hurts, and my back is real sore.


Went to the bike shop last night, and my bike is done for.

Headed to another bike shop, and reserved a PAKE for myself. A Christmas present for myself I guess... But damn, I loved my bike...

Ride safe everyone.

And no, this one wasnt my fault. Suprisingly.

just cause the wheels busted why is the rest of the bike done?

like frame?

and whats so crazy about riding clipless/cageless

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canice you seem to know a shit load. might need your help.

i really like your bianchi stunt. aerospoke wheels are really dope.

ace. hit me up. your bike is pretty dope.

incredible stuff everyone as well. wish I had one by now, im just learning. i just want one for transportation purposes going into DC from Maryland. gas $$$ are rediculous and im getting lazy. lol

can anyone give a break down of parts for those who are not savy with the terminology?


Gentei here I come...

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Mongoose Expert 1987..

Just finished it.. all era-correct parts.

Team BSP Por Vida.



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From an earlier to post..as to fuel the Team BSP fires..

Team BSP Por Vida.



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and whats so crazy about riding clipless/cageless

i think it makes it harder to break, esp in emergencies, b/c you don't have the pull-up force

can anyone give a break down of parts for those who are not savy with the terminology?

http://sheldonbrown.com/ there's a huge glossary here and a lot of fixed-specific info too

also, i saw your other post about which bike to get on the cheap - check out the mercer or the windsor at bikes direct

how do i go about sizing myself for a frame?

you're my height but with longer legs. i have a 50 (c-c). so maybe that or a 53? try using the fit system here: https://www.wrenchscience.com/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fSecure%2fFit%2fHeight.aspx%3fstylecode%3dR&stylecode=R

you need to create an account and log in, it saves all your data for you. there's also another one a few pages back that mlproject linked to

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there are some beautiful bikes in here.

I don't know if my bike is welcome here but i'll show you anyway.


It's more for skatepark use and street riding, than general cruising.

Woah, I haven't really seen someone ride bars like that before.

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