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for everyone's sake (but mostly minya's) maybe we should put all the nerd talk in one thread.

mine, once again:


nothing really of note but a very fun ride. 47/16, urbane cyclist frame, cinelli road bars, cane creek headset, and a shitty quando rear hub that mysteriously rattles when you shake it hard enough.

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wow, you two have such nice bikes. how do you not get your stuff stolen? i take my junker to school and the city, and there are many an empty bike rack with u-lock and tire...somewhere an angel is crying.

personally, i prefer multigear simply because there's more shit to put together for rebuild and i've been driving manual everything most of my life...i can't turn back. that aside, props for learning the fixed gear ways. i'll try to post pics of my world sport tomorrow.

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  panikEpenguin said:
wow, you two have such nice bikes. how do you not get your stuff stolen? i take my junker to school and the city, and there are many an empty bike rack with u-lock and tire...somewhere an angel is crying.

personally, i prefer multigear simply because there's more shit to put together for rebuild and i've been driving manual everything most of my life...i can't turn back. that aside, props for learning the fixed gear ways. i'll try to post pics of my world sport tomorrow.

1. big scary kryptonite locks

2. i always likened fixed gear to driving manual. i find especially in bad weather with a freewheel i'm sliding around too much to feel in control.

technically, bikes are treated the same as cars under the law, but on monday i also blew past a red light and four bicycle cops who saw it and did shit-all. even the cops in this city don't know the laws on cycling, which is probably why we are all terrorized on the roads, because nobody's enforcing bike rights either.

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it's technically nice to be considered on the level as motor vehicles. it's sad that motor vehicle drivers, for the most part, don't know that or ignore it. in SF at least, no one is too picky about bikes using the crosswalk sometimes; some intersections are too risky.

stunt - are you in training for track cycling with that bike; it looks awesomely serious.

canice - that's a potent article...it only took wood and some prying.

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Only the new Kryptonite locks. None of the older bic pen key joints.

I like fixed gears better in the rain. I rode my dads old composite on a random rainy day, and I had to tap my brakes way too many times.

I dislike how bikes are now treated as a car would be. Esp. with getting a stupid ticket for doing a small u-turn infront of my house, in the opposite lane going the opposite direction. Stupid.

We're considered motorized vehicles, yet, dont have the same privledges as cars.


Just one single day... No cars at all on the freeway... Oh man... I wouldnt kno where to begin.

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Not training for a race. Just my bike. I love her.

Rides really well, esp with the new wheel, shortened the height of my fork, so my stem sits lower, and raised the seat up a bit.

Since this is our own thread, wats everyones views on cages/toe straps?

I personally dont see myself riding with them. Ive been asking many bikers and bike shop workers about em.

All were + about straps/cages.

I know theres a few tricks I wont be able to do without em.

Theres always that thought in my mind, that if I get hit or fall, Im going down with my bike.

For instance... Last nite.

The way I got hit and where my bike went compared to my body, it would have been worse for me. My buddy told me, that when he went down on his bike, his feet came right out. Then my boss told me, when he used to ride, he went down with his bike, cuz his feet got stuck.


So luckily I just flew infront of the car, rather than where my bike went.


(curb) [car]


These types of scenarios, give me second thoughts about riding with cages.

Im willing to try them out, but so far with all of my non-car crashing experiences, Ive been doing fine.

People are suprised that Im able to skid without cages and come to stops.

I havent been able to ride around SF yet, just around Valencia and Mission.

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  A_G said:
Personally I find it much easier to stop/skid with cages/clipless. I think that it's reckless of you to ride without. It's not only for your benifit but for those around you.

Care to elaborate?

Ive been able to come to stops and control my bike pretty damn well, without cages.

Of course, not AS well as most, but pretty damn well.

Theres been times where using my "sole brakes" have come in handy. And that split second it takes to get yer foot out of the cage/straps, might have made the difference.

I dont ride or try to ride reckless, for the most part anyways.

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After a reread my post does come across as a bit harsh; I really am not trying to be an ass. It's my personal experience that I am better able to control my bike with cages.

(Edited to include bike)

3Rensho conversion:


Eh, no cages but it does have a front brake. Not my picture and it's currently blacked out and in storage for the winter.

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No worries, I didnt take your post as an attack or anything. Very nice bike. I cant imagine myself riding a colored bike (hence painting the avacado bike)


Ima step on your toes.


Thanks. My buddy has a Langster also. Looks completely different than how he got it (stock.)

The Aerospoke ran me $270+tax. Had to get new tubing also.

I didnt like the big logo on the bottom tube, thats why I kept the small one. People like it.

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I wouldn't fancy riding cages either but I like to ride plastic pedals even less 9especially in the wet). If it were my bike the next thing I'd be purchasing would be some nice new pedals.

On the other hand I don't ride fixed, or indeed, a road bike so what do I know...


If you're looking for a cruiser you could try Wethepeople as they've just come out with a new one (complete with old school dropouts).

If you're made of money and you can track one down then you might consider the Shadow Conspiracy/Invisible Man collaboration of course..

It's not technically a cruiser but Volume brought out a 26" bmx-type-thing called The Sledgehammer (yes, it was named after Pedro's bike in Napolean Dynamite).

That's just a few off the top of my head, though personally I don't know whay you'd want to buy a cruiser in the first place (I don't mean any offence by that).

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Yeah I love mountain biking.

I have an Orange 7+, its a freeride/downhill bike, I use it for everything offroad.

I have a GT hardtail that I built up with hope discs, marzocchi's, azonic steering stuff, although now it has slicks on it.

I also have an "eastern bikes" bmx, that I bought for commuting, and did a couple of grinds on it but its fukd my back up so the commuting is done on the gt now.

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so I had to store my spring project into storage... it was taking up my entire kitchen weighing in at 70pounds plus...

I was hoping for something a bit more practical to ride around NYC. a small bmx bike... light weight? I would prefer just a stripped down chrome frame with nothing on it....

Any suggestions????

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  viv1984viv said:
get a mountain bike frame, have roadie cogs and gears, carbon stuff like handle bars if you can afford it and some nice light wheels inside slick tyres, dont use a bmx for long distances.

mountain bike is too big for my apt....

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I only have one aerospoke cuz I needed a new front wheel (check wdywt for story.)

If I had the funds, I woulda gotten a new back wheel as well. Not another aerospoke tho, I dont like the matching front and backwheel, looks too weird.

I like how just now I tried to skid infront of my work, and somehow managed to go down and tear up the grips on my bars. HAHA. Fuckin lady had to fuck up my knee wen she hit me...

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