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Powder coating involves completely stripping the frame. Any sort of media blasting to strip it would probably fuck with the gussets, too. Getting a replacement decal set would be a hassle.

It was built specifically for an Olympian. Fillet brazing, gussets, double seat stay bridges, diamond shaped Columbus Life tubing...the attention to detail is so so nice on this thing. I just wish this thing was a flaked black or something other than white.

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interesting, thanks for the powder coating knowledge. kinda of a bummer, but for one of a kind workmanship, is the paint that big of a deal? there are other ways of stripping paint off that would be less intensive than blasting it off... and who cares about the decals? you know its a makino, its one of a kind, so dare someone to prove you wrong?

im just drunk and drooling over it.

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those look pretty comparable to the ones im using currently :/

found these


and these



also, best/cheapest/easiest way to strip paint? i think a neighborhood cyclist told me "tal-strip" once? ring a bell? cant remember if thats it exactly

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You know, if you're going to offer a really cheap bike like that, you might as well shoot for absolute worst. I bet Urban Outfitters is kicking themselves. If I couldn't sell the best or at least really good bike, I'd at least rather it was rock bottom than somewhere in the middle, you know?

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the bike's like 35lbs, shipping weight's like 40 packed up. i'm pretty sure that's the worst they could do. The UO bikes are at least rideable, I think with the fixed gear stuff all most people need is $400 middle of the road. That thing's going to be a rust bucket with a year of use, at least up here in New England.

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fuckyeah walmart fixed gear.. jumpin on that bandwagon for sure.

i almost want to get one JUST because. if nothing else i'd play polo with it. hahh

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I'm sure that this has been around, but I thought I'd share.

This is probably the best mountain biking video I've ever seen:

This is what Valhalla looks like, gentlemen.

The production values are insane, too.

omg. the coordination. this is brilliant. I've seen stills of the course itself but never the video. This is too many sick.

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also, best/cheapest/easiest way to strip paint? i think a neighborhood cyclist told me "tal-strip" once? ring a bell? cant remember if thats it exactly

Klean-strip, also called airliner remover in the older cans. You can get it at any auto store or hardware store. It's like $15 a gallon. There's also an aeresol spray-can type that would be enough for a bike.


Did my mtb last year and it worked great!

Paint stripper is awesome, stripped all the paint from my frame today. I used Strip-Klean paint stripper, a 1" paint brush, putty knife, wire brush, synthetic steel wool, and a towel, and a pie tin to pour the stripper into. It's crazy because it starts to crackle and peel the paint within a few minutes, you can hear it fizzle off. I sanded it to help the stripper penetrate the clear coat, and the blue tape is covering the trek logo/made in USA stamp. If anyone is painting a bike it's worth it to take the time and $30 worth of supplies and completely strip it.

If I had access to a bead-blaster I would blast the frame, sand it with the steel wool, and put a satin clear over it because the raw aluminum just looks so nice in my opinion.






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