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air jordans and europeans

Guest jmatsu

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i noticed that alot of industry people in paris/belgians have been rocking jordans (from what i see this seems exclusive to 1's, 3's, and 5's). i like moon-boots and fancy michael j. fox's denim bunch-ups when he was known as marty mcfly, but why the sudden resurgence (suttle 3 years ago, as of late totally rampant)? is it just me or does anyone notice this? i asked a person working with henrik vibskov and he told me that people like the roundness and bulk.

4 years i purged my closet of all things nike except jordans. should i get rid of them? does anyone else think they work well with non-street garments?

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being that i think most jordans are hellaciously ugly, i'd find that strange, too.

but, being the type of shoe that it is, i think that they look just fine with whatever

outfit, as long as you're wearing slimmer pants.

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being that i think most jordans are hellaciously ugly, i'd find that strange, too.

but, being the type of shoe that it is, i think that they look just fine with whatever

outfit, as long as you're wearing slimmer pants.

i would love to see this. sometimes i feel that i just can't part with them and am under some premeditated notion that i have to make it work with my nonstreet wardrobe.

i guess the question is really why you like this? i know there may not be a really valid answers except nostalgia and that you just like them...

i am just trying to way the pros and cons and want to validify their necessity to a non street wardrobe (trying to objectively reason with myself as to whether or not they really match/work). this sounds kind of dumb, i know, but i need to not just convince myself. i need to believe. it's like the same feeling you get when you find new interests or loves and feel like you must purge the past. anyway your thoughts are appreciated.

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I do like Jordans with more punk-oriented outfits, say a Dior-ish top and pants with clunky Jordans. However, my love is only reserved for the I - V. Anything released after the Vs is fugly to me.

i would really love to see some of your personal pics. show me how to make it work.

if one is really tall, which i am not, the long limbs factor would def help.

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Jmatsu, I don't have pics right now, and I don't own any pairs of Diors, but Sphoxx does a great job on combining clunky shoes with slim jeans:


Notice how the stacked, slim look with the tongues out work well. The Jordan I or V will be ideal.

Stayhandsome has some badical pics of a slim silhoutte worn with Jordans as well.

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Let me first say that, in reality, I hate Jordans with a passion, except maybe for

the Vs. But big, bulky basketball sneakers are a style stape for me- I, at this point,

barely feel comfortable in a sneaker that isn't hi top, with a fair amount of heft to it.

And, I pair this with a slim or tapered jean. This isn't about being a crazy sneakerlover

and wanting to show them off, really it comes more from my childhood and love of

early hip-hop.

That being said, it all depends on your definition of a non-street wardrobe. I certainly wouldn't wear sneakers with a dressier getup, and I certainly wouldn't throw on some Adidas if I was going out to a nice dinner. What, exactly, do you mean by a non-street wardrobe?

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Let me first say that, in reality, I hate Jordans with a passion, except maybe for

the Vs. But big, bulky basketball sneakers are a style stape for me- I, at this point,

barely feel comfortable in a sneaker that isn't hi top, with a fair amount of heft to it.

And, I pair this with a slim or tapered jean. This isn't about being a crazy sneakerlover

and wanting to show them off, really it comes more from my childhood and love of

early hip-hop.

That being said, it all depends on your definition of a non-street wardrobe. I certainly wouldn't wear sneakers with a dressier getup, and I certainly wouldn't throw on some Adidas if I was going out to a nice dinner. What, exactly, do you mean by a non-street wardrobe?

i should have specified, i guess. we could dive into the realm of "what is streetwear" but that argument could take forever. (streetwear is a pretty relative term and has different implications and discrepancies in different countries). for my sake let's say a non-hiphop oriented/inspired or nonhypebeast wardrobe.

anway i wanted to talk about the parallel of jordans and i.e. european fashion. can this work? am i and various others kidding ouselves? i know this is all opinion and up to the actual individual, but i desire objective realness.

techniques as well would be appreciated. the tongue out obviously holds one's slacks/demin in place somewhat, but to lace up or not to lace up? do you knot or let you laces go wild (i.e. hap)? when walking does not some of your denim squirm out? obviously the hi-cut sneaker's actual length is a factor. someone mentioned j1's...the model of the shoe is obviously narrow and slim, so is this not impossible?

plus i find that wearing shoes such as converse, swear, and other boots/leather dress shoes uncomfortable. so this is another factor that can justify the bulk sports sneaker is it can actually be aesthetically pleasing. i am thinking about gettin the retro 5, if you have pics with skinny jeans working 5's please post.

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