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In the mood for love are fare from a “vapidly forgettable love strories †you are talking about, but it's only my opinion. It's like saying the movie is only made of plenty excelent pictures which is definitely not. What about the music? And maggie cheung is not just a beautiful model...

Christopher Doyle is not the Director of Photography as you said, the real one is called Li Ping-Bing and quiete famous, doyle only made a very small part.

But anyway Wong Kar Wai is also: chunking express, fallen angel, days of being wild, happy together. I will always remenber, when 12 years ago the crazy chunking express make me love what movies are.

My favourite movie are transpotting, pupl fiction, dead man, le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain, requiem for a dream, tokyo eyes, magnolia, gataca, the piano, and so many...

I didn't realise Doyle only co dp'd on 'In The Mood For Love', but he was the sole dp on '2046', so i reckon my point still stands. also, Doyle has collaborated with Wong Kar Wai on numerous occasions, they are it seems regular partners in crime, and from what I can tell Li Ping-Bing has done so only once.

You are right to suggest that I think the films are only beautiful pictures, that is essentially my qualm with both the films I mentioned. I agree that the music is good, and the costumes are amazing, as are the sets, interior design etc, in short as a study of mise on scene the films are near-perfect, BUT I feel that's all they are, a pretty confection, they don't speak to me personally of anything even vaguely profound. I may give 'Chungking Express' a watch, but for now I stand by my judgment that they're beautifully rendered piffle.

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