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How to wear Winds & Horns perfectly?


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It's my first time to post here and got a stupid question to ask you guys.

Last week, I bought a small size/class fit orange tiger fleec hooide and a medium size/class fit black hoodie ( small size is too tight for me >_<).

Both fit me perfectly if I only wear a t-shirt inside. However, since the weather is getting cold , it is impossible to go outside with only a t-shirt and a hoodie on.

So, how can you deal with this situation ?

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Sorry, my question might confuse you because English is not my first language. What I mean is it is impossible to wear something like a sweater inside if I wear Wings and Horns hoodie, because that will make me look bulky.

If I still want to wear the hoodie , I need to add a jacket on. But, I cannot find any jacket that I can add on the hooide and still look good.

So , I need your suggestion. Thank u

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So what you're asking is, what kind of jacket looks good over a hoodie?

Tons of jackets. Motorcycle jackets. Field jackets and M65s. Work jackets, engineer jackets, etc. etc. etc. anything not excessively formal will look fine.

I like the clash of a hood and overcoat and that's formal so I'd say pretty much anything goes.

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I like the clash of a hood and overcoat and that's formal so I'd say pretty much anything goes.

Interesting, got any pictures of this looking good?

While in theory I like the way a hoodie under a blazer (or other formal jacket) looks, I'm so scarred from the complete Amjack-hijack of the hoodie/blazer style that I'm very wary of attempting it.

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Interesting, got any pictures of this looking good?

While in theory I like the way a hoodie under a blazer (or other formal jacket) looks, I'm so scarred from the complete Amjack-hijack of the hoodie/blazer style that I'm very wary of attempting it.

Well if your jacket is well styled, your jeans dark and pretty plain and your shoes not ugly cheap white pointy loafers or something along the line you're going to distinguish from the amjack look pretty easily. Add some tasteful jewelry and you're all set to go IMHO. Not having a jock haircut also helps.

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its really not hard to make layering hoody/blazer look good, i mean theres such a stigma attached to it because so many jock chumps have appropriated the look, but by god when you do it right it looks great. and its all about how you wear it, if i stood next to some douchebag wearing the same thing i guarantee it looks 100% better on me (not to sound conceited) because of the attention to detail that i/someone else who is on here in the first place would put into it. sorry for the rant

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Vests, Peacoats, Duffles. Lots of choices.

But it all depends on the pieces you have, the weather outside, etc. And honestly, you can't expect to test out and buy a fitted sweat wearing only a T-shirt, then expect that the same fitted sweat will work with a thin sweater underneath. Need to figure these things out when you're making the purchase.

That, or buy 2 sizes of everything ;)

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Interesting, got any pictures of this looking good?

While in theory I like the way a hoodie under a blazer (or other formal jacket) looks, I'm so scarred from the complete Amjack-hijack of the hoodie/blazer style that I'm very wary of attempting it.



I think it might look better with a bigger hood though.

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