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i really do hope you are kidding.

anyone who tries to hard to impress anyone on the internet is a dork, myself included.

please dont take yourself too seriously. its way more embarrassing than admitting you listened to pop punk when you were 12.

today, super serious internet pose face


kenneth cole button up

julian red nikki sixx

vintage loafers


the shirt has this really cool embroidery but i couldn't get it to show up in a picture. its a black on black floral-ish design.

i haven't read this thread for a few days but i must protest....

no savvy hipster-fashionista should ever listen to blink 182, not even for nostalgic reasons. those who think it's okay to enjoy such fodder are forcibly retarded and have no clue as to the real role of fashion in mass society: it is the source material of an ongoing marxist dialectic between the marginalized and the masses. conspicuous consumption of certain "styles" of clothes and music has political ramifications, and communicates to others your place, role, and status in consumer-mass-culture. i think jmatsu at least implicitly understands this; the rest of you however, who mix elite and obscure cutting edge styles and designers with the generic and banal are either naive, confused, or unfortunately (like myself) too impoverised to excercise complete control over your wardrobe.

a rejection of blink 182 is not an assertion that pop-punk in general is now passé and should be abandoned altogether, but rather reflects the fact that that particular band's music is commodified crap, encouraged and engineered by the industry to playcate masses of callow consumers. It's not that they are sellouts: that would imply that they were at one time progressive and innovative. Blink 182 were never marginal, obscure, or underground for any other reason than that they sucked. they were not artists but rather quite average consumer youths re-enacting the quotidian rock pantomime of middle-class suburbia.

even I once listened to blink 182, but with an immature ear and mind. i feel somewhat embarassed about it, not because i take myself seriously now (which i dont always), but because i now realise that they were actually very different from my other pop-punk favs: garden variety, screeching weasel, and jawbreaker.

those who are skeptical about the socio-political implications of fashion should consider the following: why do you think it is that military/utility clothes have come back in fasion? because just a brief while ago, fashion had become too excessive. the marginal and innovative types who once took hedonistic pride in downing their decadent dior blazers, jeans, and exclusive designer sneakers, have once again lost their identity to the pathetic dull masses, who vacuously imitate the agents of the mass-media. as recourse, the aesthetic of decadence is presently being forsaken in favor of something which is at least superficially more minimalist, egalitarian, and utilitarian.

those idealists who feel themselves to be "unique" and "ecclectic" individuals, are the worst off. they actually have no identity, or rather, all have the same identity, slipping between the boundaries of subcultures and shape-shifting according to occasion. the identity of the individual is over-rated and irrelevant to mass culture. also, fashion does not occur in a vacuum: it relies on the coherence and cohesion of a small army of subversives. It is a socio-historic entity, which like art performs a dialectical function. So wise up and abandon all bad fashion and taste (defined as what is enthusiastically welcomed by the masses), unless of course you are all intending to be tongue in cheek. just my thoughts ;P

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wow. i can see your point and you make valid arguments, but what if you just happen to like blink 182? what if you choose to overlook the fact that it's prefabricated pop-punk junk? if it appeals to you, can't you just not care what people like yourself have to say about it? I think it's unfair to brand people as "forcibly retarded and have no clue as to the real role of fashion in mass society" just by their taste in music. I prefer to look at fashion and music in a lighter perspective, something to have fun with. Where's the fun when you start dissecting and analyzing every single thing? There are other aspects of life where I feel it is more appropriate to take this approach.

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JJ, you can't "just like" something without it affecting the rest of you or without it revealing a part of you in some way. Apparently, if you like something that someone else deems as retarded, it gives 'em the freedom to judge you accordingly.


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i was sad this got deleted, at least it got trashed

or does deleted stuff automatically get trashed???

no, it got "moved" to trash.

i will quote cultpop back at robideaux - quit being so serious.

i mean, since when was it a crime to like stuff because...you liked it?

i like having my icecream in a frozen block and put between two slices of bread, i don't see anyone calling me cheap and lacking identity...i'd give them a bite and they'd call me daddy :)

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^ that would be appropriate, actually, super. it is just unfortunate when these terms are poorly understood and used as mere lexical accesories.

i don't know about forced retardation, but there's something to be said about intentional stupidity. not irony----which is a bit played, but an egoless enjoyment of our culture's more plastic confections.

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i never really excelled in philosophy class, but robideaux makes some good points (i'm not just returning a compliment or shout-out).

some guy on the waywt's soundtrack was blink 182. blink 182 is terrible, he knows it, and so does everyone else (anybody who counts anyway). that individual even described it as something like a guilty pleasure. why admit to guilt then get all heated?

so would it be okay if hedi slimane commissioned blink 182 to do one of his fashion shows or for raf simmons to get some hot-topic band to do the soundtrack for his collection?

anyway my bad. maybe i just overestimated that dude on waywt...

i should of known by his wardrobe (in retrospect, blink 182 would have been a fine aural accessory to his garments).

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Jesus Lord.

Listening to Blink-182 is the same feeling as playing my old NES and SNES every couple months.

Not necessarily because they are the best games ever made (though some are) but because of the fact that I loved it when I was younger.

It's that "Oh shit! I remember this!" feeling. I'm not praising Blink-182 for being great, musically or lyrically, it's just nostalgic.

Hey, see that? I didn't even bust out a thesaurus once.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

/blasts Dude Ranch headbang.gif

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not everything can be a premeditated exercise in eating baudrillard (or other irrelevant french philosopher)'s ass.

didn't either of you (robideaux or jmatsu) have a painfully embarassing adolescence where you just listened to shit music? being 13 was the best.

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the fact that people still point out what's uber cool and uncool on a message board is totally uncool.

i listened to blink 182. fuck i was talking to someone about which member of blink 182 was responsible for writing all their good songs, the guitarist or the bassist. the conclusion was that the guitarist was b/c his new band had some catchy jams.

i went to warped tour where they fucking played like 10 years ago..

what the fuck should you care? i guess we could all rattle off some random band or some random french philosopher to try and come to the realization that you're so much cooler than everyone who doesn't subscribe to your hip shit.

fuck all.

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not everything can be a premeditated exercise in eating baudrillard (or other irrelevant french philosopher)'s ass.

didn't either of you (robideaux or jmatsu) have a painfully embarassing adolescence where you just listened to shit music? being 13 was the best.

i don't know about robideaux, but whether i did or did is irrelavent. when you post on waywt (or any other), blast your car stereo, or whether you are walking down ometesando street, people are going to formulate an opinion of you. people are going to judge your flaws, the clothing on your back, AND the cd you posted.

if something is embarassing, why relive the trauma? you have to be careful or else you're going to look like an idiot (not directed to anyone specifically).

if that college student who listen(s)ed to blink182 in his "younger days" (is blink182 even that old??) or anyone else posts on waywt, they have to expect a reaction. sorry mine didn't seem too positive, but you can't impress everyone. maybe the efforts of sarcasticm/satire were just beyond me.

next time i'll be sure to sugar-coat my comments.

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i don't know about robideaux, but whether i did or did is irrelavent. when you post on waywt ?or any other), blast your car stereo, or whether you are walking down ometesando street, people are going to formulate an opinion of you. people are going to judge your flaws, the clothing on your back, AND the cd you posted.

if something is embarassing, why relive the trauma? you have to be careful or else you're going to look like an idiot (not directed to anyone specifically).

if that college student who listen(s)ed to blink182 in his "younger days" (is blink182 even that old??) or anyone else posts on waywt, they have to expect a reaction. sorry mine didn't seem too positive, but you can't impress everyone. maybe the efforts of sarcasticm/satire were just beyond

edit: deleted because I don't even really care. I need to remember the "wait five minutes then post if you're angry to avoid looking like a juvenile asshole" rule.

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Since apparently you don't like sugar coated comments:

fuck you left and right.

If I want to look like a fucking jackass and listen to Blink 182 I'll goddamn do it and I'll enjoy it. Fuck, I spent the last four days wearing a giant fake beard. Sure, I'm sure that 99% of the people who saw it thought it was in "bad taste," or "idiotic," but you know what? I enjoyed it.

If enjoying something solely for the sake of enjoying is "out" then I maybe I should just go kill myself, because man, the day that I spent my time trying to impress people like you is about the worst thing I can imagine.

is there really any evidence that i've tried to impress he or she? even if i did try to impress, we all certainly ascertain to do so in one form or another... admit it or not.

the guy already mentioned that listening to this band was a guitly pleasure. i just merely agreed and contiue to agree with him (although i've always loathed blink182).

i understand what you are saying. i guess i'll tell my girlfriend that i enjoy masturbating because i simply enjoy it.

btw i do admire the liars and have actually purchased something from allgooddesign.

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not everything can be a premeditated exercise in eating baudrillard (or other irrelevant french philosopher)'s ass.

didn't either of you (robideaux or jmatsu) have a painfully embarassing adolescence where you just listened to shit music? being 13 was the best.

not everything can be a premeditated exercise in eating baudrillard (or other irrelevant french philosopher)'s ass.

didn't either of you (robideaux or jmatsu) have a painfully embarassing adolescence where you just listened to shit music? being 13 was the best.

i've never read baudrillard, but i dont think he owns the rights to the phrase "conspicuous consumption." i'm coming from more of an adornian angle. the phrase "forcibly retarded" i actually stole from him, but that probably went unnoticed. It's no surprise i was mistakenly accused of referencing Baudrillard, since he is much more trendy and from what i gather an easier read.

sure i was thirteen and listened to crap music, and probably still do to some unknown extent. but we all change and constantly re-evaluate our taste. i mean, i don't enjoy watching sesame street anymore, not even for nostalgic reasons. i used to eat fast food too and loved it when i was a kid, but now the thought of it makes me nauseous in much the same way. It's simply incoherrent and discordant with what i think i now know. Now i'm not a facist nor was I trying to pontificate and specify exactly what good taste is, but rather point out the dialectical nature of the industry and how it evolves. For a fashionista to listen to blink 182 just seems to me as contrary as if derrida(rip) professed praise of dan brown without the slightest tinge of irony.

now sure what i said before about the relationship between marxism and fashion was a bit over generalized, especially considering the fact that fashion is not a single holistic enterprise. it is actually comprised of a myriad of subcultures and sects ranging in size and scope, and each of these factions are too governed by internal dialectics. But in the case of urban fasion--arguably the hegemony of this board--these different subcultures seem to convene and assimilate, spawning new bastard city babies.

anyway if any of you choose not to acknowledge the socio-political implications of fashion, then i suppose there is no point in saying anymore.

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i've never read baudrillard, but i dont think he owns the rights to the phrase "conspicuous consumption." i'm coming from more of an adornian angle. the phrase "forcibly retarded" i actually stole from him, but that probably went unnoticed. It's no surprise i was mistakenly accused of referencing Baudrillard, since he is much more trendy and from what i gather an easier read.

sure i was thirteen and listened to crap music, and probably still do to some unknown extent. but we all change and constantly re-evaluate our taste. i mean, i don't enjoy watching sesame street anymore, not even for nostalgic reasons. i used to eat fast food too and loved it when i was a kid, but now the thought of it makes me nauseous in much the same way. It's simply incoherrent and discordant with what i think i now know. Now i'm not a facist nor was I trying to pontificate and specify exactly what good taste is, but rather point out the dialectical nature of the industry and how it evolves. For a fashionista to listen to blink 182 just seems to me as contrary as if derrida(rip) professed praise of dan brown without the slightest tinge of irony.

now sure what i said before about the relationship between marxism and fashion was a bit over generalized, especially considering the fact that fashion is not a single holistic enterprise. it is actually comprised of a myriad of subcultures and sects ranging in size and scope, and each of these factions are too governed by internal dialectics. But in the case of urban fasion--arguably the hegemony of this board--these different subcultures seem to convene and assimilate, spawning new bastard city babies.

anyway if any of you choose not to acknowledge the socio-political implications of fashion, then i suppose there is no point in saying anymore.

just curious, how old are you?

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if that's 24 i don't want to be 24.

did this guy really take it from blink-182 to horkheimer and adorno? it was that serious? there are people who are dying right now, and this fuck's donating all

his mental energy to discussing the socio-political ramifications of t-shirts and

the trans-cultural impact of listening to pop-punk in 2006.

alright, dude, listen- you've got your bachelor's degree, and we'll all congratulate

you. but honestly, this isnt't 'dialectics of pop culture in modern-day post-modern american culture 1990-2006' class.

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yeah, college is a vast retarded industrial complex. get out while you can

nothing like a $200,000 investment made in the hopes of getting a piece

of paper so that you can make back your $200,000 sooner rather than later.

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rent and watch the matrix so you can formulate your thesis concerning plato, and the rent waking life next time so you can bone up on your existentialism and come back with some super duper quotes so we can all be wowed by your academic genius that obviously holds true to every aspect of our super duper lives.

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