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i have 2 piercings, one on my belly button and one on my nose. I used to have 2 others. I had one on my eyebrow but i took it out because my eyebrow stopped growing, so it pretty much finished halfway... the lower lip i liked a lot but i took that out as well because the inside part of the piercing was rubbing against my lower teeth and gums. the gums wasted away a little and haven't grown back... but you can't tell... i took it out in time. I personally like piercings but not crazy stuff in wierd places. when i had all 4 i remember my mom telling me i looked like a christmas tree.

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well you know, apart from the basic albert I'm not that keen on them..

seriously though I dont think I like anything besides ears. an eyebrow piercing can look ok, a friend of mine had one but surprisingly it got attached to a sweater or smething and now he has a scar instead.

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not a big fan of conspicuous stuff. i've got both ears done with small hoops. i wouldn't want anything bigger, and certainly not plugs. a friend of mine made a comment once when we saw some girl with about 10 facial piercings: "if you've got to put that much shit in your face, it's kind of like wearing a public admission that you're ugly." i don't entirely agree, but i can see where the sentiment comes from.

if it looks nice and doesn't distract from the fact that there's a face/ears/whatever there, that's fine. but once piercings are the only things that really register, then you've got a huge problem.

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Used to have 2 cartilage helixes and a tragus. Down to one helix now and maybe considering a conch or a rook. I think a few pieces of removable metal in the ear (in taste) adds a nice touch sometimes. Of course, not acceptable in the office even now and that's understandable.

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hottie girls can get away with most piercings...funky ear plugs are always a plus, provided they don't go overboard with the gauge used.

i have a vertical industrial in my left ear, and I am quite happy with it, because unlike the standard industrial it is kind of subtle (my longish hair covers the top exit point, and the bottom is hidden behind the ear), but provokes all sorts of compliments/comments once people notice it.

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i used to have a bunch of shit but now i just wear 1/2 plugs in my ears. i think they look good. not too big. i usually wear clear, black, or white acrylic.

did you just start stretching your ears, or did you not wear your plugs in older photos you've posted here? im not sure if its your photos or how they come off in person but i dont think you're pulling them off too well. if your really into it id suggest ditching the white acrylic and maybe picking up some dark hardwood plugs.

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im gunna start off by saying i hate almost all piercings, until about a year ago i had one inch plugs in my ears, i kept them in so long because i wasnt sure if my ears would heal back well. i finally couldnt take it anymore and just took them out for good. luckily my ears have shrunk back almost 100%.

that being said i think monroe's can make the most busted chick's look a little better and eye brow's are fucking tacky as hell.

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I have 5 earring piercings.

1 4 guage on my bottom left lobe.

2 12 guage spikes on the upper left cartiledge.

1 12 guage thingy on the upper right cartiledge.

1 12 guage spike on my right lobe.

I like piercings... Esp guages on girls... Unless theyre too big, or they dont look right on the girl...

HATE belly button/labret/tongue piercings on girls...

Too much of a cliche...

I want a bridge piercing.

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  • 9 months later...

I got a cartiledge piercing. This was the second time I had to do it because of my first job and their stupid regulations. A girl can only have less then 6 ear piercings total and none of this stretching shit. Monroe piercings can also make a lot of girls look a billion times better.

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Guest thesnow

Five in each ear, one through the nipple on my left breast, one through my right nostril, one through my left eyebrow, one in my lip, one in my clit... and I wear a stud in my tongue.

like really

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