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Swearing is the crutch of the inarticulate.


I've never been all that inarticulate in any sense of the word, but swearing to me is a joy. It is one of the freest forms of linguistic expression out there; by the very aversion most self-styled "articulate", "erudite", "cultured", or "educated" show towards swearing, the further into the margin such expression is pushed, and so is that much less attached to those who traditionally regulate languages, the very same people who show the aversion to swearing. Thus, while those who professionally study grammar, syntax, linguistics, as well as those who simply produce the bulk of academic and self-styled "serious" writing, are traditionally those influencing the standards set for a given language, they are often (but not always) most removed from the aforementioned "crutch of the inarticulate". Vulgar expression in every language is one of the least restricted forms of expression out there, precisely because it has ever been marginalized by those who so influence most other linguistic production. This can be seen in the sheer versatility of many of the most basic cusswords; they can be nouned, verbed, adjectivized, or adverbed as is necessary, not to mention being joined to other cusswords or to other common words for greater, or more specific, significance. They fly in the face of common convention, are endlessly versatile (with a given applied creativity), and are accessible to all...

a fucking excellent example of creativity through vulgarity can be seen at the end of carl's post:


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