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I imagine there are some alky nerds here as well. Open the cabinet, show us your liquor/beer/wine/whatever collection...



Evan Williams Single Barrel, Buffalo Trace SB Special Bottling, Knob Creek, Makers (back), Eagle Rare SB, Old Forrester BB SB, Hirsch 16-yr, Elmer T Lee SB, Vintage 17-yr, Woodford Reserve (blech, a gift), Bernheim Wheat (not bourbon technically), Sam Houston, Blantons... plus extras up top when these run out. :)



Edouard, Nouvelle Orleans, Matter Luginbuhl Prototype 30, Montmartre, Un Emile, Duplais (both French& standard bottlings) Helfrich, Ulex Ordinaire, Muse de France, La Ptite, (Blanchette not pictured)

Other random stuff - nothing worth noting:



(the eichelberger on the right got left out of the absinthe group shot)

p.s. forgot the bottle of home-made Croatian brandy (rogac) that's squirreled away.

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Jesus christ, I thought I drank a lot...

I go out and drink with human beings, so my selection at home is limited to two stubbies of Victoria Bitter, two Stellas, a cheap bottle of Rioja, and some random bottle of Creme de Cassis.

I'm liking your coffee maker.

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kind of miss college, but not that much.

on topic, I've been drinking nothing but water today, need to detox a little and clean myself up b/c my sleep has been all fucked up the past few weeks. Will probably cancelit all out though with a hard night tomorrow.

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Blanton's is the best bourbon I have ever tasted and I consume it now on a regular basis. My first bottle was given as a present by one of my customers at a bar I used to bartend at and I have never purchased any other bourbon since then. It is clearly in a class by itself as far as I am concerned. By the way, that is at least $1000 worth of liquor right there am I wrong? You got good taste my friend.

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one of the fridges stocked.


Fucking gross.

I usually have a dozen or so good beers in the fridge, then a bottle each of Jameson's, Maker's, a random scotch, rum, gin, tequila, and vodka, in order of consumption, on the bar. Also a poorly stocked wine rack--a dozen or so $10-$20 bottles. The beer goes the fastest, by far.

cmf, good call on the dark and stormy. Myers works, if you can't find Goslings.

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yea people make fun of me for mixing rum with ginger... they say its rum and coke or rye and ginger... i say FUCK EM

but hey MWRENCHD ... what absinthe do you recommend to do the real trick shit... i've tried two kinds before one from france and one from Ireland... i dunno if they were the real shit... n the shit you buy in canada's all gonna be fake

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Jesus christ, I thought I drank a lot...

I go out and drink with human beings, so my selection at home is limited to two stubbies of Victoria Bitter, two Stellas, a cheap bottle of Rioja, and some random bottle of Creme de Cassis.

I'm liking your coffee maker.

HHHAHA good old victoria Bitter....

I got 2 cases for tonights BBQ....MAD

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damnlam - You're probably right, don't remind me! Not all in one haul of course. ;)

showbiz - in truth, my wife is the absinthe expert. I know enough to know what I like and talk about it intelligently but bourbon is my domain. :) That said, I think the Montmartre is a good entry. Duplais is bit spicy and very nice too. Nouvelle Orleans & Edouard I think are generally considered to be the best but you'll pay for it too. As far as the "real trick shit", if you mean what's gonna make you hallucinate, dunno, it differs for each person. Just don't expect it to be like eating a tab of acid.

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