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Dior Homme Denim (FAQ ON FIRST PAGE - read me)


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  Jimmy Christ said:
I'm going to continue to seem like I'm hardcore against the Diors, which I'm not, but I find your last sentence hard to accept. The APCs are common on this board as well as styleforum, and as a result there are tons of pictures of them worn in. IMO APCs can achieve some of the best colouring and fade of any jean and I've yet to see a pair of Dior with a fade that can match. Of course everyone differs in taste and one persons pair can fade differently to another, but I think APC has a proven record of fantastic fading and their rich blue colour is great.

well I guess theres no absolute truth in this, I'm just speaking from experience on wearing both of these jeans.

diors win in fitment, cut, quality, the denim color is nicer.. but again, each to his own.

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  rirawin said:
Do they shrink down at all when you wash/soak them? Also are people sizing up or down when it comes to the Japanese 19cm ones? or buying true to size?

I have soaked mine in luke warm, they shrunk just a bit but stretched back to be probably 1-2cm wider then they were from the box.

I sized down 1 size from a "normal" size (=what I usually wear in unwashed). same size in the diors as in my APC's.

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Guest Fade to Black

the thing about Dior is...i think they a bit hyped up. Don't get me wrong I love 'em and got 6 pairs of Dior casual pants....but for someone who would ask me for raw denim: Dior or APC? I'd probably go APC...Diors are nice for a more fashionable fit with the slouch and bunching...but in terms of fading and wear the material is a bit thin and the indigo, while retained nicely even after washing, isn't exactly the kind one gets in a more traditional jean like APC. So it just depends on what you're lookin for.

But I really don't get why everyone hypes the Dior raw denims and shits on their distressed jeans. To me, the heart and soul of Dior's denim design is in the treated models...orange overdyed, waxed, painted, whiskered, all that. For the price it charges, the raw denim really isn't anything to write home about (when i bought my pair i was not having a clue as to what raw denim even was, let alone selvedge/fading and all that). Whereas nobody really treats their jeans like Dior's washed models, that's a real one of a kind finish and where the real money is, IMHO. The whiskering might not be realistic, the color is off blah blah blah, but if you think about it, look at a pair of distressed Diors...even though millions other brands do similar treatments, NOTHING, and i mean NOTHING looks quite like the Dior overdyes.

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I see your point but still, the diors just fit so much better in every way. I cant of course say for fact about the fading because neither my diors or apc's have been worn for that long, so you might very well be right about it, maybe after one year the apc's have faded more and better, I couldnt tell right now. but as I mentioned earlier after I got my diors I have worn other jeans for maybe two days. and where I'm from I doubt that a single person has recognized the brand on my jeans, so I can say for sure that hype has nothing to do with why I love them.

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Guest Fade to Black
  mike lowrey said:
I see your point but still, the diors just fit so much better in every way. I cant of course say for fact about the fading because neither my diors or apc's have been worn for that long, so you might very well be right about it, maybe after one year the apc's have faded more and better, I couldnt tell right now. but as I mentioned earlier after I got my diors I have worn other jeans for maybe two days. and where I'm from I doubt that a single person has recognized the brand on my jeans, so I can say for sure that hype has nothing to do with why I love them.

don't get me wrong Mike...you wear your Diors well and I definitely wasn't referring to you when I mentioned the 'hype bandwagon' so to speak...i think you're one of the few that 'get it'...basically what i was talkin about was a lot of people seem to lust after the mystique surrounding the Dior Homme brand when, in reality, a lot of better jeans can be found for similar/lower prices if you're just goin strictly raw denim. Like I said, of course the fit is unfuckwitable, but is it worth paying that extra 100+ just for the slight difference in shape?

Just my opinion...youre free to disagree and im gettin belligerent now anyways. but respect on not flaming me for my post.

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  dismalfuture said:
Agreeing with Morningstar on the questionability of the darts for function, disagreeing with Morningstar as he seems to be a jeans Nazi.

The dart on Dior jeans really doesn't take too much fabric out of the equation, but I'd bet it takes enough to shift the fabric at least a little. You wouldn't want any angles that are too noticeable to the naked eye anyway. I have a feeling both the yoke pieces are very curved and the darts are at a certain angle. If you pull your Diors up where your natural crotch will let you, you'll notice they do hug your ass and have a rounded shape to them in the back; I tend to wear them hanging naturally where they hang off my hips too. On some nights they end up low, and they look cool that way too, but generally they're just halfway on anyway.

Diors are worth the premium over APCs, in my opinion. I am going to take the side of Jimmy though, and agree that APC's do fade nicer and easier than Diors.

In defense of the darts, I have a pair of APC NS that I wear them antifit and kinda slouchy. I looks cool and all but theres a bit of fabric bunching up start from the outside of the back pocket to the seam , its exactly where the darts are on Dior jeans. I don't know if that makes sense, but I'm gonna take a picture to show it. I'm actually kinda annoyed by the little extra bunching fabric since it kinda stick out a bit.

I guess this is what happened, Hedi wore the APC and liked the look of it, but he noticed those extra fabric, so he just put the darts on and jacked up the price and made it Dior jeans :-). Anyway, my Dior is gonna be here next week, I'm excited!!

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I kind of agree with FTB. I have 4 pairs of Dior jeans and i have had some for more than a year or so and others just recently got. But what i like the best about Dior jeans are the fit, which is simply amazing, but also the washes.

Yes the raw 19 cms Japanese model are amazing, and they are probably my favorite pair of raw jeans after my APC NS, but my favorites are still the used denim, the orange overdyes and just recently, my new dust wash jeans. Just the special little details make the jeans spectacular and they fit amazingly.

Dior are not cheap but for the quality that you get and the fact that they have been the best fitting jeans on me make up for it.

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Agreed, the distressed and washed denims are by far the best Dior Homme jeans. I like the washes from the earlier seasons the best (Follow Me to Strip) but the new Dust Wash is really nice too (but made in Italy, well well).

And one more thing, who else but Hedi has made some jeans that you almost can call Haute Couture, but for men? Of course I'm thinking of the waxed ripped destroyed from strip which are simply amazing and the level of detail is just so great...

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  Fade to Black said:
don't get me wrong Mike...you wear your Diors well and I definitely wasn't referring to you when I mentioned the 'hype bandwagon' so to speak...i think you're one of the few that 'get it'...basically what i was talkin about was a lot of people seem to lust after the mystique surrounding the Dior Homme brand when, in reality, a lot of better jeans can be found for similar/lower prices if you're just goin strictly raw denim. Like I said, of course the fit is unfuckwitable, but is it worth paying that extra 100+ just for the slight difference in shape?

Just my opinion...youre free to disagree and im gettin belligerent now anyways. but respect on not flaming me for my post.

allright I got your point much better now, I see what you mean. the reason I have no doubts about paying the extra for the fit is that I've had trouble finding really good fitting jeans, the diors are perfect for me so thats why it might sound like I'm exagerating when I keep praising the fit ;)

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i think we all need to realise that people have different tastes when it comes to clothing, and basically everything else as well

theres no right and wrong, its just a matter of perspective

and like i said before, if u can afford them and they look good on u, buy them, if not, spend ur money as where on something that fits u best

and whether the jeans fade better or not, its again up to the individual, how they wear their jeans and how the jeans fit on them

so if possible, can we post some pics of the worn diors here...?

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  apu said:
i think we all need to realise that people have different tastes when it comes to clothing, and basically everything else as well

theres no right and wrong, its just a matter of perspective

and like i said before, if u can afford them and they look good on u, buy them, if not, spend ur money as where on something that fits u best

and whether the jeans fade better or not, its again up to the individual, how they wear their jeans and how the jeans fit on them

so if possible, can we post some pics of the worn diors here...?

Great post.

What some people perceive as over priced and quality lacking, others may think the exact opposite. I know there are a bunch of people who probably think sites like this are crazy and more than $50 for denim is outrageous. I'd say we're all pretty lucky to even consider a $300 pair of jeans, let alone be able to discuss them as common occurance. I would agree that everyone differs with fashion and that in itself is the greatest part!

I know damn well that without this site I wouldn't know half the stuff I know now about denim than if I had not found this place at all.

Mike, thanks for all the answers bro, it really helps a lot. I know some of them get repetitive especially when comparing one denim to the other, but I guess that's bound to happen on these forums from time to time. :)

Skinny, average, overweight, whatever...wear what you feel good in and can express yourself in.

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I'm getting them coz I liked the fit a lot when I tried them on, I like how the 19cm fit me better than my APC NS... but I've never tried or seen the New Cure that's why I was curious how they compare...

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  ayn said:
I'm getting them coz I liked the fit a lot when I tried them on, I like how the 19cm fit me better than my APC NS... but I've never tried or seen the New Cure that's why I was curious how they compare...

I'm also wondering how the two compare. I absolutely love my APC NS though, so I'll probably go with the New Cures and save a few bucks. I'm planning on sizing up a size or two from my NS size so they hang lower.

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If I can figure out a way to order them into this country, I plan on getting a new pair of Dior 19's and New Cures as well sometime very soon, probably both in the same sizes, so hopefully I will have some direct comparisons for you guys...

The New Cures have like 2-button flies, how low on the hips do they hang? I assume they probably hang around the same place that Diors hang...

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New cures have a 3-button fly and JRs have a 5-button fly (but i still wear my JRs where i wear my cures)

and the reason why i went with the decision of buying the cures is bcos the diors were a bit pricey for my wallet back then

dismal which country r u located that u cant purchase diors locally?

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I live in Korea, and we have a very dismal Dior Homme mini-store, but it doesn't stock too many jeans. I want the black raws and they didn't even stock them this season, so I am gonna get them from Japan.

Plus, I want to experiment and see if i can't circumvent the local import taxes. People have been selling the New Cures on this board for about $120US shipped, while I would pay about $220US for them locally. The Dior raws would be about $400US at the local store, but pretty cheap coming from Japan since the yen straight sucks right now.

What is the markup in Australia on these things? Must be outrageous...

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the APCs are abt 180 USD (cures/rescues) and maybe 190 for the new stanrdards

as wf Dior jeans, they only have them in one shop in Australia, which is ridiculous, and i think the price isnt that bad, abt 300 USD for the italian denim, and jap ones arent available for some reason

oh well, i guess one gd thing abt the internet is that we have access to things all over the world, and hopefully in the near future i can either buy a pair of the diors when luisviaroma restocks the 19cm jap ones or when i go over to japan or US early next year when my uni degree finishes

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dismal: mauro from denimbar ships internationally, and so do all 3 Dior Homme stores in the U.S., but sounds like if you get taxed they will probably be around the same price...

This almost warrants a trip to Japan!! haha, it's pretty close so shouldn't be that expensive... ;)

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Yeah, I am gonna experiment a bit and see what happens regarding customs. I've never been charged customs on anything sent to me before but I've always received very assorted stuff like care packages from my mother, etc. Always a random assortment of clothes, books, etc. I'm bit apprehensive though because if the customs agents see a label that says 1 pair of pants with a declared value of like $250, I have a feeling they might raise a brow...

I should go to Japan and do all this really, but I really can't be fucked at the moment. It's about $500 for me fly into Tokyo and I have all these college friends I haven't seen in a year or two and they'd end up taking up most of my time. Going to Japan is an ordeal for me. Plus I'm trying save my sick days at work because I'll probably have to go to a funeral in the US pretty soon whenever that happens, so I'm just chillin where I am right now. Tokyo will be good when I do get to go though, right now I can get 125yen to 1000won, and I tend to think of 1000won as $1US because it fluctuates but stays around there, so to me it's like getting 25y extra on the dollar.

In the meantime, I have a girlfriend who is a stewardess and stays locally but flies to Tokyo a couple times a day, most days, and then on her rest days she stays at her folks home there in Tokyo. I need to be asking her to pick me this stuff up really. :D

On topic, I think I'm gonna get Italian 19's in size 27. I think I'm a natural 30-31", do you guys think I'm getting a little too ambitious? I have the 29"s and they've stretched to where I think I have and inch and a half in the waist and tons in the legs, perhaps even some more. I have stick legs so leg sizing isn't so much the problem as my hips are.

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damn, what are you waiting for? just ask her to cop stuff for you... a lot of the stewardess chicks I know cop stuff from LV in Europe and offload them for a profit in HK... while she's at it ask her to stop by the LW store and cop a few things for us!! HAHAHA!!

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  dismalfuture said:
On topic, I think I'm gonna get Italian 19's in size 27. I think I'm a natural 30-31", do you guys think I'm getting a little too ambitious? I have the 29"s and they've stretched to where I think I have and inch and a half in the waist and tons in the legs, perhaps even some more. I have stick legs so leg sizing isn't so much the problem as my hips are.

I would probably go a 28...27 might be a bit tight and you may not be able to wear them with slouch.

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  cersepn said:
i wonder when luisaviaroma and browns will get the 19 black raws again.. really feeling those. hopefully the pricing's not rape.

i think luisviaroma has the Jap 19 raw in black if i remembered correctly

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i ordered a pair of size 28 19cm italian dior's from browns and they arrived earlier this afternoon, they're unfortunately much too small in the waist. with my size 29 apc cures a little larger than i would have liked i had thought a 28 in dior would be perfect, not so. will be returning them tomorrow, for a size 30 perhaps?


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