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Experimental Music


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im really liking "13 and god" and "why" from clouddead, I like all or leaf records, all of constellation, especially "godspeed..." and "do make say think", "fly pan am" "silver mt zion" also really really like "esmerine" from resonant records. I dont really listen to ninja tune or warp records so much nowadays, "autechre" are allways good, so's "chris clark". Venetian snares "Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett" is amazing though, im not too keen on his overly abraisive stuff though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  minya said:
"Here's a really daft comment p.s. check out my myspace band"

it says you live in san francisco.. caroliner is from there and they are huge in the art/experimental scene there. they're not just a myspace band they're very important. if you looked at the videos they also dress up and put on acts. very influential.

so a summary of your reply would be "here's a really daft reply p.s. i dont read"

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  minya said:
Yes none of the bands in this thread are "truly" experimental hurrrrrr.

ok for example, i dont consider kenji haino very experimental... his music is more avantgarde than experimental. lightning bolt either... they do what bands have been doing for years..

and somebody mentioned sunnO))) and they are far from..

its obvious that a lot of people posting in this thread think that any fringe music is experimental and thats not the case

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The difference between "avantgarde" and "experimental" is a few shades of semantic squabbling that is completely irrelevant.

There isn't a hard and fast definition for "experimental" music -- not to mention bands can be experimental in a lot of ways.

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  minya said:
The difference between "avantgarde" and "experimental" is a few shades of semantic squabbling that is completely irrelevant.

There isn't a hard and fast definition for "experimental" music -- not to mention bands can be experimental in a lot of ways.

quoted for truth

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wodnerduck, would you not consider Matmos experimental? Nurse With Wound? John Duncan? Pan Sonic? Autechre? William Basinski? Each employs what academia would call "extended techniques". Not that I'm suggesting falling back on acedemia to prop up one's argument (though it's kinda difficult to disregard acedemia altogether in this discussion); it's just that the use of such technique, to cite only one qualifier, appears to be key in locating a music as "experimental". Or, again, pulling from academia, does the music in question have to bear up under analysis? I'd say all of the above are very definitely "experimental", and that none of those artists give a good fuck about the academy.

About Sunn O))), listen to White 1 & White 2 again and reconsider.

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i know this is old news, but i just listend to the sunn o)))/boris album and i have to say i just don't understand the appeal of all that droning, meandering and lack of melody. do you actually sit and listen to that to enjoy it? i'm not trying to be overly negative; i just want someone to tell me what they think the appeal is. i think that even though the songs have a lot going on, they don't really do anything. does that make sense or am i talking out of my ass?

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Has anyone heard the Kevin drumm album "Land of Lurches"?

it has to be one of the most violent yet tranquil albums that I have ever heard.

also the Brian Eno ambient stuff... I really dont think I need to say more about that.

edit... I forgot to mention This Heat. the stuff is hard to find but its worth the digging.

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Old favorites:

The Necks -- Sex

Mirror -- Die Spiegelmanufaktur

Richard Youngs -- Sapphie

GAS -- Konigsforst

Oren Ambarchi -- Grapes from the Estate (though certainly his least "experimental" album, whatever that means. I love almost everything on Touch!)

Hazard -- Land

Minamo -- Shrine/Nest

Steinbruchel -- Skizzen

SND -- Studio

Sawako -- Hum

Tim Hecker -- Mirages

Stars of the The Lid -- The Tired Sounds of...

John Cale -- Sun Blindness Music

Mountains -- Sewn

William Basinski -- Chrome Primitive and A Red Score in Tile

Morton Feldman -- Piano and String Quartet


DJ Olive -- Buoy (everything on Room40 is great!)

Tony Conrad -- Joan of Arc

Rafael Toral -- Space

Cold Blue -- Complete 10" Singles

V/A -- Water Music

V/A -- Small Melodies

Zane Trow -- For Those Who Hear Actual Voices

Looping in my apartment right now:

The Buddha Machine

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  • 1 year later...

I had to ressurect this thread from the dead. This Heat, ubuweb, Sunn, Tony Conrad... so much great stuff being discussed. what do you guys think about the newer experimental stuff? there's a lot coming out of stuff coming out of Australia with that harsh, discordant, droning vibe a la the dead c.

one that comes to mind is naked on the vague. they'll be playing here soon.

but seriously, to reiterate, www.ubuweb.com is incredible, not only for experimental music but avant garde culture in general. check out the films, etc. again, you won't be disappointed.

I encourage all to check out

kawabata makoto

black dice

black pus

the dead c



einstruzende neubauten



the flying luttenbauchers

glenn branca

indian jewelery

john zorn

konono no 1

lounge lizards



i'll stop

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yeah on maryanne amacher - cd on tzadik actually makes it feel like sound is coming out of your ears

thomparetta, you do know that the dead c are from nz, right? in general i thought they lost the plot a bit starting with the white house but before then they were impeccable.

also, friends don't let friends listen to excepter. ooioo is actually rough trade throwback steez

my vote for young talented guy is julien ottavi, a wizard on the laptop - the modern day xenakis

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yes, when i mentioned australia i had naked on the vague in mind. this is why i said "harsh, discordant vibe a la the dead c" meaning of the dead c. because they are clearly a huge incluence on naked on the vague and also general geography permits comparison so.... naked on the vague is good.

if i was referring to the dead c i wouldn't have called it "new"

but good call on julien ottavi

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  • 2 weeks later...

Word to the wise: avoid the Sonic Youth SYR series (or basically any of their 'avant-garde' garbage). Worst shit I've ever heard.

I don't really dabble much in experimental music, to be honest. When Black Metal touches avant garde, I'm usually listening, but otherwise, I'm just really slow on the uptake. I looove drone though. Anyone own a buddha machine? So fun.

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eh, i'm not a huge syr (or post sister sy) fan but the first syr wasn't so bad, along with the washing machine era stuff (40+ min diamond sea et al). i mean you're always going to be better off listening to the stuff that they're paying tribute to but for record collection rock it's better than most.

but yeah drone deserves its own thread. peter panhuysen, ellen fullman, niblock, organum, solilquoy for lilith, lamonte, i could go on all day. big up the droneon massive!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  readytoignite said:
yeah on maryanne amacher - cd on tzadik actually makes it feel like sound is coming out of your ears

The headrhythms are a mindfuck. I saw her do a live thing once. 16 channel speaker system, people allowed to move around the whole time. She still got that phenomenon to happen. Rocked my month.

Similarly, there's this clarinet player Kai Fagachinski. I saw him play a couple sets a few years ago in a festival and somehow he produced sounds that got my eardrums bouncing in exactly the same way as that Amacher track. Totally surreal coming from an acoustic instrument. Doesn't have the effect on record though unfortunately.

my vote for young talented guy is julien ottavi, a wizard on the laptop - the modern day xenakis
Ottavi rocks. Well, he is when he's in noise/rock-god, pose-with-a-laptop-like-an-electric-guitar, karate-chop-the-keyboard-and-mak-your-ears-squeal, french-dude-doesn't-give-a-fuck mode. But he's been doing too much dark ambient lately for my taste.

I wouldn't have called him the modern day xenakis though anyway. That title is reserved for Florian Hecker.

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