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Wings & Horns Fall 2006


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i was at american rag in l.a. yesterday and i saw the entire collection.

i saw that hoodie posted above in both black and in a redish/orangish color and they weren't very appealing, especially at that price.

then i saw some other coat type thing with horns as buttons, looked cool when it was folded but i tried it on and it didn't look so good.. it was in the $350 range.

at the time, i didn't know what "W+H" was, i looked at the tag and was confused, but now i know its wings & horns.

so for anyone wanting some, either go to the l.a. store or if you are not in close proximity, i can pick stuff up for you, the entire collection dropped yesterday, the day i was there.

and to clarify whether or not this is a rumor: i was there and am not lying.

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so can someone tell me what is so unbelievably nice about these hoodies?

they look like regular hoodies but heavier and thicker.

now i've seen regular clothing look amazing when its worn with other things, it can work really well..

what are the w+h hoodies supposed to be worn with that will make them look all that much better?

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  malsponge said:
Ok, so there are pictures of the W+H hoodies floating around, but does anyone have any pics of the Wings & Horns line of hoodies? Cause they are sort of different right? Correct me if I am wrong.

I'll probably buy one on Saturday, so :)

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I'll no doubt get slaughtered for saying this, but what is the fascination with what is essentially, just yet another lifestyle brand...?

these labels come along every once in a while & everyone wants in on the act. Right now you guys will say, hey, it's exclusive stuff, hard to get hold of...

it's a marketing ploy, 2/3 seasons down the line this stuff will be saturating the market & selling by the truck load. Eventually people will become bored & by that time there will be another player entering the equation, offering a product slightly more appealing (or so it seems).

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To me, it's about the quality and fit, as cliche as that sounds...and it's not even that expensive...

I'd rather buy a handful of these pieces that will last me 5-10 years, rather than buying new pieces to replace them each season. My spruce hoodies from last season look and feel GREAT still and I can't wait to break them back out for this season, in addition to the new ones dropping...

And obviously, if a new player comes in and bring something that's also great fitting, good quality and innovative, don't you think it's logical for people to jump on it and buy it?

And just because people are amped about it on a message board, doesn't mean the masses are following...

There is no reason to hate on good clothing, hate on hype and trends and fads is fine, but there is none of that attached to this company IMO, it's just straight up great quality and great fitting clothing. You get what you pay for, most of the time.

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Life's a Marketing Ploy, didn't you know? Heh.

I'd personally be glad if we ever managed to saturate the market; however, I don't think something like that will ever come to pass. But eh, who knows, right? Our company philosophy isn't such that we want to be the next GAP or American Eagle.

Down the line, brands will come that supercede other brands, but this comes to pass because there are different groups of people who have ideas and aspirations that are more relevant to the moment. It's not that there's a mothership of conspirators who are trying to manipulate the public to buy whatever's regurgitated.

You have to remember that ultimately it's you, the consumer, who makes the brand what it is.

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  Kane said:
Life's a Marketing Ploy, didn't you know? Heh.

I'd personally be glad if we ever managed to saturate the market; however, I don't think something like that will ever come to pass. But eh, who knows, right? Our company philosophy isn't such that we want to be the next GAP or American Eagle.

Down the line, brands will come that supercede other brands, but this comes to pass because there are different groups of people who have ideas and aspirations that are more relevant to the moment. It's not that there's a mothership of conspirators who are trying to manipulate the public to buy whatever's regurgitated.

You have to remember that ultimately it's you, the consumer, who makes the brand what it is.

i'm not implying W&H have asspirations to become a highstreet global player like diesel...

what am saying is, is the fact that this line has now become yet another Evisu or Fake London Genius, or is becoming another line of that ilk.

& the fact you're coming out & suggesting you'd be glad to saturate the market? do you think that's what your current consumer wants?

If you had come out & said the complete opposite, you may have been on the right track, but the fact you guys are hell bent on a smash & grab, i.e. where you get in, get your moneys worth over 4/5 seasons & get back out...suggests that this brand will follow like many of its predacessors & end up on the scrap heap...(with the owners no doubt walking off elsewhere to start another line & do the exact same)

it's a tireless cycle in the lifestyle sector, why people can't just market their line in an effective mannor in the first situation is beyond me..

joe griffin has it down to a tee at Griffin, take a leaf from his book...

his design team produces some incredible collections, you never see it all over the rails at stores & they must be entering their 5/6th year now..

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it's fashion. of course another brand is going to come up, otherwise why the hell would you be interested in fashion if the same old shit was being done with no improvement or progression (or even regression).

i don't think w&h or spruce/w+h is "exclusive" or hard to get if you want it. i don't think people are going to want to buy it less because kane said they'd like to saturate the market if that would be even possible- that would just up the standard of the hoodie which would be fine by me because then some other people would come and make an even doper hoodie. and i don't see where you're getting this "smash & grab" thing from kane's post. he's not saying that, but he can speak for himself.

i don't really see where you're going with griffin. so a lifestyle brand has to keep itself unavailable for 5 or 6 years to be a good label? and what IS griffin doing. i saw maybe 5 pieces shopping all over asia. and they all sat on the rack in hong kong deeply discounted with no one buying it.

and by the way, spruce/w&h/w+h is all over japan since it's available in almost every united arrows store. so i guess they already "sold out". but no i'm not trying to slaughter you, i just don't understand what you're getting at and where you're getting these ideas.

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  jhaime said:

& the fact you're coming out & suggesting you'd be glad to saturate the market? do you think that's what your current consumer wants?

If you had come out & said the complete opposite, you may have been on the right track, but the fact you guys are hell bent on a smash & grab, i.e. where you get in, get your moneys worth over 4/5 seasons & get back out...suggests that this brand will follow like many of its predacessors & end up on the scrap heap...(with the owners no doubt walking off elsewhere to start another line & do the exact same)

it's a tireless cycle in the lifestyle sector, why people can't just market their line in an effective mannor in the first situation is beyond me..

joe griffin has it down to a tee at Griffin, take a leaf from his book...

his design team produces some incredible collections, you never see it all over the rails at stores & they must be entering their 5/6th year now..

Whoa. You're sending and receiving all sorts of mixed messages here.

For one, never forget that in an economy, no entity exists for solely altruistic purposes. We're all here to make a living, and some of us are fortunate enough to be pursuing means for which we have passion. Some people would like to imagine that all of this is Art, and wallowing about it in the glory of it all is reward enough, but these same people are probably fortunate enough not to have to worry about working for a living.

Our customer wants exceptional product, and that is what we strive to deliver, and as with all things, there is a cost. We're not talking Swarovski bling here. What we bring to the table is custom researched and designed fabric, well thought-out forms and cuts, and meticulous care and follow-through.

I also don't understand why you're complaining that companies aren't properly marketing themselves ... then praise and point out a company that I'll never see "all over the rails". Uhm. What does that mean anyhow?

Finally, FYI our company's been making sweats for about 9 years now, though we've only approached the market with our own lines for less than half of that.

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