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Valentine's Day Gifts


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its never too early to come up with an idea for valentines day, your girl/guy will always appreciate an effort, so, what are you sufu players planning, and if you havnt, maybe youll find an idea in here.

Im pretty set on sending flowers to her residence with a simple tag that always makes her smile, and painting a photo with a note (light, long exposure, yeah) for her.

She likes simple, so simple it shall be, oh and dinner or something of course.

Man Law insists we assist each other, band together brothers!

Share your plans, ideas, ask for help:

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  GreenFrog said:
typical petty attempt at establishing a 'famous' thread with numerous replies.

Said the man with 44 posts and some neg rep, i mean, im not exactly established, but from where standing you should probably just go with it.

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i figure someone ought to take this thread a little seriously, my plan is to go into nyc with my girlfriend and get dinner somewhere, no idea where though yet, wanna do something nice but don't wanna push 200 for the meal alone, then some flowers, and who knows what else, thats the plan for now though, it'll be our second valentines day together so i'm pretty happy.

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  jeepster said:
no woman anymore, so its not an issue.

Same. But be watchful for those bitches who you've dated in the past who are still bitches and thus are still single too. They like to come back into your life in time for v day just to have someone to make them feel adequate and get them shit. I think my ex is trying to do that to me right now but I'm not falling for it

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Valentines is a great opportunity for people who like to indulge in excess food and expensive wine. You basically get to treat yourself and look great for doing so.

As far as flowers go, as a lady friend once told me " Yeah, its a nice gesture, but hey, you can't drink flowers"

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  Androo630 said:

stupid hallmark days...

We really shouldn't participate in man-trap holidays promoted by corporations with advertising campaigns designed to make us feel insecure.



  Tabris said:
No woman at the moment.

Good and bad at the same time.

Same here, man. Don't worry, though. I'm using the money I normally wouldn't have this time of year on a custom shirt. You should too ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

l3ootleg chocolate yummmmmmmmmm

that or if you have an artistic talent you can make something for her and send it day of so all her coworkers can see and go AWWWWW

midnight picnic after work if u really don't wanna skip work is romantic too

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