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Boston Shopping (Esp. For denim)


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I'm gonna be in Boston this weekend and really need to get a new pair of nice jeans. I'm interested in either APCs or Levi's, but any shop suggestions would be helpful. I would also like to get a new jacket either a black varsity styled or a black M-65.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreicate that. Right now the only shop on my list to hit up is Bodega, don't even know if I'll find anything I like there but it seems like an interesting store.

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I'm gonna be in Boston this weekend and really need to get a new pair of nice jeans. I'm interested in either APCs or Levi's, but any shop suggestions would be helpful. I would also like to get a new jacket either a black varsity styled or a black M-65.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreicate that. Right now the only shop on my list to hit up is Bodega, don't even know if I'll find anything I like there but it seems like an interesting store.

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Stel's on Newbury has APC, so does Barney's in the Copley shopping area. There aren't really any denim stores in Boston, just start at one end of Newbury Street and walk towards the other, that's where most of the stores are.

You can also check out The Tannery in Harvard Square in Cambridge, they carry good sneakers and denim...

hope that helps

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Stel's on Newbury has APC, so does Barney's in the Copley shopping area. There aren't really any denim stores in Boston, just start at one end of Newbury Street and walk towards the other, that's where most of the stores are.

You can also check out The Tannery in Harvard Square in Cambridge, they carry good sneakers and denim...

hope that helps

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Stel's on Newbury St. has A.P.C., Corpus, Acne, Levi's x Warhol, etc.

Riccardi on the other end of Newbury St. has Nudie, Evisu, PRPS, Red Monkey, Cheap Monday, etc.

Louis Boston on Boylston St. has Rag & Bone, Nobody, etc.

There are also G-Star, Diesel, and AG stores on Newbury St.

Barneys at Copley has A.P.C., Nudie, Acne, and Corpus too, as well as Rogan, Earnest Sewn, Dior, Marc Jacobs, Varvatos, etc.

Saks at the Prudential Mall and Nieman Marcus at Copley also have the typical denim brands that you would find at these stores (True Religion, Seven's, Citizens of Humanity, Antik, etc.) if you're into that kind of stuff.

And like ishboo said, The Tannery in Harvard Sq. have a selection similar to that of Saks and Nieman Marcus.

As for the jackets, Barneys had some M-65's to offer last time I was there by Junya Watanbe and Rogues Gallery. There are also Army surplus stores on Newbury St. and Downtown Crossing if you want legit Army M-65's. Varsity jackets... there are Dr. Romanelli jackets at Bodega and Louis Boston, although they're more like leather track jackets. Hopefully when you hit up Bodega this weekend, they'll have our stuff in stock and you can check it out.

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Stel's on Newbury St. has A.P.C., Corpus, Acne, Levi's x Warhol, etc.

Riccardi on the other end of Newbury St. has Nudie, Evisu, PRPS, Red Monkey, Cheap Monday, etc.

Louis Boston on Boylston St. has Rag & Bone, Nobody, etc.

There are also G-Star, Diesel, and AG stores on Newbury St.

Barneys at Copley has A.P.C., Nudie, Acne, and Corpus too, as well as Rogan, Earnest Sewn, Dior, Marc Jacobs, Varvatos, etc.

Saks at the Prudential Mall and Nieman Marcus at Copley also have the typical denim brands that you would find at these stores (True Religion, Seven's, Citizens of Humanity, Antik, etc.) if you're into that kind of stuff.

And like ishboo said, The Tannery in Harvard Sq. have a selection similar to that of Saks and Nieman Marcus.

As for the jackets, Barneys had some M-65's to offer last time I was there by Junya Watanbe and Rogues Gallery. There are also Army surplus stores on Newbury St. and Downtown Crossing if you want legit Army M-65's. Varsity jackets... there are Dr. Romanelli jackets at Bodega and Louis Boston, although they're more like leather track jackets. Hopefully when you hit up Bodega this weekend, they'll have our stuff in stock and you can check it out.

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Thanks for the information, this is all really helpful.

I was at Newbury St the last time I was in Boston but was on a time limit so I only had the chance to go into a few stores that I wanted to check out, but I think I'll have some more free time this weekend (hopefully).

Lance P - What line are you a part of? Just curious so I know what to look out for when I'm there. And one more question, do you have any idea how the pricing on the Dr. Romanelli jackets are?

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Thanks for the information, this is all really helpful.

I was at Newbury St the last time I was in Boston but was on a time limit so I only had the chance to go into a few stores that I wanted to check out, but I think I'll have some more free time this weekend (hopefully).

Lance P - What line are you a part of? Just curious so I know what to look out for when I'm there. And one more question, do you have any idea how the pricing on the Dr. Romanelli jackets are?

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  LanceP said:
Stel's on Newbury St. has A.P.C., Corpus, Acne, Levi's x Warhol, etc.

Riccardi on the other end of Newbury St. has Nudie, Evisu, PRPS, Red Monkey, Cheap Monday, etc.

Louis Boston on Boylston St. has Rag & Bone, Nobody, etc.

There are also G-Star, Diesel, and AG stores on Newbury St.

Barneys at Copley has A.P.C., Nudie, Acne, and Corpus too, as well as Rogan, Earnest Sewn, Dior, Marc Jacobs, Varvatos, etc.

Saks at the Prudential Mall and Nieman Marcus at Copley also have the typical denim brands that you would find at these stores (True Religion, Seven's, Citizens of Humanity, Antik, etc.) if you're into that kind of stuff.

And like ishboo said, The Tannery in Harvard Sq. have a selection similar to that of Saks and Nieman Marcus.

As for the jackets, Barneys had some M-65's to offer last time I was there by Junya Watanbe and Rogues Gallery. There are also Army surplus stores on Newbury St. and Downtown Crossing if you want legit Army M-65's. Varsity jackets... there are Dr. Romanelli jackets at Bodega and Louis Boston, although they're more like leather track jackets. Hopefully when you hit up Bodega this weekend, they'll have our stuff in stock and you can check it out.

he pretty much summed it all up perfectly. I will give another shout to go to Stel's. Small selection but if you want APC you should go there and be delighted with their great customer service

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  LanceP said:
Stel's on Newbury St. has A.P.C., Corpus, Acne, Levi's x Warhol, etc.

Riccardi on the other end of Newbury St. has Nudie, Evisu, PRPS, Red Monkey, Cheap Monday, etc.

Louis Boston on Boylston St. has Rag & Bone, Nobody, etc.

There are also G-Star, Diesel, and AG stores on Newbury St.

Barneys at Copley has A.P.C., Nudie, Acne, and Corpus too, as well as Rogan, Earnest Sewn, Dior, Marc Jacobs, Varvatos, etc.

Saks at the Prudential Mall and Nieman Marcus at Copley also have the typical denim brands that you would find at these stores (True Religion, Seven's, Citizens of Humanity, Antik, etc.) if you're into that kind of stuff.

And like ishboo said, The Tannery in Harvard Sq. have a selection similar to that of Saks and Nieman Marcus.

As for the jackets, Barneys had some M-65's to offer last time I was there by Junya Watanbe and Rogues Gallery. There are also Army surplus stores on Newbury St. and Downtown Crossing if you want legit Army M-65's. Varsity jackets... there are Dr. Romanelli jackets at Bodega and Louis Boston, although they're more like leather track jackets. Hopefully when you hit up Bodega this weekend, they'll have our stuff in stock and you can check it out.

he pretty much summed it all up perfectly. I will give another shout to go to Stel's. Small selection but if you want APC you should go there and be delighted with their great customer service

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  • 2 weeks later...
  jstockton858 said:
he pretty much summed it all up perfectly. I will give another shout to go to Stel's. Small selection but if you want APC you should go there and be delighted with their great customer service

stels is the best

louis boston is best for sales because they have like 50% off sales on rag and bone and stuff

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Yesterday was my first time in Stel's, I'll definitely be venturing back. I got a pair of APC New Cures at no mark up. Wonderful.

I have to say, Bodega really doesn't have much of a selection but the concept is totally fantastic.

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  • 1 month later...

Just bought a pair of APCs at Stel's too but Riccardi's isn't open on sundays :(

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i'm going to boston next week

i'll be there for one day so i won't have much time.

i wanna get some seafood. do you guys know of any good places?

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^ re: denim stores - jean therapy on Comm avenue. I don't know what their inventory looks like now, but they said at one point they would be getting in some edwins... for APC Levis, though, go with everybody's else's recos.

Also, might eb worth checking out some of the second hand stores (found some edwins NWT and vintage APCs there pretty easily) forgot the name of the store though. It's a chain and they have a whole bunch on Newbury, if that helps

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