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You know you're addicted...


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...when you eat french fries, wipe your hands on your jeans, then refer to the tone they develop as a "french frie overdye"

...when the seats in your car are stained indigo, but you don't try to shampoo them out because they're starting to develop a nice contrast in the folds of the upholstery

...when you give new visitors to your house a tour of your denim. as a correlary to this, when after showing them all your faded hige denim, you start with the stacks of raw denim saying, "this will be my 2007 pair, this will be my 2008 pair, this will be my 2009 pair..."

...when you make fun of all your friends who are into myspace, then dork out and say to friends and co-workers, "hey...look what they're saying about my jeans on superfuture"

...when you actually choose a career that you know will get you jobs that a) will let you wear jeans everyday, and B) will involve travel to Japan

...when you poo-poo a new brand that everyone says are hot just because there's not a tiny little tuft of denim sticking up through the rivet because they didn't use real burr rivets

...when you like everything about said hot brand, so you buy a pair, take out all the rivets, buy your own 15 ligne copper burr rivets and rivet handsetting tool (from Tandy Leather) and replace them all. true story. did this twice - once to a pair of jean shop jeans, and once to apc's 'cuz I hate rivets that aren't copper and apc uses nickel rivets

...when you watch a documentary about the Shroud of Turin, realize that the micro-organisms found in human sweat that created the image on the shroud are the same micro-organisms that gradually give your unwashed jeans a yellow cast, so you start referring to your unwashed jeans as "my jesus wash." case in point: the sorahikos I posted last week.

that's it for now - I could go on for hours

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  tony_hige said:

...when you like everything about said hot brand, so you buy a pair, take out all the rivets, buy your own 15 ligne copper burr rivets and rivet handsetting tool (from Tandy Leather) and replace them all. true story. did this twice - once to a pair of jean shop jeans, and once to apc's 'cuz I hate rivets that aren't copper and apc uses nickel rivets

you win. hehe

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  john11f said:
....when you wear 17oz denim in a tropical country. (although i try to avoid open areas and stay in airconditioned places. but still!!!!

whne you take a water caribou ride with your 17 ounce denim to get authentic caribou fade marks.


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so you're hanging out in front of dean & deluca, waiting for someone and you're checking out other people's jeans (sign 1). then you notice these two guys walking by and one of them is wearing some serious slubby jeans and it's a pair of pbjs (sign 2). you look up and you kind of notice him from sf (sign 3).

they both go inside dean & deluca and after few minutes the guy without the pbjs come out first. so you go up to the guy and ask, "this is a strange question, but is your friend xxxx?" (sign 4) he confirms your suspicion, so when the guy with the pbjs come outside, you go up to him and introduce yourself, "hello, i am chicken." (sign 5)

then you proceed to check each other's jeans out in the public (sign 6) and share some random denim and shoe information (sign 7).

it was good running into you, miz.

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  Chicken said:
so you're hanging out in front of dean & deluca, waiting for someone and you're checking out other people's jeans (sign 1). then you notice these two guys walking by and one of them is wearing some serious slubby jeans and it's a pair of pbjs (sign 2). you look up and you kind of notice him from sf (sign 3).

they both go inside dean & deluca and after few minutes the guy without the pbjs come out first. so you go up to the guy and ask, "this is a strange question, but is your friend xxxx?" (sign 4) he confirms your suspicion, so when the guy with the pbjs come outside, you go up to him and introduce yourself, "hello, i am chicken." (sign 5)

then you proceed to check each other's jeans out in the public (sign 6) and share some random denim and shoe information (sign 7).

it was good running into you, miz.

it was good seeing you too, man! we never met, but i feel like we're old friends. :)

nice, 003s! it's crazy that people can recognize each other here mostly by their jeans. i could probably pick out some other people here by their evolution pics.

that was the first time i ran into someone from superfuture outside of blue in green. my friend was very bewildered. he has no idea how deep it really goes.

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  mizanation said:
it was good seeing you too, man! we never met, but i feel like we're old friends. :)

nice, 003s! it's crazy that people can recognize each other here mostly by their jeans. i could probably pick out some other people here by their evolution pics.

that was the first time i ran into someone from superfuture outside of blue in green. my friend was very bewildered. he has no idea how deep it really goes.

yeah man its like a secret society,similar to Opus Dei. :cool:

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I'm not sure what level of addiction this is, but i had a crazy dream last night

i went to a show. and it was the silversun pickups i think, i wasn't paying attention, (i've never even heard that band!) and there were dudes from my work, and it ended up being that band Drop Dead (who i have also never heard, but are a crust band correct?) and i was excited because the guitarist was wearing these:


i was excited because it meant we could feature them in the magazine

ugh, dreaming about denim i dont even like.

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wow i love this thread........

.....when you rip an 8 nch hole in your 6 month old apc rescues....just like you did your nudies...skateboarding, but somehow you tell yourself that its gonna be okay cause you can fix that fucking gaping hole in your crotch and besides skating in jeans gives you some really great wear......

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i make myself giggle:

--- when you walk through a corridor and down a set of stairs carrying a ladder in your right hand, and when you're "there" you think "shit, i cant have this wear only on my right side" and walk back with the ladder and down again, ladder in left hand.

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When you get plastered and get in a fight with your friend about how Seven jeans are really not the definition of quality denim and you end up trying to explain raw denim and prove the process by dragging your ass all over the sidewalk to get a quick increase in wallet fade to show her. Followed by finding your jeans in the morning and trying to justify that irresponsible behavior as being much more honorable than being a sandpaper sell-out cuz it came from the sidewalk...totally street.

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  typicalfashion said:
I'm not sure what level of addiction this is, but i had a crazy dream last night

Me too. I think it was from reading that "how to beat the shit out of my jeans" thread before going to bed. I posted in that thread. Here's what I wrote:

  countchocula8 said:
I just dreamt about this for no apparent reason. Anyways, in my dream I came up of a solution for you:

Throw your jeans into an old box. Add some soil to the box.

Here is where it got weird (assuming the previous part is perfectly normal)...Then throw in some SEEDS into the box. Afterwards close the box and tie the box to your car with rope. Now drive around in your car dragging the box behind you. This mixes up the soil, jeans, and seeds. Then wait until the seeds grow.

I dunno how what to make of it, but I swear I just had this exact dream. It is probably a sign that you will get crazy fade so you should definitely try it out.

I think I need to stop reading SF before going to bed.

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  countchocula8 said:
Me too. I think it was from reading that "how to beat the shit out of my jeans" thread before going to bed. I posted in that thread. Here's what I wrote:

Oh my god, what have I done.

You know, I followed that link to the luisaviaroma or whatever site, just to take a peek, and like always, even the stuff that's 70% is still a good $700-$1000 out of my price range. Take that how you will.

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I dont know if this falls under this catagory, probably does. Well, I got my dad some LVCs, and I am going insane that he hasnt worn them yet. Especially after the hard wear he has left on some of his other pairs, I want to see what he can do with these.

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This thread is amazing! Seriously so much truth haha.

- When you talk about your "friends" denim, and you are too embarrased to admit that by saying "friend" you actually mean a person that you have never really met that posts on an internet forum about fashion .....

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  derdankhund said:
when you disclaim your bloated denim collection by telling most people you plan to sell a lot of the jeans (which I did at one point, but can never seem to get around to)
ive been saying this....but I was just going to give them away.

People actually buy used Lucky and 7 jeans?

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