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getting a little drunk by myself before i go meet some buds up to listen to groovearmada...

confession: i think this ghost is haunting me. we moved from my last house after 6 months because some weird shit was going down with everyone in my family except me. we brought in a number of different holymen, then finally this chinese priest/spiritual medium was recommended to us, i forget what they are called.. so anyways he comes in and walks around for like an hour and then sits down with us and tells us everything that has happend in the last few months just by walking around our house and like doing some rituals. this is including saying my mom saw the ghost, which she did..

so anyways im back to visit my parents and its been awhile, were in a new house.. and my sister comes to me one night and says the ghost from our old house is back because im here or some shit like that, some weird freaky shit.. so yeah ive been feeling a lot of cold areas and some other shit...

im pretty scared...

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chris, that shits insane!

you have an entity that is truly in to you!

maybe you should see a shamen to sort your chi out

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my dream just returned to me and i must share it less i forget it

my friends and i traveled to this swamp that was apocalypse now?

we went 3 times throughout the dream each a little bit different.

i found mys elf in a warehouse with lots of tubes and valves with my friend

who i had some beef with for a while, but i havent seen her in a while so

i dont have much reason to dislike her, and we moved through the pipes

and eventually found our way back to the swamp, where i saw another girl

i sort of have beef with, and we realize that the swamp is filled with snakes,

one of which starts to swim after me because i assumed it was harmless

it outswims me, but somehow i escape it, and i go to this computer terminal

and i look up the profile of the snake to find out it that it was really poisonus

and would have probs killed me. and the dream ends with my friend saying

never approach a snake smaller than the width of your thumb.

after saying this i am reminded of the dream of the night before that:

my brother and i rent this house in the mountains to use as a practice space

for our band or something along those lines. but i forget my drumset, but an old friend from middle school arrives and lets me use his which is half electronic have normal, and all the drums are out of place and the hi hat was n the middle? and my friend who moved to california that i miss very dearly arrived in the house, because she said she needed to simplify her life a bit and everything is getting way to crazy in california (almost her same words in real life, after a bunch of her friends got deep into bad things), and so she stayed iwth us and then i leave the mountain house to go to the movies where they are playing a stanely kurbick film. but the theatre was not like a normal theatre, the seats lined the walls and only the walls, and there was a stage. portions of the movie were acted out on the stage while other parts where projected on a screen behind the actors, and both elements were used simultaneously. the film ended with the protagonist, a little girl, crying blood onstage. while on the screen behind her she is riding on the back of this beautiful white horse through this field and the wheat of the field lights aflame as they pass through it leaving this trail of fire. the film ends and i discuss how it related to 2001 with this elderly guy in the theatre and i awake with the memory of the ending of the movie in my head.

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jezebel: yeah wack shittttttt

corbin: woahhhhhhhh those are some intense dreams man.. damn.. wish i could remember mine that well.. maybe i should make a dream logbook :o

thats the secret mang. i have a little journal by my bed that i write in as soon as i wake up. after doing that for a while i have a much better memory for dreams.

bichhh whurrrss dat post here if your drunk thread

cause im too drunk to go find it.

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thats the secret mang. i have a little journal by my bed that i write in as soon as i wake up. after doing that for a while i have a much better memory for dreams.

bichhh whurrrss dat post here if your drunk thread

cause im too drunk to go find it.

I tried that one time since I could never remember my dreams.

Still don't remember anything, most I was ever able to get down was "at one point, looking out from underneath couch at someones feet." I tried for like a month, but nothing.

I usually just assume that whatever mood I wake up in was about how my dream went, so I took to writing down how I felt when I woke up.

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i just got home from older chicks party. it was a really fun time. i hung out with her a lot, she got pretty wasted, but sobered up fast and we went to a diner and had milk shakes. unfortunately, douche co-workers were hitting on her which was lame, but i could tell she wasn't very happy about it. so anyways, i helped her clean up, we talked a long time, all that good stuff. i hope she digs me, cause i've got a real thing for this chick. we're gonna get dinner this week, and hopefully a few dates will follow that.

i smell like rum and beer. it was a good night.

pictures will follow eventually. shes gotta put them on facebook.

maybe i can use it as a waywt??? first one? whatttt?

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i just got home from older chicks party. it was a really fun time. i hung out with her a lot, she got pretty wasted, but sobered up fast and we went to a diner and had milk shakes. unfortunately, douche co-workers were hitting on her which was lame, but i could tell she wasn't very happy about it. so anyways, i helped her clean up, we talked a long time, all that good stuff. i hope she digs me, cause i've got a real thing for this chick. we're gonna get dinner this week, and hopefully a few dates will follow that.

i smell like rum and beer. it was a good night.

pictures will follow eventually. shes gotta put them on facebook.

maybe i can use it as a waywt??? first one? whatttt?

Stick your penis in her already.

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I confess i've been seriously looking forward to hear the outcome of jee[sss[pepes party-date-rendezvous with the older woman.
I am rooting for you, motherfucker.
Stick your penis in her already.

awww thanks for the love sufu. makes me feel all warm and somewhat groggy still.

i hate rum. i still smell like it. the bottle of rum i brought was seriously like.. 25 years old. it was from my grandpa's liquor cabinet out at his old house in long island. the house was definately built in 1972, and the liquor was definately stocked around then.

i confess that im sore and im gonna need a nap, but i dont wanna do all this college work. ill call older chick and see if she wants to hang out.

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you'd feel warmer when you're in her...

you know it.

but me, im a gentleman, and i always take it slow, unless she speeds up. then i gotta go toe-to-toe.

but im playing this safe right now, cause if nothing happens, i wanna keep my options open for when and if i get into school near her. cause im gonna be all over that for sure. which im trying to be now. but you know. OLDER CHICKS. and what not.

i like how this captivates keagan. he seems so non-challant in his interests on sufu. mostly complaining about RHCP stealing more riffs than the rolling stones did, and .gif's

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sounds good jeep but summer is coming a close and time is of the essence.

i know i need to act ballsily yet smart if i am going to continue anything with older chick

shes leaving in 18 days and just suffered some huge emotional trauma.

shit dream just came back to me. it was a long one and ill spare you the begining, but it involved abusive teachers, nuclear weapons, and kicking people off of balconys and a prison escape. but at the end of my prison escape older girl was there and im pretty sure we talked about visvim?

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you know it.

but me, im a gentleman, and i always take it slow, unless she speeds up. then i gotta go toe-to-toe.

but im playing this safe right now, cause if nothing happens, i wanna keep my options open for when and if i get into school near her. cause im gonna be all over that for sure. which im trying to be now. but you know. OLDER CHICKS. and what not.

i used to date an older girl... i was in high school and she was in college. i was a senior and she was second year, so 2 years older. once i got in her, i couldn't stop and kept going for it. guilty i felt when i realized it was the sex that kept me going and going. she was my prom date, too, but that isn't how it started. it was weeks before and she was at my house. we were alone and things got exciting. when i got in, my mom and brothers came home. scary as hell, but found an excuse and said she was cleaning my room. hella bullshit, but i think my mom saw through it anyway.

it's interesting how long the relationship lasted without being an "official" relationship. there was always the good and the bad, more of the bad, but when there was good, it was pretty damn good. she was still on her ex who's in the army and they'd always talk on the phone, which really bothered me and i'd freak out about it. not my fault, right? i used to go to ucdavis, but this god damn relationship thing kept bothering me. i know i shouldn't blame it on the relationship for my being dismissed from the university, but it helps.

when we broke up, it was the a a month or two after i ended up going to heald. i just walked away without saying a word. she writes me a letter weeks later saying that she'd change, confessing that she loved me. i didn't respond. she got the message.

pretty lame, 'cause i still think about her.

we had so many fights, it's funny. and usually always over her stupid ex.

i should've broke things off earlier.

fuck her ex.

don't date anyone who still has feelings for their ex.

he drunk messaged me on myspace one night, too--dumbass.

never thought i'd type all this out, but here you go.

good luck with your older womens, jeepster and corbin :)

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i smoke weed,

all day everday!

that's what i do!

smoke weeeeed!

I don't give a fuuuck.

nick swardson ftw. :)

anyways, confession time:

I want to fuck my gf's 2 best friends.

Like, real bad... One of them I've even had a somewhat of a 'crush' on since I started dating my girlfriend just over 2 yrs ago...I don't know what the I can do about it. Advice?

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I want to fuck my gf's 2 best friends.

Like, real bad... One of them I've even had a somewhat of a 'crush' on since I started dating my girlfriend just over 2 yrs ago...I don't know what the I can do about it. Advice?

dont. cause you'll end up getting fucked yourself. not in the sexual sense. if you fuck either of the friends, its gonna come back and destroy you. if you ARE gonna fuck any of them. break up with the girlfriend amicably - then wait like a little while and go for the other ones.

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