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i can spread my toes out like 2 inches apart. and can curl my feet into fists. my brother can do it too, but we're the only ones in our family that can. also can touch my nose with my tongue, but most of my mom's side can do it. the toes spread ridiculously far and the feet fists is apparently an anomaly.

not impressed. horse hoof's. now thats impressive.

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I'm in a group of 6 people for this project, and I can't trust other people's quality of work so I did the proposal all by myself.

Then in my head I think about how useless they are because they're not doing any work :confused: :confused::confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

haha I will tell them to do shit next time.

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I've been trying to live with a 'whatever happens happens' concept the last couple of years. I don't believe in shoulda, woulda, coulda concepts anymore.

It is one way to live a more decisive life.

Dwelling on what could be or could've been is corny, though it is comforting at times.

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terrible at memorizing, and teachers don't like me because its hard to pay attention in class except in history. i can figure shit out easily (i.e. stoichiometry) but vocab and identification is impossible. 24/50 on last vocab quiz, had to try and remember 50 words and definitions which is 40 too many. gave up French cause im dropping next year if i don't switch out to public school. My alg2/trig teacher is a weirder version of Robin Williams in dead poets society and this girl in the class takes up half the classes time being retarded and asking dumb questions without trying to listen to the answer, and keeps saying "i don't get it." she was in my geometry class last year too and the teacher got so pissed he started screaming at her and kicked her out of class, throwing her bags and books out of the door. and he was the head of the math department too, supposedly a pretty good teacher.

history seems like the only subject i can actually do well in, i've had amazing teachers for it since 6th grade.

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