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Living with girls again has made me realize how much I can't stand living with bitches.

Now mickeys other sister is getting on my last fucking nerve. If she ever wants to find a guy, she isn't gna keep him when she has bitch tattooed across her forehead every other day. Get over yourself, asshole.

finding the ideal girl roomate is really rare

I used to live with 2 guys now one left and a girl is coming to live with us. I hope she is normal or i will have to tase that bitch

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this is why growing up most of my friends were guys instead of girls. can't stand hanging out with bitches much less living with em'..

same here...i always was closer with guys. im the only girl in my family with 3 brothers & even most of my childhood i was making my mom cut my hair rly short. :o

finding the ideal girl roomate is really rare

I used to live with 2 guys now one left and a girl is coming to live with us. I hope she is normal or i will have to tase that bitch

if i had to choose, i wouldnt live with a girl. even my bestest friends. maybe im the asshole, or maybe im egotistical but i find that other girls get annoyed with my laid back attitude. i just dont understand being in a bad mood 24/7. i would kill self.

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and i confess that even tho it is by far not shakiras best, i love "she wolf".

i find myself 'awoooo-ing' randomly.

The video was so bad it was good, yaknow? It looked like they made it on a $45 budget....

the song is catchy though if you can sort of tune out the horrendoust lyrics and her wonky voice.

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im at this point where i just wanna fuck everything that moves, but it's also the first time in a while that i've felt so strongly about one particular lady. basically, i'm getting to the point where i think about her day and night which really is just a gateway to falling in love and then being in love. i'm not at all conflicted.

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I haven't wanted a woman for the longest while until I met this artist.

The first day I knew her, the chemistry was there, at the night's end, she was drunk, and her lips were fine. Her words were in tune with mine. When I left her, I pointed at the other people. I said the conversation was that way. And I am gone. Blew her a kiss goodbye.

The second day I met her, there was no electricity, but still she wanted me around. And I followed. She would travel by bike, I would meet her by subway. She told me she had a boyfriend, I bowed out and was happy for her.

On the third day, I was her art. I was not going to take her money on the first, but by the third day it was right. My feeling was gone. I was her art twice, for the street, for the party. I left. She called me and told me to come to another party. She greeted me on the street. She smiled, hugged, and kissed on me. Upstairs the generous host of the party left me full for the month. The artist left with her boyfriend without a word.

And through this, I befriended her friend, trusted her, and the last time I saw her, she kissed me, but lady, you're married.

This week was weird.

edit: But really, just another one past. Here's to what the days will bring.

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im at this point where i just wanna fuck everything that moves, but it's also the first time in a while that i've felt so strongly about one particular lady. basically, i'm getting to the point where i think about her day and night which really is just a gateway to falling in love and then being in love. i'm not at all conflicted.

lol u find any more of those feminist girls with hairy armpits???

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i'm addicted to auntie anne's cinnamon pretzel stixs..third day in a row I got it :x I was going to wait until after I got off of work but then I was craving it bad so I called and asked my coworker if she could pick it up for me before she came in..she had to wait for it for some reason so she was a bit late..worst part is that she didn't even let me pay her back for it!!

but it was soooo good warm and soft straight from oven :D

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I used to be all about quality story telling. I've dropped off in the last year, though. The stories are still there, but my attitude is definitely not.

That post was a bit motivational for me.

The statement is kind of a joke on my part. If you can catch it.

My mentor told me that, and it makes sense. Basically, you don't need to flourish a story that has weight on its own. But if you don't have that weight, flex your fingers and that wonderful lyrical mind of yours.

And you have to write what you know, but what's to know if you don't go out there and learn?

So I have so many stories, and making new ones... and... get the joke....


I don't like to write my own stories though, they're all just a mass in my head and things just come out it, birthed from other stories. Like a dream. Familiarity in something fleeting.

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I am guilty for the death of an old man in my childhood:

there was this playground a few streets away,being kids we made a joke out of annoying this old man by throwing stones and other things at his window,if we had luck he used to get out and trying to ran after us,trying to catch us.one day my friend and me being the only kids on the playground,trying to get the old man out by throwing stones again.no reaction,so we shouted nasty abuses and threw bigger stones at his window until it shmashed.we were terrified and ran back into our street,telling the other kids about our "adventure".all of sudden the old man appeared in front of us.his face was dark red,he tried to say something ,holding both hands on his chest and collapsed.somebody called an ambulance,but he was dead already,dying of a heartattack.fuck,iam still feeling guilty about this.i was 9 years old.

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I am guilty for the death of an old man in my childhood:

there was this playground a few streets away,being kids we made a joke out of annoying this old man by throwing stones and other things at his window,if we had luck he used to get out and trying to ran after us,trying to catch us.one day my friend and me being the only kids on the playground,trying to get the old man out by throwing stones again.no reaction,so we shouted nasty abuses and threw bigger stones at his window until it shmashed.we were terrified and ran back into our street,telling the other kids about our "adventure".all of sudden the old man appeared in front of us.his face was dark red,he tried to say something ,holding both hands on his chest and collapsed.somebody called an ambulance,but he was dead already,dying of a heartattack.fuck,iam still feeling guilty about this.i was 9 years old.

He was an old man, having heart attacks come with the territory. You aren't responsible for his lifestyle or personal health so get over it. You were nine years old. You shouldn't continue to dwell on this/ beat yourself up over this. Almost all kids universally do something shitty.

E: In addition you have two beautiful kids now, one of the best things you could do is teach them good manners and respect so that they're less likely to make a similar mistake.

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