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totally forgot about doing this shit until now. but when school was out and everyone but me got yearbooks, they would ask me to sign it. so what i would do is write the most stupid stuff or draw the stupidiest shit. the guy with two penisi? i did on my friends. I wrote penis cover half the page on some chicks, she got hella mad. i put "the best time i remember with you is when you raped me" lol. really really stupid stuff. man that was fun. haha.

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i also have a crush on my hairstylist. shes pretty cute. she told me i was handsome before but i never really followed up on it since shes always busy with customers :(


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totally forgot about doing this shit until now. but when school was out and everyone but me got yearbooks, they would ask me to sign it. so what i would do is write the most stupid stuff or draw the stupidiest shit. the guy with two penisi? i did on my friends. I wrote penis cover half the page on some chicks, she got hella mad. i put "the best time i remember with you is when you raped me" lol. really really stupid stuff. man that was fun. haha.

Fuck you man. If you wrote "the best time i remember with you is when you raped me" to my yearbook, I would fucking punch you in the face.

20 years down the road when her kids wanna look at their moms senior yearbook they're going to see "the best time i remember with you is when you raped me".


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I cant sleep tonight b/c i just found out that there is a Burberry outlet store at the outlet center 30 mins from my house. Its not just a Burberry outlet store but also theres a Burberry sample store!!!! Does this mean theres a chance i can get my hands on some Christopher Bailey designs??????

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also, if a girl that is not your grandmother calls you "handsome" it means nothing. Forget about it.

you make me sad :(

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im talking to a girl that gave me the run around a couple months ago, and im being increasingly unkind.

This is fun to do.

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im the type of person that cant stop thinking about something they want until they get it, or realize that 'it' is impossible to get. being gay at the same time is horrible. there's this new guy at the starbucks in front of work, and i swear, he's broken my gaydar. he gives me gay little smiles one day, and ignores me another. i think he's straight, and then i hear the way he says "frappuccino", and then i think maybe not! i've been trying to catch him on break, but even then, i think i'd puss out, because he's so... i dont know. intimidating is definitely not the right word. it's just, well, i can usually spot a homo from far distances, or if not, be able to tell once they open their mouth, or... move their arm. i just cant tell with this fucker. i never hit on guys in sexually ambiguous settings (i mean, i weigh like, 5 pounds, and clawing at people's faces is probably my best defense -- that, and i usually dont do the approaching), so i cant even think of a way to go about it. the other day, some hollister skank in front of me tried flirting with him, but he didnt really... do anything. so im thinking he's either gay, scared of girls, or he just doesnt like rotten laguna cooch. but anyway, the fact that im even typing this is ridiculous. i mean... i dont have feelings! well, not for anyone i've come across in fresno. usually it's sex, and then i start thinking about finding a pair of rick owens combat boots... or something. well, at least my friends are happy to know that im not completely dead on the inside. but whatever! i dont know what to do. maybe ill go to the mall belligerently drunk, saying things like, "hey, wanna go fuck behind the pretzel stand?" whether he agrees, or tells me he's not into ramming man holes, i dont really care. i just want his face to get the fuck out of my head.

...i just realized how much i miss xanga, because typing this made me feel SO MUCH BETTER.

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WEll mr christopher.

It's quite a blanket statement, but most non-homophobic males (I'd imagine if he broke your gaydar and turned down a hollister whore he at least isn't a homophobe) don't freak out when hit on by a gay guy. I'd imagine if he's not gay, the answer you'd get would be a shy laugh, then something like "I'm flattered but not into guys, sorry".

In other words, go for it.

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Do it. I like bajingo but if chris hit on me, it'd probably still boost my confidence some. I doubt he'll freak out from the way you describe him, but if he does just kick him in the face with your RO boots.Then he's ugly and you don't like him anymore.

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This morning I took a shower, but before doing so I spotted a rather small red thing I once suspected was a plastic cap or some shit, which happened to piece of meat covered in blood. I tossed it in the toilet or whatever, and proceeded with my shower. Then I realized my lil' sis took a shower the night before. I had to fight off the feeling of vomiting, and light-headedness to regain my composure...

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This morning I took a shower, but before doing so I spotted a rather small red thing I once suspected was a plastic cap or some shit, which happened to piece of meat covered in blood. I tossed it in the toilet or whatever, and proceeded with my shower. Then I realized my lil' sis took a shower the night before. I had to fight off the feeling of vomiting, and light-headedness to regain my composure...

think thats bad... once i saw a tiny (1" long) fetus. my girl started her period, not even late or anything, and she calls me to the bathroom... ill stop there...

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think thats bad... once I saw a tiny (1" long) fetus. my girl started her period, not even late or anything, and she calls me to the bathroom... ill stop there...


I'm actually a bit confused. Someone break it down for me, please.

! Saw/Picked up a tiny piece of my lil' sister's period chunks out of the shower.

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