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I'm posting from the internet room at school, only reason I went to math was NB, she just texted me saying shes not going until the final, so I thought 'woo sufu time!'...which is probably not good but im ok with that.

Also, this is my favorite thread.

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My Ex Fiance makes me feel like were still together even though i have moved out and she does not wear my ring. I have no idead how or why, we rarely even talk anymore, but when we do, it feels hopeful and it fucks me up.

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  seemeugly said:
Instead of messing around with 1-10 scale for girls, my friends and I just reduced that shit to binary. You'd hit 1's, you would not hit 0's.

It's so much simpler, and, perhaps counterintuitively, it makes you a better person.

I think the scale as far as guys go basically amounts to what's written on the ladder theory website:

Would fuck sober.

Would fuck drunk and admit to it.

Would fuck drunk and not admit to it.

Under no circumstances would fuck.

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Guest Airjamie
  Egpt said:
college exams season?

Actually im just that gross during the summer. During the year too. College just makes you nasty. I scratched myself yesterday and looked under my nails and there was white shit.

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  Cotton Duck said:

I was supposed to spend the little money I have at the moment on lunch. Instead I went and spend alot more than I would've spend on lunch and bought 4 books this morning (one is a present though).

Plus I still bought lunch and didn't get cheap stuff either. I figured I was spending already...

That's the only thing that gets me really greedy!


.........................what the fuck...........................?

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i stopped smoking the herbals this week cuz the past couple of weeks have involved a couple of run ins with the police.

it feels good to not smoke...my mind isnt as clouded as it was before...and i wake up feeling good instead of feeling liek i jsut took in some second hand smoke.

on the other hand...everything has gotten pretty boring around me. i got used to getitng high jsut to pass the time...i dont even remember anything that i used to do to pass the time.

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I have lots of issues with being insecure and lack of self-esteem. I lost my right arm from a car accident when i was 2 years old- all the way to my elbow. I don't like to show my loss of limb to most of people. Due to this, my wardrobe has been limited long sleeve shirts (long time ago, I used to wear xxxl shirts but I decided that I look even worse when I dress like that). Prosthetic arms are either too heavy or uncomfortable for me. But I still get complimented for my style from time to time. But it's just too frustrating for me that I can't wear short sleeve shirts that I want to wear (without jackets, hoodies or wearing long sleeves underneath).

I realize that it's not a big of a deal, but sometimes I just wish for things like that. But I'm not completely depressed/emotional. I still live a great life with great friends to support me. Maybe I just take my appeance too seriously than I should. I even try to look for jobs without wearing those company uniforms, which is pretty pathetic. Why am I posting this, I don't know... It's just all these little things that tick me off from time to time.

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Guest Airjamie

I smashed the back window out of a parked camaro with a bottle of hurricane last night. If youve never done it, try that shit son.

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^any reason?

i am staying off myspace for a week, its noteven that i spend too much time on there, but i check that shit way too often while im on the computer.

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Guest Airjamie
  hellogoodbye said:
lol that's not cool

Neither is your gayass screenname.

I didnt mean to smash that shit, i just chucked it out our cars window and strangely enough it hit a camaro just right to smash the window out.

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  DUM said:
^any reason?

i am staying off myspace for a week, its noteven that i spend too much time on there, but i check that shit way too often while im on the computer.

let's be myspace friends when you get back on there, yeah?

i'm collecting guys like you like midwestern moms rolling into

Gamestop looking for 'pokeymans'.

EDIT: i once smashed my fist through a windshield. i was only 13 years old,

and i didn't get in trouble because there was no evidence- not a scratch on my arm or hand.

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  onemancult said:
let's be myspace friends when you get back on there, yeah?

i'm collecting guys like you like midwestern moms rolling into

Gamestop looking for 'pokeymans'.

EDIT: i once smashed my fist through a windshield. i was only 13 years old,

and i didn't get in trouble because there was no evidence- not a scratch on my arm or hand.

No fucken way

Was the windshield already broken?

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im so fucking sick of this chick standing me up over a fucking movie. she hangs out with me and i take her out to dinner and we chill a lot, but somehow, everytime i bring up the concept of going to a movie, she fucking has some other bullshit to do.

fucking women, driving me fucking mad.


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  Jack Paar said:
a few years ago on a drunken night out i stole an 8 ball from a pool hall and tossed it through a windsheild. it was pretty rad.

i think it was a toyota paseo hahah.

like the old bowling ball scene in 'dazed and confused'.

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Hrm... I've been in love with Material Boy stuff lately... I wish there were enough people here who liked them, so that it would be worthwhile to start a thread or resurrect the existing one. Sadly, going over the responses that this collection received on here, I won't even try.

Bah, sometimes I seriously hate SuFu...

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  sybaritical said:
No way. Bad Taste!

I remember renting that on VHS from my store when it was released

Never realised it was Peter Jackson ...

me too

i remember the Bad Taste poster in my local video store with the alien giving the peace sign but you were supposed to cut out the one finger so it ended up flipping you off

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